Reign of Winter — Game Session — 006

Game summary for October 25, 2016, Reign of Winter campaign, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Deska Starseeker (Half-Elf Druid played by Kaliegh Belda), Kenwrec Battleglaive (Dwarf Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Magnus Erlingsson (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Tulvur Xandersen (Dwarf Fighter played by Taylor Averdick). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team charged out the doors of the lodge to engage the zombies and the bandit leader Rokhar Cindren!  Deska cleverly cast entangle and impeded several zombies and the cleric too, allowing the team to close the distance unscathed.  Ten-Penny proved her worth by flanking and backstabbing a zombie to death.  Tulvur and Kenwrec engaged two other zombies while Deska and Magnus moved in toward Rokhar.  The evil cleric cast hold person at Deska to no effect.  She retaliated by hurling a dagger over the ensorcelled ground to strike him in the ribs.

The zombies proved ineffective combatants, but they did force the team to slow down and bunch up.  This allowed Rokhar to blast members of the party with channeled negative energy!  The continued barrage nearly killed Kenwrec, collapsing him in a heap.  The team was able to cut down the zombies, and Deska realized she had to dismiss her entangle spell to allow her team to get in close.  The moment it dropped, Magnus charged with his greatsword and cut down the priest.  The team looted his body and divided the spoils, with his bizarre magical cloak of the yeti going to Deska.

The group returned to the lodge and unlocked the mystery chest using the keys found on Rokhar’s body.  They went upstairs and discovered a captured sprite, Vrixx, enclosed in a cage.  Magnus healed his wounds, and Deska tried to befriend him.  Tulvur continued to nurse his distrust and dislike for Ten-Penny while Magnus debated how attracted he was to a half-orc.  After talking to Vrixx they discerned Lady Argentea was in a cellar.  They found a trapdoor beneath the bearskin rug.  The noblewoman was dirty but unharmed.  She was grateful for rescue but uncontrollably haughty.

The team rested the frigid night in the lodge and prepared to leave the next morning.  They went outside and realized they forgot to stable the horses, and all three froze to death.  Fortunately, the did discover three more in the stable.  The team rode out and returned to Heldren.

Once outside the winter circle, Vrixx told them the source of the cold was a magical winter portal deeper in the woods.  In exchange for freedom, he agreed to divulge what he knew.  He let them know the portal leads to the land of Irrisen.  He expressed great fear of the portal guardian, a troll named Teb Knotten.  Vrixx wished them luck and hoped Teb did not eat them.  He then flew off to parts unknown.

Lady Argentea awarded the party a purse of 500 gold coins for her rescue.  Meanwhile, Councilor Ionnia Teppen voiced her concerns for the continued winter storm just outside the town.  Tulvur went about trying to find someone who may know Ten-Penny or something about her past or trustworthiness.

Reign of Winter — Game Session — 005

Game summary for October 11, 2016, Reign of Winter campaign, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Deska Starseeker (Half-Elf Druid played by Kaliegh Belda), Kenwrec Battleglaive (Dwarf Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Magnus Erlingsson (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Tiswichtt (Orc Witch played by Casey Scruggs), and Tulvur Xandersen (Dwarf Fighter played by Taylor Averdick). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Bloody brutality erupted as the bandits charged to kill the intruders.  Kenwrec leapt forward and cut one down with a single swipe of his mighty dwarven axe!  Magnus and Deska darted across the field toward the archer.  Tulvur gutted another bandit as Tiswichtt spun her orc double axe in a mighty arc to decapitate the bandit assaulting her!  Deska mortally wounded the archer while Kenwrec cut down the last of their foes.

The team swept into the lodge and began searching rooms.  They discovered four sick bandits coughing with flu-like symptoms.  The team managed to intimidate them into leaving the lodge!  They then moved into the kitchen and found themselves facing the loaded crossbow of a powerful young half-orc woman named Ten-Penny Tacey.  After some negotiation, she agreed to join them in the search for Rokhar in exchange for a full share of the loot.

The group moved upstairs and found a room occupied by two frost skeletons empowered by winter’s fury.  The frigid creatures possessed a damaging aura anathema to most life.  Kenwrec jumped up on a table and ran toward a skeleton, only to miss in his attack.  Deska closed in and narrowly avoided a deadly swipe by using her windy escape spell.  Tulvur noticed something brush past him and heard the stairs creak.  Magnus channeled positive energy to disrupt the undead and moved to the balcony to watch the doors to see if anyone was trying to escape.  Tulvur cut the leg off the table with an errant power attack while Deska tried to bull rush a skeleton through a window.  Ten-Penny emerged from the shadows and dealt a lethal sneak attack to one of the frost skeletons.  Tulvur managed to cut down the other.

Meanwhile, Magnus darted downstairs and went out the front door in pursuit of someone.  He found tracks in the snow and discovered four of the bodies of slain bandits rising up in a mockery of life!  The zombies turned and lurched toward the lodge!

Reign of Winter — Game Session — 004

Game summary for September 27, 2016, Reign of Winter campaign, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Kenwrec Battleglaive (Dwarf Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Magnus Erlingsson (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Tiswichtt (Orc Witch played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team got up and packed their pavilion.  Heading out into the woods, they came across a frozen body lying partially buried in the snow.  They found it appeared to have been flash frozen.  The team recovered several items and some coins.  On the hilt of the dagger they found the name “Dansby.”

The group continued through the forest and discovered a line of hoof prints which they tracked through the snow.  Eventually they heard arguing and found three men standing by a trio of horses.  The men argued over a pouch and who would get the larger shares.  The team listened and heard them talking about someone named Rokhar and raiding a caravan.  Eventually the argument broke up, and one man went to the horses and another to relieve himself by a tree.  The group ambushed the team at that moment!  Kenwrec ran from the cover of the trees and hurled a dagger into the back of the occupied man.  Tiswichtt hurried out behind the dwarf and cast chill touch on the surprised man, freezing him to death.

Magnus charged out of hiding, and in a booming voice demanded the remaining two men surrender.  The one by the horses leapt upon his steed, but Magnus’ sword met him in the air and sliced across his throat.  The man fell to the ground and died from the grievous wound.  The remaining man lost his nerve and tried to flee through the snow.  Kenwrec and Tiswichtt, wearing snowshoes, pursued quickly!  The orc witch was able to bash the fleeing man across the back of the head with the flat of her axe, knocking him unconscious.

The team spent time interrogating the man and learned he is a bandit working for a man named Rokhar who is holed up in a lodge in the woods.  Rokhar had kidnapped a woman and was holding her hostage.  The man said about a dozen men were with Rokhar, and he even gave them the gang’s safe passphrase, “We’ve come to join the party.”  The team ended up letting the man go free as they got on the horses and rode off to the lodge.

The group spied on the lodge for a while and eventually decided to approach under the guise of looking for work as bandits.  One of their horses tripped a wire that caused a crossbow to fire into Kenwrec’s arm and sound a crude alarm.  Bandits poured out of the lodge and aimed bows at the team.  Parley ensued, and Magnus uttered the passphrase.  The man barking orders sneered and yelled, “Hear that, boys?  They’ve come to join the party.  Kill them!”

Reign of Winter — Game Session — 003

Game summary for September 20, 2016, Reign of Winter campaign, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: All Might (Human Warpriest played by Andrew Renfrow), Deska Starseeker (Half-Elf Druid played by Kaliegh Belda), Tiswichtt (Orc Witch played by Casey Scruggs), and Tulvur Xandersen (Dwarf Fighter played by Taylor Averdick). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team came across a trail of hoofprints crossing their route.  As they examined them, a great white stag appeared and began to speak with the team.  The team was a bit surprised at the stag’s higher pitched voice.  They talked for a while about why they were in the forest and the fey allegedly all around.  After a while, Deska approached the stag which seemed to agitate it.  Soon the animal was eating out of the druid’s hand and yet protesting the whole time.  Deska realized something was not right.  The stag’s behavior did not match what it was saying.  She realized a fey was involved!  A winter-touched atomie revealed itself when it attacked her.  It used fey magic to shrink her spear to toothpick size.  The team stormed in and tried to surround the faerie.  It attacked with a rapier and tried unsuccessfully to shrink Deska.  Tulvur stepped up and killed the nasty creature with Icebiter, the cold iron longsword they gained from Yuln.

The group traveled on to a frozen creek and discovered a snowman with a sign warning against trespassers.  Tulvur fired two crossbow bolts into it with little effect.  The team approached, and the snowman spoke!  It again warned them to leave.  Tiswichtt got closer and triggered an explosion of sound.  It stunned the witch and caused two ice elementals to emerge from the water.  They attacked the party viciously with their frigid touch.  Tiswichtt recovered and hit one with chill touch.  All Might moved in to try and flank, and Tulvur tried to slide across the ice into better position but plunged through!  The team quickly put down the elementals and hauled their dwarven friend out of the water.  He stripped as Deska built a fire and All Might began erecting the pavilion.  Afterward the team used healing skills and spells to nurse injuries and settled in for the evening.

Reign of Winter — Game Session — 002

Game summary for September 13, 2016, Reign of Winter campaign, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: All Might (Human Warpriest played by Andrew Renfrow), Deska Starseeker (Half-Elf Druid played by Kaliegh Belda), Kenwrec Battleglaive (Dwarf Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Magnus Erlingsson (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Tiswichtt (Orc Witch played by Casey Scruggs), and Tulvur Xandersen (Dwarf Fighter played by Taylor Averdick). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team woke up in their pavilion and stowed it for their continued journey.  Deeper in the woods the snows swelled into great drifts slowing the team to a crawl.  Deska noticed movement under the snow as a great arctic tatzlwyrm burst from the snow to pounce her.  She uttered windy escape and avoided its attack and then countered with a devastating spear thrust.  The team converged, and All Might landed a killing blow.

The team moved on and found an area of more shallow snow.  In the trees they discovered frozen crows riddled with arrows.  As they looked, lights in the trees behind them began to glow.  Deska spoke in Sylvan trying to elicit a response.  Winter-touched sprites revealed themselves from the branches of nearer trees and unleashed a barrage of tiny frigid arrows.  Tiswichtt spun about and scorched a tree with burning hands as Kenwrec stumbled over to chop at another.  Deska attempted to entangle a sprite without success.  All Might called upon the power of Gorum to bless the party.  The team found movement through the snow frustrating as the sprites continued to hit them with arrows.  Deska caught one of the sprites, Pym, with a hurled spear.  All Might galloped his horse forward and bravely stood in the saddle.  At the last moment, he leapt into the air and cut Pym in half with his axe before crashing into the ground no longer occupied by his running horse.  The sprites flitted from tree-to-tree unleashing arrows and taunts all along the way.  Both eventually used their color spray abilities to try and incapacitate the team, but no one succumbed.  Magnus doomed one of the sprites, and Tulvur methodically kept a stream of crossbow bolts flying at the annoying fey.  One finally connected and impaled a sprite, Shor, to an embankment, killing her instantly.  The final sprite’s resolve broke, and she flew out through the forest and over the snow to parts unknown.

Reign of Winter — Game Session — 001

Game summary for September 6, 2016, Reign of Winter campaign, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: All Might (Human Warpriest played by Andrew Renfrow), Deska Starseeker (Half-Elf Druid played by Kaliegh Belda), Tiswichtt (Orc Witch played by Casey Scruggs), and Tulvur Xandersen (Dwarf Fighter played by Taylor Averdick). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The party is a group of fri-hal soldiers of the Iron Axes of Jomsborg, a company of Viking mercenaries.  The team’s drengr, or leader, is Tiswichtt.  They were dispatched to the village of Heldren in southern Taldor to relieve another team in their guardianship of Lady Argentea Malassene.  When they arrived, they learned a bizarre unnatural pocket of winter had claimed part of the forest and the Lady’s caravan had been attacked.  The team went about the town talking to several people getting the latest rumors and information.  They discovered a farmer’s son had plunged into the icy creek supposedly following a talking white stag.  Farmers near the woods reported crops being frozen or stolen.  Local hunter Dryden Kepp claimed to have witnessed a giant white weasel, and he went to trap it to prove its existence and has not been heard from since.  They found Lady Malassene had called off her engagement and was ambushed on her return home.

The team talked to their fellow Iron Axe, Yuln Oerstag, the only guard to survive the ambush.  He was suffering from severe frostbite, and the party was able to help somewhat with his injuries.  He described the ambush claiming they were attacked by human bandits along with tiny winter-touched fey able to unleash powerful icy attacks.  He claimed the winter-touched must be in league with the White Witches of Irrisen and doing their bidding.  Yuln knew his days of fighting were over for some time, but he gifted the team with his cold iron longsword, Icebiter, to strike down the fey.

The team discussed what was known of the White Witches and the frozen country of Irrisen.  Exactly 1,400 years ago the Queen of Witches, Baba Yaga, arrived in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in her Dancing Hut leading an army of monsters and winter fey.  This sparked the Winter War, and Baba Yaga conquered Raemerrund and the Djurstor Confederacy to form Irrisen, which she locked in a permanent icy winter.  She enthroned her daughter, Jadwiga, as the first Queen of Irrisen and disappeared in her Dancing Hut.  Exactly 100 years later, she returned and took Jadwiga with her, leaving another daughter to rule in her place.  This has happened 13 times, and it is time for the 14th queen, Elvanna, to leave with Baba Yaga and a new queen be crowned.

The team bundled up in their cold-weather gear and traveled to the ambush site.  They investigated the intact carriage and found two zombies within!  These were the animated corpses of fellow Iron Axes, and the team had to fight against their own brethren!  Tiswichtt stepped up and cast burning hands, receiving a staggering punch to the face for her troubles.  She spit the words of the spell out around the blood and broken teeth, unleashing burning fury over the zombies and All Might!  Tulvur and All Might repositioned and began to hack at the zombies.  Deska firmly entangled one with her druidic magic.  Tiwichtt disemboweled the zombie that hit her using her fine orc double axe.  All Might and Tulvur then succeeded in cutting down the zombies.  The team searched the intact carriage and found a jewelry box filled with treasures and the Lady’s signet ring.

The team then walked past the wrecked carriage to look at an ice statue.  They discovered it was the frozen body of a fellow Iron Axe missing an arm and deep gouges from its flesh!  Looking around, they found his severed arm still grasping a masterwork longsword.  The team claimed the sword and pilled all the bodies of their slain companions into the intact fully-functional carriage and lit it of fire as a makeshift pyre.  They then walked by the wrecked non-functional carriage over to a trail.  Deska channeled her animal focus to take the muzzle of a wolf and confirm by scent the direction the bandits took the missing Lady Argentea.

The group heading down the trail for a bit and discovered a large wooden chest lying in the snow.  Tiswichtt walked up and opened it triggering a trap!  An enormous log spiked with sharpened branches swung from the trees and impaled the orc, shattering bone and spraying blood.  It crashed into All Might as well but did not harm him quite a badly.  The team pulled the perforated unconscious witch off of the log and let Deska do some healing.  Then, All Might cast cure light wounds on Tiswichtt and Tulvur.  The group dug up the chest to take with them and found all the stolen weapons and armor from the slain Iron Axes!  The team outfitted themselves and returned to town to rest.  There they purchased a massive pavilion tent and returned to the trail.  They finally found a clearing in which to camp and setup their tent.  Drained of all healing magic, the team decided to rest again before proceeding.


Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 010

Game summary for January 16, 2016, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Abiron Morikis (Human Brawler played by Jim Zuccarell), Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon), and Zuriel Broadleaf (Elf Druid played by Jimmy Zuccarell). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered a large room with tall pillars and cylindrical towers occupied by half a dozen orcs and an ogre boss. The orcs raged and took stances with their greataxes. The orc mystic cast bless as Kalil unleashed a fireball! Abiron hurled his ricochet shield into the face of an orc. Zuriel ordered his massive tree companion to club another orc. The deft Paddy slipped in and sliced with his frost sword. The orc team landed a number of devastating blows, and the orc mystic hit the party with scorching rays. Kalil retaliated with a scorching ray of his own. After a roaring battle, the team was able to take down the ogre and orcs.

Next, the group opened a door to find a raised dais occupied by a large throne made of leathery flesh, bone, and teeth and a sturdy chest. Rumbald and Boran walked up to examine the chest and were immediately attacked by the throne! Kalil realized it was a fleshewn construct and resistant to damage. Kalil hit it with a lightning bolt which healed most of its damage! The team decided to take the chest and run, but the throne chased them down! Out in the main chamber, Abiron opened another door and discovered four murderous ghasts digging up a coffin from beneath the flagstones! The ghasts rushed out to attack. The team battled on two fronts. Paddy and Rumbald poured acid on the throne and Kalil was paralyzed by the ghasts. Boran began channeling positive energy as the tree companion unleashed fury upon the undead. Eventually, the group destroyed the undead and the throne.

The team examined the stone coffin exhumed by the ghasts. In Dwarven it said “Here lies Boromir Cleftbeard and His Trusty Axe Ragnarok the Giant Killer. They killed many giants; may Ragnarok slay many more.” They claimed the axe and advanced further into Undermountain.

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 009

Game summary for November 28, 2015, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team, now hopelessly lost in Undermountain, came upon a trio of ogre adventurers. Naturally, a fight broke out. Kalil fired off several area of effect spells, including fireball and lightning bolt. Boran, Paddy, and Rumbald engaged in melee. Boran caught several clubs to the face, and Rumbald’s slug companion, Flash, licked an ogre to death. The fighting was violent and quick, and the ogres were defeated. The team investigated a chest the ogres were poking at and triggered a fireball trap! The did recover some treasure from the remnants, however.

The team moved into a winding hallway where they encountered a pair of gricks. The tentacles on the worms lashed and grasped, but they proved little challenge for the characters. On the far end of the hallway, they discovered a chamber full of Dekanter goblins! The massive creatures’ rhino-like horns proved an interesting challenge as the creatures charged back and forth into the team. Kalil stepped forward and used his medusa mask to petrify and destroy one.

Finally, the group went through a rough opening and found a sprawling cavern. They were horrified to find a beholderkin within! The monster phased in and out of the cavern and fired eye rays all around. It inflicted wounds and shocked the team with deadly rays. Paddy setup an ambush with invisibility sphere while Kalil used wall of fire to shape the battlefield. Boran and Rumbald began landing telling blows, and soon the team conquered the beast!

Carrion Crown Adventure Path – Game Session – 110

Game summary for September 29, 2015, Carrion Crown Adventure Path campaign, Shadows of Gallowspire adventure; PCs included Dario Malavasi (human afflicted dire werewolf oracle), Gertie Foxglove (human witch), Gnok Thatek (dwarf vampire monk), Radimir Dragomirov (human huecuva lord cleric), Thrain (graveknight dwarf slayer), and Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander (human brine lich abjurer/cleric/mystic theurge), accompanied by cohort Lucretia Ivankov (human vampire spawn sorcerer) and Shaddoc Moana (human brineborn barbarian).

The battle between the party and the Gallowdead raged. Blood spurted freely from Dario’s wounds, and Shaddoc was cut down by one of the fallen knights. Dario managed to heal himself while Gertie unleashed a powerful lightning bolt! Zedd made good use of magic missile as Radimir summoned an aura of doom. Gnok and Thrain unleashed a barrage of melee attacks, and Dario rejoined the ruckus. Soon both undead were killed. Thrain consumed a few potions, and the team rushed up to the pinnacle of the great tower.

At the top, the world seemed to shift, and the team found themselves on a broad plane with Gallowspire off in the distance. Before them stood Adivion Adrissant, his body pulsing barely contained arcane power threatening to rip his body apart. The forsaken lich unleashed a maximized chain lightning that coursed through the party. Several of the undead were not bothered, but others were rattled by the deadly attack. He then hit Thrain and Dario a torrent of raw arcane energy exploding from his form.

The team closed in quickly to pressure him in melee. Radimir and Zedd cast spells that floundered against Adivion’s spell resistance. The team began to enhance one another with spells like bull’s strength and disrupting weapon. Adivion warded himself with mirror image, much to the team’s consternation. Gnok slipped in a few lucky shots but found his attacks quite ineffective and healing at a staggering rate. Radimir summoned half a dozen huecuva to try and pin him down, and the magus caught most of the party in a cone of cold and more blasts of arcane energy. Dario was in bad shape, and all the huecuva were slain. The team felt they had the upper hand when they finally got Adivion surrounded, but he managed to use dimension door to reposition after drilling Dario with scorching ray. The team continued to hurl spells but struggled with the lich’s intense spell resistance.

The party hurtled across the battlefield to close with him again as Gertie tried to slip out of range. Adivion recalled to mind chain lightning and hit the team with it yet again, rendering Gertie unconscious. Gnok tried to grapple Adivion and was amazed at his defensive skills and his ability to ward off the attack quite easily with his staff. Thrain struggled to get into a good position and only got to get shots off here and there due to Adivion’s mobility. Zedd had enhanced some of the party but still struggled with spells failing on his resistances. Lucretia used magic to enhance allies as well and was forced to nurse her own injuries.

Dario, bleeding, burnt, chilled, and shocked, was barely holding onto to life. Filled with fury, however, he hefted his undead bane blade and ripped into the lich. Just as his momentum reached its peak, his disrupting weapon suddenly blasted Adivion into oblivion! The team looked on in stunned relief as the lich’s possessions clattered to the ground. The landscape lurched, and they realized an illusion had covered the top of the tower the entire fight. The silvery energy pulsing across the doorway into Gallowspire’s inner sanctums subsided, and the threat of awakening the Whispering Tyrant quite abruptly ended.

The team stood victorious but at a horrendous price. Gnok was condemned to an eternity of feeding upon the life of others and had already spread his plague to Lucretia. Radimir and Zedd were cast off by their gods and damned to servitude to Dagon the demon lord. Thrain had merged with his unholy armor and become more and less than he had ever been. Shaddoc and Nyssa lay dead, and Dario had embraced his bestial nature and lycanthropic curse. They may had prevented the rise of Tar-Baphon, but they unleashed half a dozen terribly powerful evils upon the world in his stead.

Carrion Crown Adventure Path – Game Session – 109

Game summary for September 22, 2015, Carrion Crown Adventure Path campaign, Shadows of Gallowspire adventure; PCs included Dario Malavasi (human afflicted dire werewolf oracle), Gnok Thatek (dwarf vampire monk), Thrain (graveknight dwarf slayer), and Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander (human brine lich abjurer/cleric/mystic theurge), accompanied by NPC companion Nyssa Pagonis (human cleric) and cohort Bartemus Grimm (dwarf gunslinger), Lucretia Ivankov (human vampire spawn sorcerer), and Shaddoc Moana (human brineborn barbarian).

The unholy elder fire elementals swarmed from the corners of Gallowspire and attacked the party. Nearly immediately, Bartemus burst into flames from the elementals’ attacks! Two of the outsiders attacked Dario but could not get through his defenses. Thrain and Gnok tried to flank one and found it an ineffective tactic. Zedd tried to hit one with icicle and missed. Thrain finally landed some attacks, and his icy pick dealt devastating damage! The team began to beat the guardians, and they fell one by one. An elemental snatched up Dario, and he warded himself with resist energy. He, and his allies, were quite stunned when it walked to the edge of the tower and hurled him 180 feet to the ground! He bounced off the ground, mildly protected by iron skin, and used blessing of fervor to charge back up the stairs of the tower. Meanwhile, the team cut down the rest of the elementals.

The group ascended further and were accosted by two skeletal knights with glowing swords trailing spiked chains wrapped around their bodies. The creatures whispered horrible, mind-bending secrets under their breath as they attacked. Chains shot forth and grappled Thrain, but Dario successfully used his gauntlet of rust to destroy it! Gnok used his amazing mastery of dwarven jujitsu to hurl the other to the floor. Insane Shaddoc managed to slay Nyssa with his crushing pincer, and the knights greatly harmed Dario and Gnok. Lucretia had some success with her greater flaming sphere, and Zedd landed several well-placed magic missiles. Lucretia managed to dominate Shaddoc, and Gnok hurled one of the undead to the ground yet again!