Classic Quest — Game Session — 076

Game summary for March 29, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Grozzadeth Boulderback (Dwarf played by Kaliegh Belda), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group explored another chamber and found nothing of interest.  They then went into an antechamber and found it filled with zombies and skeletons!  Koehan got trapped in the room while the rest of the team tried to beat back the horde to rescue him.  Arminious found he was able to turn these undead and blew several into dust.  After setting up a funnel kill zone, the group got Koehan free and destroyed the rest of the undead.  In the room, they found a stairwell down and decided to explore it later. 

The group went across the temple and found the library wherein the triggered a blinding flash of light.  Unable to see, Valor and Arminious sat down and let the Hutakaan priestesses examine them.  They determined the blindness was likely temporary. 

The team pressed on, and Grozz helped them buttress some walls and excavate a collapsed portion of the temple to find another room.  Within, Koehan’s elven eyes spotted a secret door!  They opened it to reveal a hidden hallway and a crumpled corpse clutching the golden bowl!  A wraith rose up and attacked.  Fortunately, most of the team had magical weapons with which to hit the monster.  Unfortunately, Koehan was struck and energy drained!  However, the team rallied quickly and brought down the undead.  The team found a powerful suit of armor and several valuable pieces of magic.  Likewise, they recovered the bowl! 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 075

Game summary for March 22, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered the temple to find a huge chasm in the center of the floor, pitch black.  Bright blue flames burned all around the opening, and a cage hung suspended over the hole.  Jackal-headed statues were all around the room, and a massive statue towered over the altar.  Looking around, they discovered the golden bowl needed for the ceremony was missing!  They decided to spread out and search the temple.  The knocked down a door and found a trio of special ghouls within!

The ghouls spilled out among the party and tore into them.  Stephan was paralyzed and killed, and so was the magically summoned bear.  They rediscovered they were unharmed by magical weapons.  Koehan cast magic missile from a scroll and hurt all three of the undead.  He then ran and retrieved a magical dagger from Katarina.  Arminious tossed his magical mace to Valor and went to search the room from which the ghouls emerged.  He found a magical sword and came and exchanged weapons with Valor.  With a greatsword in hand once again, the mighty warrior tore into the undead with aplomb.  Garadal used the last of his magical arrows before finding a quiver of more in the cache as well.  Koehan was injured and discovered his elven nature protected him from the paralysis.  Valor succumbed to the paralysis while the Hutaakan priestesses enacted a ritual to hurl some of the temple fire at the undead.    With magic weapons in hand, the group was able to cut down all three of the ghouls and search the cleared room.  They found some magical sling stones and gave them to Katarina. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 074

Game summary for March 8, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Grozzadeth Boulderback (Dwarf played by Kaliegh Belda), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team began searching the Vault and finally found a secret compartment that contained the book!  They gave it to the High Priestess, and she was excited to find what she believed to be the answer.  The group set out immediately that night toward the temple of Pflarr. 

The group arrived at the temple, and Grozzadeth burst through the doors.  Inside a small horde of undead attacked!  Skeletons and zombies swarmed all around as the party fought valiantly.  Grozz was hit by numerous attacks but was able to withstand the onslaught.  Valor placed a ring upon his finger found within the Vault and was cursed with incredible weakness! 

Arrows flew, axes swung, and maces crushed.  The dead fell all around.  Bones piled up and rotted zombies collapsed.  Although many of the party were injured, none were seriously hurt, and the mob was defeated.  With the last undead put to rest, the temple entrance loomed ahead!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 073

Game summary for March 1, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), Levi Ackerman (Human Thief played by Andrew Renfrow), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons with special guest Referee Evelyn Renfrow.

The group set watch and tried to get some sleep.  At dusk, the team was attacked by a pair of rhagodessa!  The spider-like monsters snagged hold of several members of the party.  Koehan cast web but caught Garadal in it instead!  The team landed lots of blows quickly, and Levi and Stephan were able to take them down.  After a short rest, they cut Garadal free.

The team then traveled on to the Vault of the Elders.  Levi searched the door for traps and found none.  Koehan cast knock from the key and then cast continual light from it.  He opened the door, and the team entered.  Levi searched a stone sarcophagus for traps and did not find any.  The group began to remove the lid, and the dust in the room began to swirl about and coalesce into a solid form!  A swaddled Hutaakan corpse rose up and lurched to “lift” to attack the team!  Arminious and Katarina were paralyzed by the creature’s attacks.  The party learned only magical weapons and spells could harm it, so they moved in with magical blades and took it down! 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 072

Game summary for February 22, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team discussed options with the Hutaakans and amongst themselves.  The priestess allowed them to examine the key to the tomb of the elders, and Koehan was able to determine it is merely a fancy metal scroll with the spells knock and continual light.  They realized Katarina already has the means to enter the tomb without the key but they still likely need the priestess to perform a holy ritual to Pflarr, so there is little to gain by getting the Knowledge of the Elders without her.  They debated the Traldar’s theory of needing the water from the Singing Pool, but they decided to believe the Hutaakans’ claim that it would not work.  They also considered if they can access the elders’ vault without the key using their arcane magic, so too could Golthar.  After much debate and discussion, they decided it is in the best interest of everyone to work with the Hutaakans and retrieve the book. 

The group burned the bodies of the dead to prevent them from rising up again (all but the Traldar slain by the Hutaakan whom they instead buried).  The team set out across the valley and narrowly avoided a Traldar patrol.  They crossed the road leading to Ronkan, the city currently occupied by the Traldar and hid themselves in the tall grass to await evening.  They plan to approach the tomb under the cover of darkness so as to avoid the Traldar, even though there is increased risk of running into the undead. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 071

Game summary for February 15, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The undead closed in as the party spun about.  Garadal fell back and unleashed a volley of arrows.  Katarina and Koehan began firing magic missiles and Arminious attempted to turn the undead!  It staggered several for a moment, but then they fell back in step with the rest.  Stephan step in to help protect Katarina, and Valor brought the fight to the dead.  The Hutaakans began trying to turn the undead and swung their maces.  The terrified Traldar ran into the middle of the group and cowered.  One of the Hutaakan priestesses stepped up and killed the Traldar with her mace!  Katarina rushed in and muscled her to the ground. 

The undead killed several Hutaakans, but as the battle wore on, more undead fell than the living.  After a while, despite many grievous wounds, the living began to overcome the undead horde.  The Hutaakans held their own against the dead fairly well as well.  In the aftermath, the two sides stood facing one another with the slain lying all around.  The high priestess asked the team to help them put an end to the undead hordes by retrieving the tome and enacting the ritual within.   

Classic Quest — Game Session — 070

Game summary for February 1, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team traveled on and found a dead human by a copse of trees.  While investigating, more humans emerged from the trees astride giant lizards!  The men immediately assumed the party had killed their friend.  They began talking in archaic Traladaran, which several in the party could speak.  After a few tense moments, they convinced them they had not killed him.  They learned these are the Traldar and they are at war with the Hutaakans.  They told the party the Hutaakans are raising armies of the dead to kill them and they undead attack their villages every night.  They agreed to take the party to speak to their chief, Guri-Ben-Kaal.  The party was amazed to learn some Traldar have an astounding vocal ability to scream out and send some kind of coded signals across the valley. 

The party set out into the woods with the Traldar as night approached.  They made camp in a fortified shrine.  The Traldar were visibly terrified of the falling darkness and said the dead approached at night.  Shortly after dark, they heard chanting like nothing any of them had ever heard.  The vocal Traldar yelled out across the valley, and they received orders to stop this group of chanting Hutaakans from doing whatever rituals they were doing.  Going out into the night was too much though, and the Traldar shamefully decided not to go.  The party tried to convince them to come with but only succeeded in getting two to agree. 

They all got astride the lizards and shot out into the woods in a wild ride through the dark.  The lizards could see, but most of the party could night!  The harrowing ride was fast and brief but certainly exhilarating.  After a short while following the chanting they found torches burning and over a dozen Hutaakan priests performing some kind of ceremony.  They team charged in and disrupted things.  The Hutaakans were shocked and didn’t know what to think about these strange humans.

The high priestess, Kforedz, told them the Traldar were causing the undead to rise because they had sacked the temple and angered The One.  The Hutaakans were desperately trying to a ritual to appease it and their angered deity Pflarr.  She told them she believes they need the Knowledge of the Elders, an ancient tome, from the Vault of the Elders to return things to normal.  The Traldar scoffed and said only filling the altar bowl with water from the Singing Pool would appease the entity.  Kforedz said they never actually needed the water from the pool and just told the Traldar that to keep them busy.

Before a huge argument could erupt, a spear burst through the back of one of the Traldar!  A horde of undead had closed in around them in the darkness!  The Hutaakans fell back in fear shouting, “They are upon us!” as the party drew their weapons!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 069

Game summary for January 4, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group headed north from the village and found a decrepit bridge over the river.  They crossed carefully, and after they passed the middle section collapsed into the waters.  They continued along the road and found another shrine, but this one was not as damaged as the others.  Beyond, the road continued into the forest but was fairly overgrown.  A few miles into the forest, they started noticing wasps.  Lots of wasps.  The further they traveled, the more wasps buzzed around, and the insects seemed to be getting annoyed by their presence.  After discussing awhile, the left the forest and returned to the bridge.  Koehan cast a web spell to try and plug the gap in the bridge, and it held well enough for them to pass. 

Taking the southern route, they came upon a fountain.  It was no longer functional, but there was still stagnant water standing in the basin.  A few mosquitoes buzzed about while the team examined some fresh lizard footprints on the ground. 

The team traveled along the road for some time before coming across a damaged shrine right as dusk settled.  Koehan located a small but defensible bluff to make camp.  As night began to settle in, the team could hear a loud cry or howl off in the distance.  Soon after, an answering call rang from deeper in the valley.  Neither Koehan nor Arminious knew what kind of animal or creature could make such a sound but knew it had to be very loud to be heard so far away. 

After night blanketed the valley in darkness, only Koehan could really see.  In the distance, he could make out movement around the shrine, so he went scouting.  He discovered several undead Hutaakans performing some kind of ceremony.  He watched a while before returning to tell the team. 

The next day, they set out further down the road and could see a large lake in the distance to the northwest.  Off in the distance, they could hear the same howls as the night before.  The party turned and followed the southwestern road running alongside a river.  Before long, they came across a small village.  Inside they discovered a small church or temple.  Inside, it had been ransacked, but seven undead Hutaakans stood milling about in the back!  The creatures did not move to bother the party or react in any way, so the group closed the doors and left. 

After searching the village and finding nothing else of real interest, they went across the bridge over the nearby river. 

NERDS Candy Adventures — Game Session — 002

Game summary for December 28, 2021, NERDS Candy Adventures campaign, Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, for Expeditions-R-Us. Session included: Green (D&D NERDS Bard played by Elyse Scruggs), Orange (D&D NERDS Fighter played by Casey Scruggs), and Pink (D&D NERDS Rogue played by Sarah Jane Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The Nerds learned someone had stolen the spirit of Christmas, and they had tracked the culprit to a gloomy cavern.  The Nerds, led by Pink the Rogue, moved inside with torches and candles lit.  Inside they found angry animated gingerbread men!  They gnashed their candy corn teeth and rushed to the attack!  One, standing on a rocky perch, continued to hit Orange the Fighter with candy sprinkles, which induced carb coma fatigue!  Pink used her torch to burn several of the cookies!  Green clobbered several with her rapier while Orange struggled to stay awake.  The team defeated the cookies, and Green had the idea of tasting the delicious gingerbread and discovered the magical cookies healed their wounds and restored Orange’s energy.  They quickly looted the dough! 

A narrow cave passage led to a locked green door.  Pink was easily able to pick the lock, and on the other side was a grinch.  The team rushed in and stayed in a tight group.  The grinch responded by hitting them with a roast beast spell, burning them!  The team landed several blows on the grinch, and shrunk Green down two sizes too small!  However, Orange and Pink were able to defeat him quickly.  Meanwhile, Green began devouring a gingerbread cookie, now the same size as her!  It took a while.  But, she sprung back to her normal size after consuming the last delicious bit. 

In the next room, they found a monstrosity of large size.  The floating orb had a single eye in the center of its head and several appendages sprouting from its head.  That’s right, a candy gazer!  Pink grabbed up some burning coal from a center fountain to use as a weapon but burned herself!  Orange charged it, but the candy gazer retaliated using its candy-cane antlers and delivered a peppermint paddling.  It then used its sweet, sweet gaze to charm Orange!  Pink and Green stayed back and used arrows.  Once defeated, its charm no longer affected Orange, and he shook off the effects.  Green then discovered the lock on the next door was candy-cane shaped, so she used one from the clobbered candy gazer to open the door.

On the other side stood Krampus!  He was beside an enormous Christmas tree with lots of presents underneath.  In the corner was a chained reindeer.  The team recognized it as the missing Spirit!  Krampus beat Orange with a stick for being naughty and then stuffed Pink into a sack.  Green stepped behind a pillar and cast suggestion at Krampus.  He was convinced to release Pink and dumped her onto the ground where she pummeled him with a flaming torch.  Orange and Green joined in, and they clobbered Krampus.  Pink then ran over to Spirit and picked the locks on the chains.  Freed, the reindeer leapt into the air, turned into ether, and sped away.  The team was immediately awash with the Christmas spirit and realized they had saved Christmas!  Looking under the tree, they learned Santa had somehow left them each a present!  Opening the gifts, they were bathed in healing energy that restored their used spell slots and eased their wounds.  Once again, the Nerds had saved the day. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 068

Game summary for December 21, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Grozzadeth Boulderback (Dwarf played by Kaliegh Belda), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team traveled on and found another village.  While exploring, they encountered a pair of hellhounds rushing out of the ruins!  Both converged on Kalana, biting and breathing fire!  The priestess was unable to withstand the brutal attack and died quickly.  Once they regrouped, the team was able to quickly defeat the hellhounds and bury their fallen ally.

Digging the grave took some time, and they decided to make camp in one of the roofless ruins. During Grozzadeth’s watch, four massive bats flew in and attacked!  The team scrambled to wake up and fight!  Katarina warded herself with shield while Arminious illuminated the darkness with a torch allowing everyone to take up the battle.  With the bats now visible, the group converged and started taking them down.  The bats inflicted several wounds but could not withstand the entire team.