Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 106

Game summary for October 22, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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A fight broke out in the Crimson Lantern, and the team saw a man get killed in a knife fight.  The bartender, Scarred Jon, had his enforcers dump the body in the sewers while the staff spread more straw and sawdust to soak up the blood.  The team decided they really had no reason not to immediately begin their quest in search of the thieves’ guild outpost.  They went down into the Tarvin sewers and began following the map provided by Zarak.

Not far into the depths, rodents of unusual size and a monstrous carrion crawler attacked!  The crawler hit with its tentacles but failed to paralyze anyone.  The group ripped into the monster, but the rodents proved to be more dangerous than expected.  The crawler was slain by Hwrulf and his magical sword.  Meanwhile, Khesen wiped out the rodents.  They had seen a shoestring hanging from the crawler’s mouth.  They discovered it had eaten someone and recovered several magical items from its gullet. 

A few minutes later, the group came across an area of horrid sewer gas.  The stench was terrible, and worse, three grey oozes emerged from the sewage!  Khesen attacked one and found his magical gloves dissolving in the acid!  Meanwhile, the team fell ill to the awful fumes.  Helg pulled the team together and warded four of them against acid.  Claude got grabbed by one of the oozes but blasted it with shocking spark.  Unfortunately, the natural sewer gases exploded and burned the entire team.  Claude was then pinned and constricted.  With choking smoke stinging their eyes and blocking vision, the group stumbled about.  They were able to fight the nearby oozes but struggled a bit to move around and find targets.  Komorebi inspired the team and blasted magic missiles.  Helg cast bane weapon on Hekera, and the gator man and Hwrulf waded through the muck to engage!  It was short, violent, and somewhat repulsive, but the team defeated the oozes and found several gemstones in the mire.

Halloween Hootenanny XVII – Dread Roleplaying Game – Curse of the Forgotten Pharaoh

Game summary for October 19, 2024, Curse of the Forgotten Pharaoh campaign, Dread Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Alabama Johnson (Academic Scholar played by John Edmonds), Clarence DuBois (Journalist with an Occult Twist played by Casey Scruggs), Elias Vesper (Occultist played by Parker Harmon), Jimmy Harlow (Investigative Journalist played by Andrew Renfrow), Marcus Flint (Big Game Hunter played by Preston Harmon), Nigel Blackwell (Academic Scholar played by Josh Jenkins), and Samuel Bishop (Investigative Journalist played by Ted Rinehart). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

An eclectic team of scholars, investigators, and adventurers gathered on behalf of Dr. Evelyn Stark to follow an ancient map and seek out the legendary tomb of Pharaoh Ankhatep to prove if he actually ever existed.  However, their efforts were discovered by the Cult of the Black Sun, and dangerous group worshiping the dark pharaoh and seeking his resurrection. 

The group met with their contact in Cairo, Jamal, and negotiated for supplies and camels.  He told them he needed a few hours to gather the goods, and they sought out the local library to see if they could do more research on Ankhatep and the cult.  In the library, they split up to watch the doors while the scholars did research.  Marcus noticed a delivery man that looked sketchy who disappeared from the group.  He rushed to gather the team together for safety.  While he was getting them together, the delivery man attacked the scholars, but they knocked him out with a large book!  They tied him up and found him tattooed with a black sun.  They left the room and began suspecting the librarian.  They attacked him and ripped open his shirt but discovered he had no tattoo!  Screaming for help, the team realized they made a terrible mistake.  They fled the library out into the street.

The team went into the market and started looking for authentic trinkets.  They shopped around a bit and found a vendor selling items he claims were from the tomb of Ankhatep.  They bought a gold ring with an amber insect stone.  Next, they headed to a bar to kill some time and stay in public.  Alabama pretended to drink a beverage including a cobra’s venom sack.  Men began filtering into the bar, and the group realized the cult was trapping them in.  Alabama knocked one of them out, and they went running into the evening streets fleeing the pursuing cultists.

They arrived back at Jamal’s who was eager to send them on their way.  They paid him the remaining funds and headed out on their camels.  They kept only a single shuttered lantern as light and traveled across the sands.  Hours later they noticed lights behind them in pursuit.  They extinguished the lantern, setup a false camp, and hid in the darkness to observe.  Their pursuers also extinguished their lights.  About an hour later, two dozen robed men entered the camp and tore it apart looking for something.  Not finding it, they drifted off into the darkness.  The team snuck back in, gathered their things, and fled toward the tomb.

Shortly before dawn, they found the tomb half buried in sand.  Using their shovels, they dug it out and succeeded in opening the tomb with a hidden lever.  The team could see the robed men approaching from afar as the tomb began to open.  The stone slid into the darkness, and the group went within while trying to read the hieroglyphs.  They spoke of the great Ankhatep, but there was a heart-like glyph Nigel could not recognize or translate.  His best guess was it presented power or authority. 

Within they found an astounding labyrinth sprawling beneath the sands.  They cleverly marked the route they took and setup several false trails.  They found several broken alcoves marked with prayers to Anubis.  The alcoves had been broken from the inside and filled with claw marks.  Soon they began hearing the howls of jackals within the catacombs.  After a while, they came across a massive seven-foot bipedal jackal that chased them through the darkness.  Sam thought maybe cats, as guardians of the underworld, might scare them, so he meowed and hissed at the creature.  It shocked it for just a moment, giving them time to get a head start.    They stumbled upon some of the cultists, and the jackal beast tore one apart!

The group fled deeper and found a chamber with a large stone bridge spanning over an expanse of sand.  They figured out the sand came from large ducts and were how all the stones had shifted above.  Two cultists emerged behind them with weapons and called for them to halt.  A naked man came up behind them and suddenly shifted form!  He revealed himself to be a were-jackal!  He killed the cultists while the team fled. 

Ahead in the darkness they heard some cultists talking about looting a sarcophagus.  They opened one of three to reveal one of the Ankhatep’s mummified brides.  She animated and ripped the man’s head off while the others fled into the darkness.  The team lit the mummy on fire and fled while the other two sarcophagi rattled and shook from within. 

Further in the darkness they found a crossing corridor and a long trail of blood.  They learned a huge stone had rolled down and flattened a man.  They quickly moved on by.  Beyond they came into a massive chamber with four chanting cultists standing over the body of a fifth on an altar.  They had removed the man’s heart in a ritual that was raising Ankhatep from the dead!  The powerful mummy burst forth from his coffin surrounded in burning black and purple flame.  Pits of fire glowed from within his empty eye sockets.  He stretched out his hand blasting the four with unholy power.  He sucked up their life forces and began to grow stronger!  The team ran back down the hall and saw the burned mummy and another coming up the hallway.  They soaked robes in oil and started a while of fire.

They darted down the hallway from where the stone roller and come and found a flattened cultist.  Further down they found one dissolved by salt acid.  Pressure plates were the obvious cause.  They figured out the pattern and proceeded to the end of the hallway.  There was a stone door covered in heart glyphs.  Beside was a small round opening in the stone.  Marcus went back and cut out the heart of the dead cultist and shoved it into the hole.  Or at least, he tried.  Within he found a lever he could just pull.  The door slid open to reveal a partially flooded chamber and more hieroglyphs.  They depicted jars filled with organs.  Way across the deep water, they could see some kind of stone container.  Alabama swam across and found the box marked with similar glyphs.  The mummies were coming down the hallway, so the group dropped many of their supplies, Sam threw his notebook in a corner, and the group swam across.  Jimmy made the trip holding his camera above the water.

They opened the box and found canopic jars which they smashed and then set on fire with oil.  Everything burned except the heart.  They snatched it up as the half mummy emerged from the water.  In the distance they heard howling jackals.  The group found a back exit from the chamber and rushed out.  It led to the bride tomb which was still occupied!  Behind them, a large splash sounded, a were-jackal in pursuit!  The team took rope and clotheslined the bride mummy ahead of them and lashed her to a pillar. 

They continued down the hallway and found Ankhatep rushing them!  They tried to stab and destroy the heart with no effect.  Running, they came across the slaughtered cultists at the sand bridge.  They soaked the heart in the blood, and it restored and was beating in Marcus’ hand!  He took a knife and began viciously stabbing it as the mummy charged!  Right as he reached Marcus, he exploded into black soot!  The were-jackals surrounded them, shifted back into human form, and disappeared into the darkness.  The group quickly fled into the safety of the dessert sunlight!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 105

Game summary for October 15, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team decided to try their hand at solving the Ginsel ritual.  They went to the shrine of the Celestian church housing the pedestals inscribed with the ritual riddles.  They read the riddles and examined all the musical instruments representing the various celestial bodies of Greyspace.  The team spent quite some time debating amongst themselves and drinking magical coffee brewed by Hwrulf that enhanced their skill capabilities.  After quite a bit of discussion, they settled upon which instruments they believed should be used and in what order.  Once decided, they had Komorebi play each instrument, and a blast of glorious light and energy washed out from the shrine and spread across the planet!

Instantly, the team became the most famous people in all of Tarvin.  Merchants were willing to offer discounts on their wares, and the temple of Celestian told them how to redeem their reward of contingent spells. 

Hwrulf decided to seek information on Thagmore, the allegedly missing arms dealer.  He went to the local weapons guild and met with a dwarven merchant.  He brokered a deal for some weapons cargo for their next voyage, and he also learned Thagmore had tried to cheat the guild and caused a problem with their weapons shipment to the prison.  However, the guild was able to find him and recover their money.  They knew nothing further about him.

The group then went to the Crescent’s Whisper tavern to meet with Snagyndar’s contact and old fling, Ylora Shadewhisper.  She is a local smuggler and information broker.  She was able to tell them a bit more about Thagmore’s dealings with the underworld but she also didn’t know where he may be currently.  She suspects he was fed to bulettes outside of town.  She agreed to seek some information on the prison and told them where to find Zarak, a crime boss recently released from Granite Mountain Prison.

The group decided to seek out Zarak at the Crimson Lantern. On the fringe of Tarvin, the Crimson Lantern, sat in squalor.  Its dilapidated exterior, covered in peeling paint and flickering red light from crimson-glassed lanterns, bellied the hive of activity within.  Inside, the atmosphere was thick with smoke and the heavy scent of cheap perfume. Dancers of questionable talent moved languidly on dimly lit stages, while disinterested patrons huddled around sticky tables, their attentions divided between the performances and clandestine conversations. The establishment’s owner, a grizzled human known as Scarred Jon, runs the place with an iron fist, ensuring that the Lantern’s clientele—ranging from petty thieves to weary travelers seeking forgetfulness in vice—find what they seek. Booths draped with threadbare curtains offered the illusion of privacy for meetings, though the wise know secrets are best whispered amidst the din of the crowd. 

The team went up to the bar and purchased some truly awful ale.  They surveyed the room and spotted what they assumed to be Zarak.  Hwrulf grabbed two ales, walked over and plopped the mugs down and asked to hear everything he knows about the prison.  They talked for a while, and Zarak revealed he has the drawings for the prison and will trade them in exchange for the team invading a local thieves’ guild outpost, wreaking havoc, and recovering his stolen dagger.  After considering and looking to his team for agreement, he shook hands with the murderous half-orc. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 104

Game summary for October 8, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team spoke with the survivors, led by Captain Ferros Vaneer, and learned there was a convoy of ships and some captives taken from another vessel before the neogi left to “unload.”  The group knew the neogi would return to the asteroid at some point but would take a bit of time.  They discovered the asteroid held a number of valuable citrines, and they helped the surviving crew gather them up and gave them to them to help them get back on their feet.  They then loaded everyone aboard The Perry and left. 

Several days later, the adventuring party’s ship came out of spelljamming speed due to proximity to another vessel. At first, they thought they had stumbled upon the burning wreckage of a hammership. However, as the initial shock wore off, they realized they were staring at something far more unusual. It was indeed a hammership, but it gleamed with a metallic shine, and they believed it was made entirely of brass. Tall sails and fins stretched across the vessel, but instead of cloth, they were blazing sheets of flame.

Crimson-skinned giants walked the deck, each adorned with black horns, smoldering eyes, and flickering flames dancing across their bodies. The sight took the party aback. These figures reminded them of legendary creatures—genies of fire, known as the efreeti. Yet, this was not just one, but an entire ship crewed by them.

One of the genies stepped forward, sweeping his hand overhead. Above him, enormous flaming letters spelled out a message in multiple languages. He spoke, his voice booming, “Well met, travelers, and fear not. We are the Peacock’s Flame, explorers and merchants. I doubt you could withstand boarding our ship, but we can come to you. May we approach in peace and commerce?”

The group welcomed the efreet aboard and learned he is Amir Mahmout, a charismatic and enigmatic efreet who has taken to trade via spelljamming!  They talked for a while and bought some of his wares including fireheart spice, which was sought by their friend in Bral, Ozamata!  They discussed the efreet’s enterprise and realized they had just rescued a crew that could help them with shipping things between spheres (since the fiery genies could not enter the Phlogiston).  They agreed to use magic when they reached Ginsel to communicate with Ozamata and try to setup a new trade agreement.  They bid the genies goodbye and continued on.

After months of travel, the adventuring party had finally reached their destination. At times, they had wondered if they would ever make it this far. Spinning through space ahead of them was one of the most bizarre sights they had ever encountered—Ginsel, the crescent planet. It resembled a crescent moon, as if viewed from a world where a shadow partially eclipsed the satellite. However, this was no visual illusion. The planet spun like many spherical worlds, but a vast section of land was simply missing. The party was unsure whether the planet had formed this way or if some ancient catastrophe had sundered it.

The planet had visible clouds, oceans, mountains, deserts, and polar regions along the outer surface, but similar terrain could also be seen within the inner curve of the crescent. This inner area was known as the Bite. Rough, broken lands were visible along the edges of the Bite, transitioning around the planet’s curve to the outer surface—an area referred to as the Brink.

They were now flying into the kingdom of Yendoril, the largest of the human realms on Ginsel. It was home to the bustling trade port of Tarvin. Nestled along the edge of the Mountainfast Sea, the port occupied a natural harbor with landing zones for ships both on land and sea. The nations of Ginsel were fully spelljamming-aware and had long been involved in interplanetary commerce.

As the party drew closer, Sailmaster Tuk issued a warning. He explained that Ginsel had more oxygen in its atmosphere than many other planets, causing fires to burn larger and more fiercely here than they might elsewhere.

The adventuring party found themselves at the bustling docks of Tarvin, alive with the constant activity of trade and travel. Several common spelljamming vessels, including hammerships, squidships, tradesmen, and even an eel ship, filled the port. Like any spelljamming hub, Tarvin was host to a variety of races—some mundane, others more exotic. Yet, there was a clear difference from the ports of Refuge and Bral. Ginsel, predominantly populated by humans, had a much stronger human presence. The scale of the port was another contrast, with Tarvin boasting a permanent population of around 50,000 people.

Porters hurriedly moved goods from ships into nearby warehouses or directly into the crowded marketplace, where commerce thrived. Yet, the party was keenly aware that, like most ports, danger and crime were likely not far behind the frenetic pace of business. There was, however, a visible effort to maintain security. Guardsmen clad in chainmail, with bright blue and yellow tabards, patrolled the docks, armed with crossbows and finely crafted broadswords.

The dockmaster made his rounds, collecting port fees, air taxes, and trade tariffs. He was an older human, clearly experienced and well-attuned to his duties, accompanied by a scribe taking furious notes and a small detachment of the guards in their blue-and-yellow garb.

From the ground, the view was surreal. Looking up, the party could see a beautiful blue sky, but the horizon wasn’t the familiar stretch of atmosphere. Instead, it was more land! Tarvin, situated inside the Bite, had land rising “up” all around them, curving along the inner face of the planet. It felt as though they stood inside a giant oval bowl of land.

Most of the city’s buildings were made of wood and plaster, though a few stone structures were scattered throughout. The wooden buildings, many at least two stories high, dominated the landscape. The cobblestone roads around the docks were in a state of disrepair, likely due to the heavy traffic constantly passing through. The streets themselves were narrow and packed with people, making it difficult to move freely. Bright blue and yellow pennants waved from poles and spires attached to many structures, fluttering in the breeze.

The smell of the city was strong, a mix of humanity’s various odors, most of them unpleasant. The party guessed that a city of this size probably had an extensive sewer system beneath its streets. The noise, too, was overwhelming. Wagons creaked, hawkers shouted, and the constant press of people bumped and jostled each other and the party. Horses clopped on the uneven cobblestones, adding to the din of voices shouting, arguing, and bartering. Some spoke loudly to be heard over the chaos, while others whispered, trying to conceal secrets amid the noise. Snatches of intriguing information floated through the air, tempting the adventurers to listen carefully.

The group settled their taxes and port dues, sold their cargo, and realized they made a healthy profit.  They overheard many rumors, and also heard about the Crescent’s Whisper inn and made their way toward it. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 103

Game summary for October 1, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Einar Ormsson (Human Fighter / Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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About three days after leaving the Nebula Weavers halfling tribe behind, the team came across a smoldering battle-damaged eel ship named the Hither Slither.  They could detect nothing living or magical on the ship, so they cautiously boarded.  The ship had the side ripped open from catapult shot and extensive rear damage from ballista fire.  Much of the exterior of the ship was blackened from a recent blaze, but the fire had not spread to the interior.  Upon the top deck was a single stout wooden barrel covered in congealed blood.  The group discerned several people had been executed on the barrel and bodies thrown overboard.  From the bloody tracks, they could tell there were at least a dozen distinct aggressors.  The footprints were a wide range of sizes including small, perhaps halfling size, booted tracks beside wide heavy dwarven tracks.  Larger still, somewhere between the mass of an ogre and an orc, were numerous really big footprints.  They also found a whitish clump of hair or fur that they determined most closely matched that of a bear.  They searched the entire ship and even though they found a secret compartment, there was nothing of value or interest.  Even the helm had been removed.  Perplexed, the group left the wreck behind.

Approximately three days later, they emerged from spelljamming speed to witness a bizarre sight. An asteroid tumbled through space, but what made it strange was that it appeared to have an atmosphere. Humanoids and other, more bizarre creatures moved about its surface, and smoke from burning fires rose into the sky. A shipwreck blazed in the distance—a tradesman vessel had crashed into the rock and broken apart. Crates and other goods were scattered everywhere, some ablaze, others smashed to pieces. On the far side of the asteroid, a departing ship caught their attention. It was enormous, one of the largest spelljamming vessels they had ever seen. With eight long legs spread around its spider-shaped body and web-like sails stretched between them, it vanished in a flash, spelljamming to who-knows-where.

On the asteroid, the party could see perhaps two dozen humans and demi-humans huddled among several large rocky boulders. Some were injured, others bound, and many cowered in fear. Massive insectoid creatures stood among them—bulky and powerful, with enormous sharp claws, multiple eyes, and snapping mandibles that looked capable of biting a horse in two. Smaller creatures scuttled around—spiders, perhaps? They certainly had eight spidery limbs, but from the front of each emerged a long eel-like neck.

As they watched, one of the insectoid creatures burst from the soil of the asteroid in a shower of debris, leaving a large tunnel stretching behind it into the darkness. Glittering bits of crystal or gemstone flew into the air and landed all around the area.

The team very wisely decided to engage from aboard The Perry.  Khesen manned the magical ballista and fired at one of the massive creatures, an umber hulk!  The bolt flew through the air, but at the last moment swerved violently toward one of the boulders!  It blasted through one of the hostages, killing her instantly in a spray of gore as the siege weapon’s ammunition continued on its new path.  The bolt slammed into the boulder and shattered.  The metal head stuck to the rock, and the team realized the boulders were giant magnets!  Fearful of firing again, and with the screaming prisoners in a panic, they landed The Perry and leapt into the fray.

The party had to hang back just a bit due to the pull of the magnets.  The umber hulks and spider-creatures, called neogi, remained among the prisoners.  This made combatting them a bit more challenging.  The team also learned the umber hulks have a confusion gaze which sent Khesen into a melee against his own ally, Claude!  Snagy proved himself invaluable as he swooped across the battlefield astride Sting, his magically summoned wasp, and used his battle tactics to negate confusion!  He also put his trusty lance to deadly work.  Claude unleashed a magical electric onslaught, but the creatures kept coming.  Several umber hulks burrowed into the ground and emerged closer to the team as a third erupted from beneath them as well!  The umber hulks dealt horrific blows, but the team dealt many of their own.  The neogi proved especially dangerous though when one of them dominated Einar and sent him flailing into Hekera!  The two began trading blows with axes and greatswords ringing against each other.  Einar ripped Hekera’s feet out from under him, but the crocodilian man rose up and tried to beat Einar unconscious.  Truly, it was a clash of titans awesome and terrible to behold. 

Meanwhile, Claude was mauled into unconsciousness and nearly killed.  Khesen proved him powerful unarmed combat training was up to even this challenge, and was able to eventually slay two umber hulks!  Helg made excellent use of spiritual weapon and flame strike to deal lots of damage before switching to a more sustaining approach and channeling positive energy into his wounded allies.  Snagy continued flyby attacks with great effect.  The neogi both tried to enslave more of the party without success.  Finally, the dominating neogi was killed, which freed Einar from its grip.  He quickly consumed a healing potion and prepared to engage.  The group rallied behind this sudden shift in momentum, and the team won the day! 

They stood among quite a scene.  Terrified people cowered all around them looking in fright at what the team had wrought upon the monsters as well as the woman they killed with the ballista.  As the people crawled back and away, the team quickly ripped anything of value from the neogi corpses. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 102

Game summary for September 24, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Einar Ormsson (Human Fighter / Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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Stuck in the sargasso, the team got to work trying to break free.  The group started hacking at vines, guiding the ship, and trying to scout a way through.  Komorebi inspired the team with bardic performance while Einar imbibed a potion of fly to get a better vantage.  He was able to guide them around a cloud of spores, but some of the team got grappled by carnivorous plants!  They shook them off with help from their allies.  A few minutes later, the party burst free of the plants and took off further into Greyspace!

About a week later, they came upon an amazing sight.  While passing close to a dazzling and immense nebula, they came across a pod of kindori, massive space whales.  Upon the backs of several were halfling howdahs!  A flag-waiving halfling used semaphore to indicate they were merchants.  Intrigued, the team approached and met with them.  They met trader Jorun Skyweaver, a potion maker named Baela Cloudsong, and the elder shaman, Mystic Yara.  The team shrewdly negotiated for a set of stardust elixirs for each of them and also bought a cloak for Notch.  They then joined the halflings for a feast and got to know them a bit.  The party learned many rumors and useful bits of information to help them in their journey!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 101

Game summary for September 17, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Einar Ormsson (Human Fighter / Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team packed up in Bonanza and headed out into space to continue their journey toward Ginsel.  They went about two days and the party’s ship slowed out of spelljamming speed, and they saw they were surrounded by bright green, leafy plant matter. Plant material was everywhere: ahead, behind, above, and below. It also seemed to be waving or moving within the cosmic winds, temporarily opening paths and closing others. It would have been exceedingly easy to get mired in such flotsam, perhaps permanently! The ship came to a halt, unable at that moment to move freely in any direction. Navigating this hazard was going to be quite the challenge.

The ship had come to rest against a shelf of plant material solid enough to serve as a floor. The adventurers could have jumped right off the ship and walked around if they had so desired.

But that was the least of their concerns. This plantscape was inhabited! Creatures were swarming over the plant and up to the ship. Never had they seen anything like these entities. Their primary feature, an enormous body, appeared to be composed of wrinkled brain matter. These brains seemed to float in mid-air, trailing what looked like ten long rubbery tentacles. A massive beak protruded from the front of the brain, but there were no obvious ears or eyes. The creatures carried short silver rods that occasionally emitted sparks of electricity as they approached. Bizarre alien clicking and squawking emerged from the beaks. After a moment, the party realized they were talking! But what they were saying was beyond their comprehension.

The creatures, which Komorebi identified as colonial grell, moved in quickly.  They blasted the party with lightning lances and a barrage of spells such as slow and flame strike.  Helg cast spiritual weapon, and Hekera climbed out onto the sargasso and advanced on a grell.  Moving slowly, Komorebi began inspiring his allies with his bardic performance and then cast dispel magic on the spell upon him.  Notch, also slow, started drawing forth a potion of haste.  Einar unleashed a volley of arrows into a grell, and Khesen advanced upon the same one and hit it repeatedly. 

Hekera tore into a grell but found it extraordinarily tough.  Despite his martial prowess, the beating he put upon it barely slowed it down.  Khesen was paralyzed by a grell, but Komorebi used a flourish to cancel the effect.  Notch was able to drink his potion and cancel the slow effect, which brought him back into the fight.  Another grell cast spike growth to hamper Hekera, but it had little effect.  In a nasty twist, Khesen was hit by a moonstruck spell and went utterly berserk!  He ripped into Helg and nearly killed him.  Only his celestial heritage which protected him from Khesen’s magical cold and acid effects kept him alive.  The Valhallan priest strategically retreated into the hold of The Perry to heal himself. 

Hekera struck down one grell while Einar killed another with his bow.  Komorebi unleashed an ear-piercing scream and killed the last grell!  The group quickly looted the bodies and then turned their attention to the next problem.  The Perry is firmly mired in the plant! 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 100

Game summary for September 10, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Art AI Generated.

The party came upon an illuminated portion of the mine, likely once some sort of administrative or housing area. The rocks along the walls glowed with magical flames, probably continual light spells, casting flickering, moving shadows throughout the chamber. Bedrolls, cooking utensils, and other signs of a camp were scattered about. Toward the back of the chamber, a large metal-bound chest rested ominously.

A heavily armored man, wielding a greatsword, stood off to one side. They caught a glimpse of a dwarven pistolero—the same one they’d bumped into back in Bonanza! More lurked in the shadows along with a crossbow-wielding gnome.  A tall, scarred, and ugly man with a metallic lower jaw—Jeb—stood before them, gripping a morningstar in one hand and a pistol in the other. His expression was one of irritation. “You’re in my mine,” he said through his creaking jaw. Then, with a sudden shout, “Reapers, reap!” he bellowed.

Claude cast telekinetic charge and hurled Hekera through the air into the fray!  He grievously injured one of the dwarves with his sword.  The gnome unleashed a volley of screaming bolts at Hekera, and Jeb shot the gatorman with his pistol!  The sword-wielding brute priest cast prayer enhancing all his allies and negatively impacting the entire party.  Khesen and Notch brought the fight to the enemy, and Komorebi overshadowed the prayer with his bardic inspiration and warded himself with mirror image.  The dwarves starting shooting Hekera as well.  Snagy, astride his magical wasp, charged the priest and hurt him.  Helg cast a curative spell on Hekera who then stepped back and consumed a potion of enlarge person

Claude blasted Jeb with maximized shocking spark, hurting him badly.  The gnome kept firing on Hekera while Jeb tried to fight Khesen but missed him.  Khesen beat Jeb down with his martial arts.  Meanwhile, the brute priest stepped back and cast ring of blades.  Notch started dropping dwarves with his arrows and Komorebi quickly dispelled the priest’s ring of blades.  Snagy was then able to close in and hit the priest with more lance attacks.  Helg cured Hekera more while the gatorman began engaged with his enormous blade. 

Claude cast shrillfire and killed the brute priest.  Notch dropped the last of the dwarves and Komorebi cast ear-piercing shriek which defeated the gnome!

The team then looted the room and used Jeb’s key to unlock the chest.  It contained several magical weapons the team decided they could use!  They then decided to make the battlefield look like a cave-in killed all the outlaws.  They found their way to another exit, made came, and then traveled back to Bonanza. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 099

Game summary for September 3, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The group realized the chamber was about to collapse, and so they fled down a corridor as debris and dust came crashing down behind them.  They roamed a bit until the came into a natural cavern occupied by three hook horrors!  Notch had initiative and fired three arrows that plinked off chitinous plates to no effect.  Claude cast manyjaws which was moderately effective against one of the brutes.  A raging hook horror grappled Snagy while Hekera consumed a potion of enlarge person.  Another hook horror approached while Helg cast righteous wrath of the faithful and Khesen attacked one of the monstrosities.  The third provoked an attack of opportunity from Hekera and was terribly injured. 

The hook horrors tried to grapple the melee warriors and take them out of the fight while more rocks fell upon the party, but it just wasn’t to be.  Arrows, spells, and melee strikes rained down upon the insectoid hook horrors, and they were unable to withstand against the team.  The group searched the room and found booted footprints leading down another path, and so they followed. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 098

Game summary for August 27, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons (game session 1,000!).

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With Khesen and his illuminated rock leading the way, the team delved deeper into the mines where they came across a massive metal mining hulk golem!  It towered over the team with its stout metallic legs, large gripping arms for moving rock, and an enormous metal drill protruding from its chest.  A dwarven pistolero and orc blunderer stood in the shadows as well.  The team quicky discovered their weapons were very ineffective against the golem and its metal skin.  Several of the team looked over the golem and realized their magic was likewise ineffective. 

The dwarf pistolero tried to fire his pistol, but it misfired.  Notch put an arrow straight through the pistolero causing him to run off down the hallway screaming for help.  Claude electrocuted the orc blunderer with shocking spark, and Snagyndar finished him off with a spike from his spined shield.  Snagy was able to maneuver to see the fleeing dwarf and dropped him with another spike. 

The golem continued hitting any of the team it could reach.  The group decided to try and use weapon blanche to make some arrows adamantine to pierce into the golem.  It took them a bit to light a fire and get into position.  However, eventually, the got them prepared.  Notch effectively use cluster shots to punch through the golem’s defenses, and he and Khesen were able to slow it with acid damage.  Komorebi cleverly cast grease at the golem’s feet causing it to fall down!  The combination of effects hampered the golem’s ability to fight and allowed the team to amass enough damage to destroy the hulk!