Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 017

Game summary for July 29, 2017, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group stumbled out of Trobriand’s Graveyard but soon found themselves in some dark corner of Undermountain filled with aberrations and other horrors.  The team discovered a chamber filled with beholders as a portcullis slammed down behind them!  With few choices the team engaged and found the beholders exploded when hit!  These were gas spores!  Moments later they learned it was a mix of gas spores and zombie beholders.  The floating orbs moved in as the team unleashed blasts of area of effect spells.  The ceiling was layered with loose bricks, though, so each explosion caused rubble to fall upon the party and their enemies, causing gas spores to explode, causing more bricks to fall, and so on.  In the end, the team took more damage from the bricks than anything else.  Searching the room, they found a real treasure, a figurine of wondrous power (glass walrus)!

The party progressed through another door and found themselves in a torture room occupied by two displacer beasts!  The six-legged felines rose up and waived their tentacles in annoyance.  The group charged in and found the displacer beasts a pain to hit!  Kalil learned the hard way that the iron maiden in the room was actually an iron maiden golem!  It tried to grapple him and gobble him up, but he used dimension door to get to safety and fire off scorching ray at the displacer beasts.  Boran was the next target of the iron maiden golem’s grappling attempts, but he cast righteous might to become too large to eat!  He began pounding the thing as his team layered buffing spells upon him once they killed the displacer beasts.  Soon, it was reduced to a battered mound of metal.

The next chamber proved to be some kind of dark shrine or chapel to cosmic horrors beyond time and space.  A number of vampiric cloakers hung on the wall trying to disguise themselves, but the team noticed them.  The creatures tried to engulf all the party, but several were able to fight them off, and the team took them down with little trouble.  They did find a rare treasure, a fully charged wand of voidmote!  This obscure cleric spell promised some interesting options in a future battle.

Finally, the team entered a room that may have once been consecrated to Bhaal, god of murder.  Two owlbears and a gorgon had been held in stasis, and they surged to life as the team entered.  The owlbears proved little challenge to the team’s deadly blades, but the gorgon petrified Paddy and Kalil!  Rumbald and Boran battered the creature viciously, but it critically gored Rumbald.  Paddy and Kalil shook off the petrification, and just in time!  The gorgon breathed on them again!  However, the team was able to land several more telling blows and slay the creature.  The group was able to recover a great treasure, a +2 sharding undead-bane bastard sword!

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 016

Game summary for June 10, 2017, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team found themselves transported into Trobriand’s Graveyard within Undermountain.  They were immediately accosted by a pair of clockwork guardians.  They used large shields to viciously bash the party.  Boran took numerous hits.  Paddy cast haste to enhance his allies.  Kalil cast lightning arc to devastating effect, damaging both constructs terribly.  He followed it with a lightning bolt that proved too much for them to handle.

The group opened a door and found a pair of scaladars!  The mechanical scorpions whipped their electrified tails as they approached.  Kalil slipped in and cast fireball on both of them.  Boran wisely cast communal protection from energy (electricity) upon himself , Paddy, and Rumbald.  A scaladar charged Kalil while Boran slipped in and tried to move around.  The other scaladar blocked the door as Paddy cast good hope on everyone except Kalil whom he could not see.  Using his bastard sword, Boran destroyed one scaladar as Paddy used a bow to take down the other.  The team found a compartment in a scaladar heap containing some ancient technology.  Using Knowledge (engineering) they were able to determine the basic function of the items, four of which were explosive in nature.

Behind the next door, the group found a clockwork mage, clockwork soldier, and clockwork servant.  Eager to test their new weapons, they hurled an arc grenade through the door and slammed it shut.  The electricity damaged the creatures, and the team charged in.  The clockwork mage hurled a fireball upon the party and followed with scorching rays and magic missiles!  The clockwork servant began repairing the other clockworks.  The team surged in and began fighting the clockwork soldier.  Using its halberd, it dealt grievous injury to several of the team before being taken down along with the servant by Kalil’s lightning arc.  He tried to take down the clockwork mage with greater flaming sphere, but it proved resistant to that spell.  It could not, however, stand up to his scorching ray!

The team opened a final door and hurled all three of their arc grenades through.  They then opened the door and found three clockwork soldiers mounted on clockwork steeds, all damaged by electricity.  Kalil launched a fireball in and destroyed them all!

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 015

Game summary for March 11, 2017, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered a very tall chamber flanked on either side by massive stone statues of black armored men.  Before them was an altar with a black glowing hand hover over it.  Bound to the altar was a blonde woman bleeding slightly from a head wound.  Rumbald approached and triggered a trap!  A harpoon shot from the ceiling to impale him.  Then, the chain began to retract and drag him up into the air!  The rest of the team began to approach more cautiously as Kalil used dimension door to get behind the altar.  Paddy and Kalil began pouring healing potions down the throat of the woman, but she would not wake up.  Rumbald extracted himself from the harpoon and fell twenty feet to the ground!  The harpoon whipped back into the ceiling and reset only to be triggered again by Boran!  He was hoisted into the air, impaled by the spear.  He was able to extract himself and lay bleeding on the ground where he fell.  Rumbald had gotten to the altar and was trying to help the woman when he triggered the trap again!  It hit the altar near him but did not hit him.  Kalil and Boran began using detect magic to try and better understand what was going on.  Meanwhile, Rumbald triggered the trap yet another time and was impaled!  This time, Paddy jumped off the altar, grabbed the chain, and swung Rumbald like an agony-pendulum as he scampered up.  He jammed stuff into the mechanism and disabled the trap!  Rumbald was able to rip himself free again and lower himself down with a grappling hook and rope.  The group then discovered the woman was merely a permanent image illusion!  The had been pouring healing potions onto the altar and wasting them.  Searching, they discovered a secret compartment and claimed a mace of darkness as their own.

In the next chamber, the team found a greater earth elemental engaged in mortal combat with an umber hulk.  The titans clashed it out, and Paddy threw in a water elemental gem to summon his own elemental into the fight!  Chaos ensured, with the elemental killing the umber hulk and pulverizing the party.  It destroyed the water elemental as a second umber hulk burst through the wall!  The tunneling creatures caused instability in several rooms resulting in falling rocks.  The team finally defeated both creatures and fled down a hallway.

The group entered a feeding frenzy involving quaggoths and hook horrors and the slain body of a drake.  The beasts charged at the party.  Paddy was hooked by a horror and grappled!  The quaggoths entered blood rages and attacked Rumbald because he was a favored enemy.  Boran took a beating and had to fall back as fireball and flame snake spells worked over the creatures.  Once defeated, the group could then search a trapped chest to extract several valuables.

The party found themselves next face-to-face with a death kiss beholderkin!  The bloodthirsty monster lashed the party with biting mouths.  Fortunately, the team knew a lot about these creatures, and Boran used communal protection from energy to defend all of them against electricity.  This absorbed several blasts from its electric aura.  It settled on draining blood from Kalil and Paddy to heal its wounds, but it was insufficient.  Finally, it exploded in a blast of electricity, which was negated by Boran’s magic.  The group did recover a Netherese blast scepter from a group of slain adventurers the creature had killed.

Finally, the group entered a room swarming with spider creatures.  Two cildabrin and a drider assaulted the party!  The cildabrin used spike stones and stinging tails to separate the team and then grappled several of the party with pincers.  Meanwhile, Paddy slipped through and put pressure on the drider.  She used levitate to get out of his reach.  Much to her continued frustration, she discovered the entire team resistant to electricity by casting numerous useless lightning bolt spells.  She used web on Paddy who accidentally scorched himself when he fired a flaming arrow through it.  Rumbald and Boran found the spiked floor painful and obstructing.  Cut off from his allies and grappled by a cildabrin, Kalil found himself overwhelmed and killed.  Rumbald’s critical hit with his axe killed a cildabrin as Boran accidentally hit him with a holy smite.  After a bit, the team dropped their foes and were able to raise Kalil from the dead.

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 014

Game summary for February 4, 2017, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered a chamber and were accosted by a pair of white chimeras.  One unleashed a breath of frigid cold over the party.  Paddy got mauled by the other chimera.  Kalil dropped a fireball in the back and scorched the creatures.  Boran moved up toe-to-toe by himself as Paddy and Rumbald fought against the other.  Kalil’s fire snake killed one chimera and Rumbald’s axe dropped the other.

In the next chamber the group discovered a massive remorhaz.  Paddy ran in and found himself eaten by the monster!  Kalil hit it with a lightning bolt, and Boran hit it with a flame strike.  As Paddy fought to not be digested, Rumbald moved in and using axe and shield slew the beast!  Paddy came running out on fire!

Ducking through an archway, the team found a horrendous gug crawling up out of a yawning chthonic abyss.  The creature tore into Paddy using its rending claws, nearly killing the halfling.  Kalil unleashed spell after spell, and Boran followed up with a searing light that harmed the creature.  Rumbald sliced away with his axe, finally slaying the beast.

Finally, the team entered a chamber occupied by a pair of destrachans.  The blind aberrations unleashed blasts of sonic energy but Rumbald and Paddy were able to evade the effects.  Kalil and Boran took the brunt of the damage.  Boran moved in and drew deep wounds with his slashing blade.  Paddy was able to slip up and drop one of the beasts.  After a final sonic blast, the destrachan fell to Rumbald’s axe.  With the creatures vanquished, the party moved on to find further adventures in Undermountain.

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 013

Game summary for January 17, 2017, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The party stumbled through a portal in the Undermountain hallways and found themselves in the town of Daggerford as giants and dragons attacked!  The group engaged the hill giants quickly with Kalil throwing a fireball among them.  Two began hurling rocks and closing in while the third went out wide and ran forward hoping to use its club.  The giants battered the party a bit, but Boran dropped a flame strike strategically, slaying two of them.  Then Rumbald, slayer of giants, chopped down the third.  The team quickly nursed their wounds as a young red dragon swooped in!

The dragon unleashed a blast of searing flame; however, two of the party evaded the attack, Kalil’s fire resistance thwarted it, and Boran partially dodged.  The dragon didn’t make the same mistake, though.  It tore into Rumbald with tooth and claw, cause him to withdraw toward Boran for healing. Little halfling Paddy went toe-to-claw with the dragon!  His chilly blade, Frostburn, stung the dragon harshly as the two tussled.  Kalil discovered scorching ray was completely ineffective against the monster, but his series of lightning bolt spells harmed it greatly.  Partially healed by Boran, Rumbald charged back in and too more grievous injury.  However, the brave dwarf struck a deathblow and felled the dragon!  As the creature’s corpse began to cool, the magic of Undermountain drew the party back down into its depths.

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 012

Game summary for December 27, 2016, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team heard rumor of a magical treasure that could bring the dead back to life and it was being sought by drow and their allies.  Having just expended their magic to bring Paddy back from the grave, they knew they should restock their capabilities.  The team entered a cavern with a sandy floor and discovered a pair of trapdoor sand spiders!  Paddy was bitten and envenomed while Kalil and Rumbald swarmed in.  Scorching rays, fireballs, slashing axes, and swords soon brought down the arachnids.  Paddy bought himself some time to seek a cure with delay poison and a potion of lesser restoration.  At the bottom of one of the trapdoors, they found a body laden with some equipment they commandeered.

Next, the team found a short hallway blocked by a door with a puzzle.  They were stumped and started hitting combinations randomly causing blasts of fire to rip through the area.  However, Kalil’s fire resistance and Paddy’s evasion allowed them to escape mostly unscathed.

The group proceeded into a room and discovered a pair of driders!  One levitated into the air while the other cast mage armor.  Paddy slipped in to the side while Rumbald took the other side.  Kalil stepped up and blasted the aerial drider with a lightning bolt, but its spell resistance negated the magic.  The ground drider cast web at Paddy but failed to entangle him.  Rumbald quaffed a potion of fly and took to the air while Paddy cast hideous laughter successfully upon the airborne drider.   Brutality ensued as casters on each side of the battle hurled their nastiest spells.  Lightning bolts and fire snakes ripped through both sides.  Rumbald, hating aberrations, chopped away with his battle axe and scored a critical hit which activated his shocking burst!  The team soon overwhelmed the driders and cut them both down.  They discovered the driders had a sack of treasures including what the team sought:  three scrolls of raise dead!

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 011

Game summary for December 17, 2016, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The party came upon a battle scene and saw an unconscious dwarf being dragged by the beard by orcs!  The team rushed after him and found a locked door in the way.  They quickly picked the lock and went through to find orc scouts on the other side.  They unleashed flaming arrows as the party moved to engage.  Two stood to obstruct using battleaxes to fend off the party.  Kalil hit several with a fire snake while Paddy shot arrows back at the orcs.  Rumbald and Boran closed in on an orc while Paddy moved around to flank.  The team took down the orcs and went to the next door.  Paddy and Rumbald discovered a poison arrow trap and disabled it!

In the next room they discovered a shrine to Gruumsh emanating fell energy sapping their strength.  A pair of falchion-wielding orc warlords stood on the lower level while an orc witch doctor stood on a pedestal.  The witch doctor cast cloudkill and harmed the party.  They came moving through as the warlords entered rages and brutally attacked.  Kalil and Boran slipped out of the fog to the side as Paddy and Rumbald soldiered through.  Kalil and the witch doctor traded lightning bolt spells.  A nasty brawl continued between Rumbald, Paddy, Boran, and the warlords.  The witch doctor used a wicked hex and put Rumbald to sleep!  He then began cursing the rest of the party.   Kalil used numerous scorching rays as Paddy’s icy sword Frostburn inflicted grievous injury to the orcs.  The enraged orcs were not finished yet, as one stabbed Paddy through the chest, killing the brave halfling!  Eventually the team took the orcs down and tore down the statue of Gruumsh.  They woke Rumbald from his slumber, and Boran used a powerful divine scroll to raise Paddy from the grave.  The group consumed several potions and scrolls to restore their damaged constitution and life force.  Then, they plunged into the next chamber which they discovered filled with mud!

Within, a sure-footed giant frilled lizard charged to attack along with a pair of ugly cave giants.  Kalil launched a fireball as Paddy cast freedom of movement on himself to be able to traverse the mud.  The fires hurt the creatures badly.  Sure-footed Rumbald rushed in and planted Ragnarok, his giant-slaying axe, into a cave giant’s chest, killing it!  The frilled lizard charged Paddy and shook him up with its terrifying display.  The group managed to swarm in and defeat the remaining two monsters, with the last giant dying by Paddy’s tiny sword, Frostburn.

The group entered the final room to discover the dwarf lying on a carpet, still unconscious.  A trio of hobgoblins and a pair of orcs loomed over him.  One of the hobgoblins cast righteous might and surged with power!  Boran smiled and cast the same spell!  Flaming arrows flew toward the party, and the team moved in to engage.  The orcs and hobgoblins forced the team into a corner, and the battle priest hobgoblin hit them all with a flame strike!  The group could not withstand the onslaught though, and they were defeated.  The team healed the dwarf.  He introduced himself as Fescus Foamflagon, and in gratitude for saving his life, he gave them an ancient handaxe made of mithral that was allegedly enchanted in long-lost Gauntlgrym!

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 010

Game summary for January 16, 2016, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Abiron Morikis (Human Brawler played by Jim Zuccarell), Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon), and Zuriel Broadleaf (Elf Druid played by Jimmy Zuccarell). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered a large room with tall pillars and cylindrical towers occupied by half a dozen orcs and an ogre boss. The orcs raged and took stances with their greataxes. The orc mystic cast bless as Kalil unleashed a fireball! Abiron hurled his ricochet shield into the face of an orc. Zuriel ordered his massive tree companion to club another orc. The deft Paddy slipped in and sliced with his frost sword. The orc team landed a number of devastating blows, and the orc mystic hit the party with scorching rays. Kalil retaliated with a scorching ray of his own. After a roaring battle, the team was able to take down the ogre and orcs.

Next, the group opened a door to find a raised dais occupied by a large throne made of leathery flesh, bone, and teeth and a sturdy chest. Rumbald and Boran walked up to examine the chest and were immediately attacked by the throne! Kalil realized it was a fleshewn construct and resistant to damage. Kalil hit it with a lightning bolt which healed most of its damage! The team decided to take the chest and run, but the throne chased them down! Out in the main chamber, Abiron opened another door and discovered four murderous ghasts digging up a coffin from beneath the flagstones! The ghasts rushed out to attack. The team battled on two fronts. Paddy and Rumbald poured acid on the throne and Kalil was paralyzed by the ghasts. Boran began channeling positive energy as the tree companion unleashed fury upon the undead. Eventually, the group destroyed the undead and the throne.

The team examined the stone coffin exhumed by the ghasts. In Dwarven it said “Here lies Boromir Cleftbeard and His Trusty Axe Ragnarok the Giant Killer. They killed many giants; may Ragnarok slay many more.” They claimed the axe and advanced further into Undermountain.

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 009

Game summary for November 28, 2015, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team, now hopelessly lost in Undermountain, came upon a trio of ogre adventurers. Naturally, a fight broke out. Kalil fired off several area of effect spells, including fireball and lightning bolt. Boran, Paddy, and Rumbald engaged in melee. Boran caught several clubs to the face, and Rumbald’s slug companion, Flash, licked an ogre to death. The fighting was violent and quick, and the ogres were defeated. The team investigated a chest the ogres were poking at and triggered a fireball trap! The did recover some treasure from the remnants, however.

The team moved into a winding hallway where they encountered a pair of gricks. The tentacles on the worms lashed and grasped, but they proved little challenge for the characters. On the far end of the hallway, they discovered a chamber full of Dekanter goblins! The massive creatures’ rhino-like horns proved an interesting challenge as the creatures charged back and forth into the team. Kalil stepped forward and used his medusa mask to petrify and destroy one.

Finally, the group went through a rough opening and found a sprawling cavern. They were horrified to find a beholderkin within! The monster phased in and out of the cavern and fired eye rays all around. It inflicted wounds and shocked the team with deadly rays. Paddy setup an ambush with invisibility sphere while Kalil used wall of fire to shape the battlefield. Boran and Rumbald began landing telling blows, and soon the team conquered the beast!

Harm Incorporated – Ruins of Undermountain – Game Session – June 2015

Game summary for June 30, 2015, Ruins of Undermountain campaign; PCs included Abiron Morikis (human brawler [shield champion]), Boran Gibbs (human cleric), Kalil Bakran (human sorcerer), Paddy Brandywine (halfling bard [archaeologist]), Rumbald Shieldcracker (dwarf ranger [dungeon rover]), and Zuriel Broadleaf (elf druid [treesinger]).


The group encountered two additional explorers, Abiron Morikis and Zuriel Broadleaf, and combined forces in their continued delve. They entered a room filled with straw and glowing blue moss occupied by ravenous gnolls! The slavering brutes attacked and were soon greeted by Zuriel’s treant companion! Boran tried to flank to the right while Rumbald went left. Paddy went up the middle with the treant as Kalil launched scorching ray. One gnoll went down under a bashing of tree limbs as another succumbed to Abiron’s vicious flurry and flying knee! The spear-wielding gnoll revealed himself a spellcaster capable of healing his ally, but it was too little too late. The group swarmed in and took him down.

The team moved into another room and found a talking cobra! Paddy did some negotiating, and it agreed to let them pass for 50 gold pieces and 25% of their cash treasure found past its door. As the snake counted its coins, the group moved on.

The next room held a single stone statue appearing much like a fat orc with a hinged jaw and keyhole nostrils. Paddy attempted to pick the nose… er… lock. Instead, he discovered it was a trap! Hidden nozzles sprayed misty oil into the air and a spark ignited a conflagration! Boran was burned, but the rest of the team avoided the fires. The treant smashed the statue to rubble, and the group found a hidden cache of treasure underneath!

Moving on, the team found a pair of rawbone bugbears! The hideous skeletons dripped blood from chunks of muscle and tendon still clinging to their forms. Rage filled the creatures at the presence of living creatures, and the undead tried to smash them with their spiked clubs! Paddy took a severe beating but Abiron tagged one with his shield. Rumbald clipped one with his axe but had little effect. A searing light from Boran blasted one and allowed the treant to move in and clobber it. Zuriel then finished off the other with an impressive flame strike. The team looted the bodies and went off in search of other unexplored tunnels of fearsome Undermountain!