I read an exciting announcement from Wizards of the Coast via a DriveThruRPG newsletter. WotC is dropping the DRM protection on their PDF products; instead, they are using Watermark protection. Woot! Now, if they will just release some newer titles as PDF, I’ll go back to buying official Dungeons & Dragons products instead of only buying Watermarked PDFs from 3rd-party publishers.
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AD&D 1st Edition AD&D 2nd Edition Age of Worms Alien All Flesh Must Be Eaten BECMI / RC Edition Bible Study Books and Magazines Carrion Crown Adventure Path Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Craft Flash Games Food Gaming H1 - Keep on the Shadowfell Harm Incorporated HeroQuest Hunter: The Vigil Letters Mutants & Masterminds Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pukana La'Aina Recipes Reign of Winter Religion Rifts Rite of Passage Ruins of Undermountain Savage! Shadowrun Small Timers Spelljammer Supporting Our Troops Television and Film Uncategorized World of Darkness
I noticed on Tuesday that WotC had released the Draconomicon as a watermarked PDF. Now, if only they would release something a bit newer I’d start buying.
Today, the classic Adventure Path module, The Speaker in Dreams was released as a watermarked PDF as well.
I saw that last night, Dungeon Masters Guide II became available.