Classic Quest — Game Session — 030

Game summary for January 5, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Gordi Alebarrell (Dwarf played by Andrew Renfrow), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

With the first wave of goblins and wolves defeated, the team cast several cure light wounds spells and Gordi led the way back across the bridge.  He immediately ran face-first into a pair of dire wolves!  The wolves drove him back a bit on the bridge, but his allies came up and held the line with him.  Several were injured, but they defeated the wolves fairly quickly. 

They entered the lair and could hear growling and snarling in the distance.  Following the sound, they found several wolves tied to a tree straining their ropes trying to reach the team.  The group lined up to fire arrows at the wolves when they started snapping their tethers!  The snarling wolves were suddenly among the team with gnashing teeth and bloody paws!  The wolves badly injured the team, but the party was able to withstand the onslaught and bring down all the wolves under a hail of arrows and flurry of hammer and axe blows. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 029

Game summary for December 8, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Gordi Alebarrell (Dwarf played by Andrew Renfrow), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team advanced upon the Wolfskull lair and found a petrified log laying over a muddy river.  Gordi tied himself to a petrified tree and crossed over the bridge into the lair.  Just inside the darkness he saw dire wolves and goblins, and they saw him!  He fled back across the log pursued by spear-throwing goblins and a wolf nipping at his heels! 

The team began firing arrows and bolts at the approaching mob.  One of the wolves was slain and fell into the water.  Moments later, piranha swarmed the carcass and frothed the waters!  The goblins grabbed hold of Gordi’s rope and dragged him into the water with the carnivorous fish.  Katarina sprang into action and dived onto the bridge.  She cut Gordi free and grabbed his cloak.  The waterlogged dwarf floundered in the water, but Katarina defied the odds and heaved him out of the water and onto the log to safety! 

The goblins surged forward and drove the team back.  The party unleashed magic missiles and shield spells and a barrage of arrows, stones, and bolts.  One at a time the goblins fell under the onslaught.  Eventually, only the team remained standing. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 028

Game summary for November 10, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Gordi Alebarrell (Dwarf played by Andrew Renfrow), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team moved on from the patrol and surprised a larger group of goblins and wolves!  With the drop on the creatures, the party was able to take down a dire wolf almost immediately.  The sheer volume of goblins, however, proved a challenge.  The miniscule monsters swarmed in hurling spears and swinging axes.  The team took blow after blow, but they were able move about firing arrows, bolts, and sling stones to soften up the goblins.  The other dire wolf sank its fangs into several of the party, but it too was taken down.  The goblins surrounded some the team, but they were able to fight their way free.  After several minutes of running and fighting, the party was able to defeat the entire goblin patrol. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 027

Game summary for November 3, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team took their new map and headed south toward the Wolfskull lair.  In the evenings, the team could hear the howl of wolves in the distance, but they never encountered them directly.  Eventually, they made it into the woods.  The group made camp and nursed all their wounds.  Deeper in the woods they came across a huge petrified area.  Not only the trees and underbrush, but animals large and small.  They determined the effect had happened long ago, but the result was a cave-like effect of stone walls and paths. 

Screeching out of the darkness swarmed five giant bats!  The bats tore into the group but were unable to defeat most of their armor.  The team quickly took them down, but the noise drew the attention of a goblin patrol!  A dire wolf and five goblins arrived and quickly attacked.  The party took some serious injuries, but they were able to defeat them in fairly short order. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 026

Game summary for October 27, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Riccon Guerrier (Human Fighter played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team returned to the first mound and went into the depths.  They removed the lid from the crystal coffin and were attacked by a zombie!  The group swarmed around the undead and took it down quickly.  They claimed the jeweled mace and headed back to the tomb of the wyrds.

Inside, the wyrds attacked!  The party found their enchanted weapons harmed the undead!  The wyrds proved dangerous still, and Riccon was slain by the foul creatures.  The team kept passing the weapons around as the party members were severely injured, a tactic that proved quite effective.  Soon they defeated the wyrds and searched the tomb.  Within, they found a slain Wolfskull goblin who had a map to their lair!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 025

Game summary for September 29, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Gordi Alebarrell (Dwarf played by Andrew Renfrow), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Riccon Guerrier (Human Fighter played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team investigated the third mound and went inside.  Gordi led the way and triggered a pressure plate, trapping himself inside the tomb.  Fortunately, Katarina had a Knock spell prepared and was able to immediately rescue him.  The team then avoided the trap and went inside.  They discovered 13 skeletons and quite a bit of loot that they decided to leave on the ground.  Further in the tomb they found a chamber with three more skeletons and with a carved smirking face surrounded by sixteen figures.  Seven more freshly carved figures, the same number as the members of the party, were approaching the face.  The team decided to leave. 

They went back to the second tomb and went inside.  Within they found two undead elves holding glowing spheres!  The creatures viciously attacked the party.  The team fought back, but they discovered their attacks were completely ineffective.  The group finally fled and regrouped.  They decided they needed to collect some of the weapons in the other tombs and come back.  So, they went back and collected the armor and short sword.  Next, they planned to head to the first tomb to retrieve the mace. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 024

Game summary for September 15, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Riccon Guerrier (Human Fighter played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The group decided they must have missed the goblin lair near the lake, so they went back that direction and came across some more refugees from Segenyev.  They learned some of their kin were hauled off by Iron Ring slavers and dragged to the north.  They also indicated the slavers seemed to be looking for something but seemed frustrated and unable to locate it. 

The team headed to the source of the river thinking maybe the lair was there but realized, when they found their own tracks, they had already been there a few days prior.  Frustrated, they decided to randomly head off in a direction.  Heading north, they came across a ridge dotted with three mounds.  They watched the mounds overnight with no sign of life or movement.

The group approached the mounds and found them surrounded by circles of desolation approximately 300 yards across.  Entering one of the circles, everything went black and the pillars around the doors glowed with sickly green flame.  The team opened the doorway and entered a downward slopping tomb with painted frescos depicting priests wearing jackal masks.  At the bottom of the ramp stood another door, and beyond it was a thick crystal sarcophagus.  They could see a body inside clutching a resplendent mace.  They discussed and decided they were too scared to open it and left. 

They approached the second mound, and when they entered the desolation zone, the world shifted once again.  Hundreds of slaughtered men, orcs, and goblins lay strewn about a field of battle, and the mound door was hanging open.  They figured the dead had fallen 1 to 2 weeks prior, and the stench was overpowering.  They decided anything that could kill this many was too dangerous for them to mess with.  They looted the corpses instead of going into the mound.  They found a huge number of coins and divided them evenly among the party, with Lodi carrying a double share in honor of fallen JoJo. 

The group left the desolation field and were horrified to find the gold evaporating but the weight, like a curse, still present!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 023

Game summary for September 1, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Joseph Joestar (Human Thief played by Andrew Renfrow), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Riccon Guerrier (Human Fighter played by Peyton Harmon), and Timotei Kiraly (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

As Stellara’s echoing screams died off, an ochre jelly slid down the embankment and attacked the party!  While the party rescued a cocooned woman, Katarina, the ooze approached.  In moments JoJo was slaughtered by the ooze.  The team kept fighting and discovered their weapons had no effect.  One of them decided to hit the ooze with a torch and learned burning it had an effect.  The group quickly drew forth torches and tried to surround the jelly.  It struck again with a pseudopod and killed Timotei!  Some of the team backed off to flee, but the rest kept hitting the ooze with fire.  Eventually, Garadal killed it!

Lodi pressed on into the darkness and was attacked by the blue-eyed shroud spider.  It paralyzed him with a web squirt and skittered toward the party.  They retaliated with arrows and sling stones in a flurry of violence!  The spider bit some of the team but was unable to defeat them.  It soon lay dead at their feet.  Searching the lair, they found five more cocoons!  Within were two orcs and the missing dwarf and gnome miners!  They released the orcs and went to reunite the miners. 

The miners were so grateful they paid the gold promised and also gifted the team with an extremely valuable necklace they had discovered!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 022

Game summary for August 18, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Riccon Guerrier (Human Fighter played by Peyton Harmon), Stellara (Elf played by Casey Scruggs), and Timotei Kiraly (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team collected the bejeweled mirror frame and returned to the elves on the lake shore to collect their reward.  They then stripped all the gems from the frame and headed north toward the mine they’d heard about. 

Outside the mine they met a gnome named Vissaryon and his eight dwarven miners.  They learned the dwarves had broken into an older mine complex and a natural cave complex.  Within they encountered some orcs.  Then, the orcs stopped troubling them after they accidentally released some kind of black monstrosity from deeper in the caverns.  Vissaryon suspected it is a type of spider, and they have offered a reward if the party will kill it and even more if they will rescue any missing gnomes and dwarves. 

The team set off into the darkness and roamed around a bit.  They saw the spider’s glowing blue eyes in the darkness but were unable to catch up.  They came across a cocooned orc and learned the orcs worship the spider but it is now free due to the miners accidentally busting it free from its lair.  The orc, of the Nyy-akk tribe, agreed to leave the party alone if they left it alone.  The group went off in search of the spider in its lair.  They found a ledge leading to another tunnel they had previously overlooked.  Stellara led the way up into the chamber and was immediately killed by something! 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 021

Game summary for August 11, 2020, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Joseph Joestar (Human Thief played by Andrew Renfrow), Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Riccon Guerrier (Human Fighter played by Peyton Harmon), Stellara (Elf played by Casey Scruggs), and Timotei Kiraly (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

Surrounded by undead, the team began a pitched battle against the horde!  The team took numerous hits, but the skeletons proved fairly fragile and several went down with each moment of battle.  Soon only a heaping pile of bones remained. 

After nursing their wounds, JoJo took a torch from Timotei and descended a ladder where he found the dead body of Darados!  The elf’s body was burned and broken.  Soon the rest of the group came down as well.  The group pressed further into the darkness and triggered some poison dart traps.  Although several were hit by darts, none were poisoned. 

In another room, the group found a huge jet-black area with glossy pillars and fanged statues.  Statues that came to life!  The gargoyles attacked and cut gaping wounds into the hides of the team.  From the darkness a magic missile burst forth and slammed into one of the creatures.  The team rallied and laid into the monsters joined by a mysterious elven woman.  After the monstrosities were destroyed, they talked to her for a bit and explored the room.  The torches illuminated an enormous black glass mirror in an ornate frame.  Upon seeing it, the party charged to destroy it…