Converting the Yuan-Ti Ignan to Pathfinder 1E

While working on my Pathfinder 1E campaign, I went searching for yuan-ti conversions others had already done. After all, I hate to reinvent the wheel. I found some great (but uncredited) work, along with a few yuan-ti variants I had completely forgotten about.

One of the more intriguing discoveries was the yuan-ti ignan, a bloodline interbred with elemental salamanders that first appeared in Monster Manual IV. Despite its unique lore and fiery heritage, I couldn’t find a Pathfinder 1E conversion anywhere. Rather than let this variant fade into obscurity, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Below is my Pathfinder 1E conversion of the yuan-ti ignan, adapted to fit the system’s mechanics while keeping its elemental bloodline and serpentine cunning intact. If you’re looking for a fresh yuan-ti variant to challenge your players, this might be exactly what you need.

Yuan-ti IgnanCR 9

XP 6,400

CE Large monstrous humanoid (fire, psionic, yuan-ti)

Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +13


AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, +1 shield, -1 size)

hp 115 (11d10+55)

Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +11

DR 10/magic; Immune fire; SR 15

Weaknesses vulnerability to cold


Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee Large masterwork heavy mace +17/+12/+7 (2d6+5 plus 1d6 fire), gore +10 (1d8+2 plus 1d6 fire), tail slap +10 (1d8+2 plus 1d6 fire and grab) or

Power Attack Large masterwork heavy mace +14/+9/+4 (2d6+11 plus 1d6 fire), gore +7 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 fire), tail slap +7 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 fire and grab)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks constrict (1d6+7 plus 1d6 fire), heat, tail grapple

Psi-Like Abilities (ML 11th; concentration +11)

At will—detect poison


Str 21, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 11

Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 28 (can’t be tripped)

Feats AlertnessB, Blind-FightB, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (heavy mace)

Skills (armor check penalty -0); Climb +13, Intimidate +8, Perception +13, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +7, Survival +10, Swim +13

Languages Common, Ignan, Yuan-ti

SQ change shape (Tiny to Large viper, beast shape III)

Combat Gear none

Other Gear Large masterwork light steel shield (168 gp), Large masterwork heavy mace (324 gp)


Blind-Fight Every time you miss in melee because of concealment you can reroll your miss chance once to see if you actually hit. Against an invisible attacker you don’t lose your Dex bonus to AC, and the attacker does not get the +2 bonus for being invisible. Bonuses still apply for ranged attackers. Do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded.

Change Shape (Su) A yuan-ti can assume the form of a Tiny to Large viper as a psionic ability, similar to beast shape III.

Constrict (Ex) With successful grapple check, inflict additional bludgeoning damage, along with normal effects of successful grapple.

Detect Poison (Ps) All yuan-ti have the psionic ability to detect poison as the spell.

Grab (Ex) If you hit with attack associated with this special attack, deal normal damage and start grapple as free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.  Normally, only usable against targets of equal or smaller size.  You can either conduct grapple normally or take -20 CMB on future grapple checks on simply use body part to maintain grapple but do not gain grapple condition yourself.  A hold does not deal damage unless you have constrict special attack.  If you do not, each successful grapple check in successive rounds deals damage for attack initiating the hold.  Otherwise, it deals this damage and constrict damage.  You receive +4 bonus on CMB to start and maintain a grapple.

Heat (Ex) Deal additional 1d6 fire damage when using natural attacks or melee attacks with metal weapons.

Power Attack Take -3 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain +6 bonus on all melee damage rolls.  Bonus increased by half (+50%) if attacking with a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon using two hands.  Bonus halved (-50%) if attacking with an off-hand weapon.  You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn.  Bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. 

Scent (Ex) Can detect opponents within 30 ft. by smell (60 ft. if opponent upwind, 15 ft. downwind). Strong scents (smoke or garbage) at twice range and overpowering scents (skunk or troglodyte) at triple range. Exact location not revealed, only presence within range. As move action, note direction of scent (pinpoints when within 5 ft.). Track by smell with Wisdom (or Survival) check (DC 10 for fresh trail on any surface). Increase DC by 2 per hour of trail’s age. Otherwise as Survival skill ignoring surface conditions and poor visibility.

Tail Grapple (Ex) Tail allows you to coil around a foe without hampering ability to defend yourself or fight with weapons you wield.  If grappling a foe using your grab ability, do not lose Dex bonus to AC.  Make single grapple check against foe grappled in this manner as a swift action each round.  You are free to perform most other actions as normal; to move, you must obey standard rules for moving while in a grapple.  Lose option to spend swift action in this manner if you use standard or full action to grapple foe trapped in tail.  The reverse is also true.  Once you use swift action in this manner, you cannot take standard or full action to grapple the foe.  Can use armed or natural attacks against a creature grappled in this manner.

Let me know what you think! Have you encountered or used yuan-ti ignans in your own games? Drop a comment below and share your thoughts!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 123

Game summary for March 11, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The Battle for The Falling Star – A Hard-Fought Engagement!

The chaotic battle aboard The Falling Star reached its climax as the adventurers pushed through arcane defenses, freezing fog, and relentless pirate attacks. With a tiefling spellcaster and its beholderkin ally standing in their way, the fight became a brutal test of skill, resilience, and sheer willpower.

Despite the tiefling’s powerful wards, retaliatory magic, and quickened spells, and the beholderkin’s disruptive eye rays, the party pressed forward with relentless determination. By the end of the night, both powerful foes lay slain—but not without near-disastrous consequences.

The Flow of Battle

The tiefling spellcaster moved into position, hurling quickened magic missiles while its robe of retaliation lashed out at attackers. As the melee unfolded, the battlefield was suddenly engulfed in thick, freezing fog, making movement treacherous and reducing visibility to a near standstill.

🎭 Komorebi acted swiftly, first casting silence, forcing the tiefling to reposition away from its original vantage point. Moments later, he followed up with dispel magic, successfully banishing the freezing fog and clearing the battlefield, allowing his allies to push forward with renewed momentum​.

Callum, seeing an opportunity from his perch in the crow’s nest, unleashed a devastating Dalamar’s lightning lance against the tiefling. However, the abjurer’s protective ward triggered, reflecting the lightning back at him. The full force of his own spell struck him, instantly killing him where he stood.

For a brief moment, it seemed the party had lost their arcane powerhouse—but his pre-cast contingency of breath of life activated just in time, bringing him back from the brink of death. Though shaken, Callum remained in the fight​.

🐝 Snagyndar and Stingy executed a devastating charge, with Snagy’s lance striking the tiefling hard, piercing through its defenses. However, goblins swarmed Stingy, slashing wildly, and with a final strike, the giant wasp was banished back to the Astral Plane, sending Snagy crashing onto the deck of the forecastle​.

🏹 Notch activated his super leaf, hoping to gain a better vantage point, but with the cold fog impeding movement, he remained on the sterncastle. Only after Komorebi dismissed the spell could Notch line up the perfect shot and release a precise volley of arrows, the final strike piercing the tiefling’s defenses and bringing it down for good​.

With the tiefling slain, its beholderkin companion retaliated viciously, turning its eyestalks upon the party. Seeing Callum weakened but still standing, the aberration unleashed a ray of frost, striking him along with a final quickened magic missile from the tiefling before it fell. The combined assault dropped Callum once more, leaving him unconscious and dying​.

Before the beholderkin could press its attack further, Helg, the Valhallan cleric, invoked divine wrath—his flame strike scorched multiple boogins, and his spiritual weapon cut down foes with relentless efficiency. His spectral weapon then turned on the beholderkin, carving into its floating body and striking it dead before it could unleash further devastation​.

🔥 Hwrulf, still ablaze but unbothered due to his amulet, continued his rampage, cutting down enemy after enemy as if the fire surrounding him only fueled his fury​.

⚔️ Hekera, relentless as ever, pushed through what remained of the boogins, cutting them down and keeping the enemy forces from regrouping​.

⚔️ Finch, struggling with poison coursing through his veins, abandoned his bow and swung into battle on a rope, his scythe cutting into foes as he tripped them left and right, despite his weakened state​.

As the final blows were struck, Helg channeled positive energy, healing the party and bringing Callum back to consciousness once more. While the cleric mended wounds, Hekera consumed a potion of enlarge person, preparing for whatever lay ahead​.

The Aftermath – Boris Steelbeard Emerges

With the tiefling and its beholderkin finally slain, the battle had shifted in the party’s favor. However, just as the adventurers began to catch their breath, a new threat emerged from the ship’s depths.

A brawny dwarf, his arms wrapped in thick chains connected to twin battle axes, strode onto the deck. His eyes burned with fury, his weapons clanking ominously against the metal links as he sized up the party.

Boris Steelbeard had arrived.

🔥 Will the party survive a direct battle with the pirate lord?
⚔️ What secrets does The Falling Star still hold?
🚀 Is the end of the battle near, or is the true fight only just beginning?

Find out next time in Chronoshift: Spelljammer!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 122

Game summary for March 4, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The Battle for The Falling Star Rages On!

The fight against Boris “the Butcher” Steelbeard’s pirate crew aboard The Falling Star continued with no sign of slowing down. The party pressed the attack, cutting through enemy forces, though the tide of battle constantly shifted as fresh dangers emerged. With fire, steel, and magic, the adventurers fought to seize control of the enemy vessel, knowing that Boris himself had yet to appear.

Heroic Feats and Tactical Mastery

🎭 Komorebi’s Frightful Performance: The kitsune bard was a terror to his enemies, unleashing blistering invective paired with Improved Dirge of Doom, which sent waves of panic rippling through the enemy ranks. With many foes cowering in fear, their effectiveness in battle plummeted. To protect himself from counterattacks, Komorebi also warded himself with mirror image, ensuring he was difficult to strike.

⚔️ Finch’s Agile Evasion & Counterattack: Early in the battle, Finch was caught on the stairs and brutally wounded by the orog quartermaster, forcing him into a tactical retreat. Thinking quickly, he used the ship’s rigging to swing across the deck and scampered up the mast to the crow’s nest, where he repositioned and unleashed volleys of arrows upon the battlefield.

🛡️ Snagyndar’s Impenetrable Defense: The war master’s heavy armor proved its worth, as several foes attempted to surround him but struggled to land solid blows. His superior positioning and ability to command the flow of combat ensured his allies could push forward.

🏹 Notch’s Reign from the Sterncastle: From a commanding position atop the sterncastle, Notch delivered devastating barrages of arrows, striking down enemies before they could close the distance. His pinpoint accuracy continued to thin the enemy ranks with deadly efficiency.

💧Helg’s Bolstering Energy: The powerful aasimar cleric proved his worth throughout the battle by channeling massive amounts of positive energy to heal his allies and bolster their defenses. His earlier blade barrier continued to pin down some foes, and his spiritual weapon laid out a foe.

🔥 Callum’s Arcane Onslaught: The human sorcerer unleashed a relentless barrage of cold-based evocation spells, including multiple fireballs and a fire snake, sweeping through clusters of enemies with frigid devastation. Toward the end of the session, he teleported himself into the opposite crow’s nest with dimension door, ensuring a superior vantage point for the battle’s climax.

⚒️ Hekera’s Unstoppable Advance: The sebek-ka fighter was a one-man wrecking crew, cutting a path through Boris’ rank-and-file pirates with brutal precision. Though no singular foe stood against him for long, his sheer battlefield presence helped turn the tide.

🔥 Hwrulf’s Flaming Rampage: Still wreathed in flames from previous attacks but unbothered due to his magical amulet, the barbarian rampaged across the deck, delivering unrelenting attacks. He moved between pockets of enemy resistance, cutting down foes wherever he found them.

A New Threat Emerges…

As the party pushed through the enemy ranks, their momentum was suddenly halted by a new wave of pirates swarming onto the deck. But these were no ordinary reinforcements.

Stepping forward with crackling arcane energy swirling around them, a tiefling spellcaster emerged from the chaos, their fiery eyes burning with malice. Floating at their side was a small, beholder-like aberration, its four twitching eyestalks scanning the battlefield hungrily.

Arcane power surged in the air, promising a deadly new phase of battle.

The Cliffhanger Ending

Despite the significant ground gained, The Falling Star was far from secured. Boris Steelbeard himself had yet to emerge, and with powerful spellcasters now entering the fray, the party’s fight had only just begun.

🔥 Will the crew of The Perry finally bring Boris to battle?
🧙 What deadly magic will the tiefling and their aberrant companion unleash?
🚀 Can the party hold their ground against this fresh wave of enemies?

Find out next time in Chronoshift: Spelljammer!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 121

Game summary for February 25, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Battle Rages Aboard The Falling Star

The void above Greela erupted into a brutal melee as the party clashed with Boris “the Butcher” Steelbeard’s ambush forces aboard his vessel, The Falling Star. What began as a desperate defense of their own ship, The Perry, quickly turned into a full-scale boarding action, with the adventurers taking the fight directly to their foes.

Despite overwhelming numbers, the party fought with precision and relentless fury, systematically cutting down goblins, boogins (the savage half-quaggoth, half-orc warriors), and other threats. Though the initial wave had nearly been defeated, the battle was far from over.

Image AI Generated.

Heroic Moments and Tactical Triumphs

🔥 Snagyndar “Snagy” Blackthorn – The War Master rode into battle atop his giant wasp mount, Stingy, using its mobility to dominate the battlefield. His deadly lance struck with ruthless efficiency, felling several foes in rapid succession. His superior positioning on Stingy gave him command over the battle space, keeping enemies constantly on the defensive.

💧 Helg Ingvar – With multiple fires raging aboard The Perry, the aasimar cleric called upon his divine magic, using create water to douse flames before they could spread. This quick thinking prevented the ship from being lost to fire and gave the party the breathing room needed to press the attack. His blade barrier spell from earlier in the fight neutralized two goblins entirely.

❄️ Callum Spellhardt – The sorcerer, ever the master of arcane destruction, adapted to the chaos by converting his evocation spells into cold damage. He unleashed arctic blasts upon his foes, freezing enemies in place and cutting through their defenses with waves of bitter frost.

⚔️ Finch Bloodrain – The half-hobgoblin slayer was a whirlwind of destruction, expertly tripping foes with surgical strikes of his scythe. Every time an enemy hit the deck, they were immediately met with a merciless, bone-crushing follow-up. His control of the battlefield helped keep the enemy forces from swarming the party.

🏹 Notch Bowman – With a commanding vantage point aboard The Perry, Notch rained arrows down upon the enemy ship, thinning the ranks before he swung across onto The Falling Star to continue the fight up close. His precision strikes weakened key foes, allowing his allies to press forward.

🪝 Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka – The sebek-ka fighter secured a grappling hook and swung aboard The Falling Star, landing in the thick of combat. Immediately, he was forced into a brutal one-on-one duel with a Boogin manhunter, a highly mobile and vicious opponent. The clash of blades and brute strength between the two warriors made for a vicious brawl.

🔥 Hwrulf’s Charge and the Chaos That Followed
Hwrulf got aboard the Falling Star after bobbing dangerously in the gravity plane between the ships. Once aboard, the barbarian’s sword proved deadly. Though the fire aboard The Perry had been extinguished, Hwrulf’s battle rage drove him forward recklessly, and he charged down into the interior of The Falling Star without hesitation. Throwing open a door, he was met with a vicious volley of poisoned crossbow discs—whirling blades that cut through the air with deadly precision.

To make matters worse, vials of alchemist’s fire smashed against him, igniting him in a furious blaze. However, his lava glass amulet absorbed much of the fire, sparing him for now—but the flames still raged on his person, threatening to ignite the enemy ship itself.

With the door thrown open, Boris’ reinforcements surged out, eliminating any chance for the party to regroup or recover. The battle was only escalating.

What Comes Next?

  • With most of the party now aboard The Falling Star, there is no turning back.
  • Can Hwrulf contain the fire before the ship becomes a blazing deathtrap?
  • What else lies waiting within the bowels of The Falling Star?
  • And most importantly—where is Boris? Will the Butcher finally reveal himself?

The battle is far from over. Stay tuned for next session’s thrilling continuation of Chronoshift: Spelljammer!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 120

Game summary for February 18, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

“Ambush at Greela – The Battle Against Boris Steelbeard”

Setting the Scene

The party had just departed Greela in Greyspace, aiming for Realmspace, when they were ambushed by their old enemy, Boris “The Butcher” Steelbeard. His Falling Star intercepted their vessel, The Perry, initiating a ship-to-ship battle in the depths of Wildspace.

This fight was not a chance encounter—Boris had clearly been waiting for them, likely tracking their movements or anticipating their route. The Perry was caught in a tactical disadvantage at the start, forcing the crew into a desperate defense.

The Battle Unfolds – Key Moments

The first half of the battle played out as follows:

  1. Opening Salvo – The Perry Takes Fire
    • The Falling Star opened hostilities with a devastating first strike, catching The Perry off guard.
    • The ambush, put immediate pressure on the crew to react.
    • Players scrambled to assess damage, man defensive positions, and prepare countermeasures.
  2. Boarding Attempt & Melee Combat Begins
    • Enemy boarders from The Falling Star made an attempt to breach The Perry’s deck.
    • The party engaged in both ranged and melee combat, working to repel the first wave of attackers.
    • Players positioned themselves strategically, ensuring key spellcasters and ranged attackers had cover, while melee fighters held the line at critical choke points.
  3. Mid-Battle Status – Cliffhanger
    • The session ended mid-combat, with both ships still engaged and boarders still fighting on deck.
    • The next session will begin in the heat of battle, with players needing to finalize their counteroffensive strategy against Boris and his crew.

Session Discussion & Recap of Previous Campaign Events

Outside of the immediate battle, the session included:

  • Player discussions about Wildspace geography, focusing on the Radiant Triangle (Greyspace, Realmspace, Krynnspace) and their relative ease of travel.
  • Recap of past adventures, including:
    • The party’s dealings with the Elven Ambassador on Bral.
    • A trial involving Neko, a past party member, for arson in Bral.
    • Adventures in Waterdeep’s Undermountain, which involved a mission to rescue tressyms (winged cats).
    • Their connection with Large Luigi, the beholder bartender at the Laughing Beholder Tavern, and their current mission to help Daiyu’s brother, Daisuke.

Looking Ahead – What’s Next?

With the battle still unresolved, the next session promises:

  • The continuation of ship combat and boarding skirmishes.
  • More direct confrontation with Boris Steelbeard—possibly a duel or decisive clash.
  • Critical ship damage and resource management as the fight drags on.

The fight is far from over, and the crew of The Perry will need to act fast to turn the tide before Boris lands a decisive blow.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 119

Game summary for February 11, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The party sought to liberate Daisuke Kimora from the formidable Granite Mountain Prison on Ginsel. The night was filled with tense planning, reckless magic, and a daring escape. Here’s what went down:

Reconnaissance and Planning

The session kicked off with the team finalizing their prison break strategy. They had already gathered key intelligence on the prison’s security, including the forbiddance wards, the bronze construct that managed food distribution, and the guard rotation schedules. Their previous efforts had uncovered that the prison’s assistant warden, Nero Falconis, was somehow responsible for the strange construct delivering meals. This knowledge significantly complicated any smuggling attempts.

The group decided they needed to be able to leave at a moment’s notice, so they talked to Flick.  Or was it Rick?  Maybe Nick?  …the gnomes were sent to buy cargo for the hold and get The Perry ready to ship out.  The team also went to the temple and got their contingent spells applied. 

Seeking alternative entry points, Hwrulf took an audacious approach—paying a wizard to polymorph him into a hawk so he could scout the hidden ventilation system concealed by an illusion. His aerial reconnaissance confirmed the vents existed, but it wasn’t clear if they were large enough for human-sized infiltration.

The Reckless Wish

Frustration mounted as the group debated their options, struggling to find a foolproof way inside. But then, in true chaotic fashion, Hwrulf decided he was done waiting. Without consulting the rest of the party, he uttered a wish, hoping to bypass all obstacles:

“I wish that Daisuke Kimura would be brought here to us alive.”

The group could only hold their breath as reality bent to accommodate the wish.

The Guild’s Answer

As the night stretched on, a group of rogues unexpectedly arrived, agents of Ikor—the underworld boss the party had previously negotiated with. These thieves had successfully broken Daisuke out of Granite Mountain Prison and, as per Hwrulf’s wish, delivered him alive. They knew the party wanted Daisuke free and figured they could better themselves by aligning with the Subterranean Conquest Crew.

The side effects of such a wish, however, became apparent almost immediately.

The Escape to Greela

No sooner had Daisuke been delivered than the alarms of the prison break began to sound across the city. Guards were mobilizing, and soon pursuit ships would be dispatched to hunt down the escapees. Realizing that remaining on Ginsel would be extremely unwise, the party quickly made their way to The Perry and launched into Wildspace before reinforcements could catch up.

With the prison on high alert and their enemies likely to investigate how the breakout happened, the team had only one option: flee to safety. They made a desperate, high-speed escape toward Greela, where they could regroup and decide their next move.

Once at Greela, they hired a merchant to take Daisuke and the three rogues to Realmspace and the Rock of Bral.  The rogues would provide protection for Daisuke and then work as the SCC’s representation with Ozamata Ku Murawa.  With that business arranged, and Ozamata and Daiyu informed of the situation via magical sending, the team decided they wanted to set sail the other direction and head toward Krynnspace! 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 118

Game summary for February 4, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team continued their daring preparations for a prison break within the formidable Granite Mountain Prison. Armed with new intelligence and a fresh scheme, the party maneuvered through the shadows of Tarvin’s underworld, seeking allies, resources, and ways to circumvent the many obstacles ahead.

Gaining an Inside Man

The session kicked off with the group consolidating their knowledge of the prison’s defenses, thanks to a previous conversation with Eldran Tallowmere, a former Spellward Marshal. His insights into the prison’s magical wards had already given them an edge, but their plan still lacked a crucial piece: someone on the inside.

To that end, they turned to the infamous Ikor Killfury, a well-connected fixer within Tarvin’s Thieves’ Guild. Meeting him in a dimly lit, smoky chamber thick with the scent of pipe smoke and treachery, they put forth their request—finding a guard who could be turned.

Ikor delivered.

He had located Garran Velt, a low-ranking prison guard with significant personal baggage. Garran had a gambling problem and a secret love affair with a woman named Lessa—either of which could be exploited to ensure his absence from work on the day of the infiltration. However, Ikor warned that he was only able to secure one such weak link, meaning the crew would need another method for smuggling aid to their imprisoned ally.

A Late-Night Visit to Garran’s Home

Armed with this information, the party decided to pay Garran Velt a personal visit. The group located his modest apartment in the lower districts of Tarvin—a cluttered and dimly lit space that smelled of cheap ale and stale regret.

Velt’s wife, Mara, was clearly caught off guard, eyes widening as she fumbled to close the door behind her, glancing nervously toward the hallway as the party filed in. Hwrulf, after running Garran down and bringing him back, and Helg took the lead in pressing him for cooperation, dropping veiled (and not-so-veiled) threats about his gambling debts and how easily his affair with Lessa could become public knowledge.

At first, Garran protested, insisting that he couldn’t risk crossing the prison’s administration. But as the group tightened the screws, it became clear that he was already on the edge—his financial ruin and personal indiscretions left him little choice.

  • Snagyndar Blackthorn played the role of the cold enforcer, standing menacingly near the door as the others laid out his predicament.
  • Hwrulf punctuated the discussion by idly cracking his knuckles, making sure Garran understood the gravity of his situation.
  • Helg Ingvar offered a twisted version of encouragement, reassuring Garran that skipping his shift wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to him—so long as he cooperated.

In the end, Velt caved. He agreed to “come down with a sudden illness” on the next guard rotation, ensuring that his post would be vacant. However, he made it clear that if this came back to bite him, he’d be looking for someone to blame.

With their inside man secured, the crew had one piece of their plan in place. Now, they just needed to figure out how to deal with the mysterious bronze construct patrolling the prison’s upper ring

The Construct Problem

Ikor’s next revelation threw a wrench into their smuggling plans: the guards no longer handled prisoner food deliveries. Instead, a bronze construct had been tasked with the job. This meant their initial plan of bribing a guard to sneak in supplies was now off the table. If they wanted to get a message or tool to Daisuke, their captured comrade, they would need to find a way to either bypass or manipulate this mysterious automaton.

This led to a deep discussion among the group. Theories ranged from the construct being a standard golem to something more exotic. A Knowledge (arcana) check yielded some basic insights—constructs often had strict programming, and some could be controlled or deactivated under the right circumstances. If they could learn more about this particular model, they might be able to disable or manipulate it.

A few ideas emerged:

  • Identifying the construct’s creator – Perhaps the prison’s Spellward Marshal, Thorne Ironward, had information about its construction.
  • Finding its control mechanism – If the construct had a master override, it could be hijacked or shut down.
  • Studying its patrol pattern – Learning when and how it operated might present an opportunity for sabotage.

One thing was certain—ignoring the construct was not an option.

A Dangerous Game

With these two major pieces of information in hand, the party debated their next steps. Their current options included:

  1. Pressuring Garran Velt – They could use his gambling debts or illicit affair to blackmail or bribe him into skipping his next shift.
  2. Researching the bronze construct – Figuring out its creator, limitations, and potential vulnerabilities would be crucial to gaining access to their contact inside.
  3. Gathering prison intelligence – Learning more about patrol schedules, blind spots, and potential allies within the facility would increase their chances of success.

Then, they had the realization they might be able to bargain with their efreet contact, Amir Mahmout.  The genie should be able to grant a wish, and perhaps he could use that magic to get Daisuke free.  Helg cast a sending spell to contact the genie who came to meet them on The Perry.  In an exchange for an undisclosed favor at a later time, Mahmout is willing to grant a wish

The session ended with the crew considering their approach carefully, knowing that any misstep in their prison infiltration could turn deadly. With time ticking down before the next guard rotation, their window of opportunity was closing fast.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 117

Game summary for January 28, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team returned to speak with Ikor who was quite pleased with their elimination of Threzka hours earlier.  He told them where they could find former Spellward Marshal, Eldran Tallowmere.  The team traveled a few miles out of the city to a small town.  They found Eldran’s nice, but older, large home.  They knocked and spoke with him a few minutes before getting invited in for tea.  The wizard’s home was filled with books, knickknacks, clocks, and a floating magical tea set. 

The group spoke with him a while and finally convinced him to share some information on the magical defenses of the prison, which were certainly formidable.  The group asked lots of questions and gathered a tremendous amount of data.  They started pondering how they might put it to use.  Helg then cast commune and succeeded in discovering the number of Daisuke’s cell.  Meanwhile, Hwrulf went out and found a former guard and got in a “friendly” bar brawl with him to judge his martial prowess.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 116

Game summary for January 21, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team spent several hours pursuing loyalists to Sylvar’s version of the guild with quite a bit of success.  After a couple skirmishes, they pursued and caught up with Sylvar’s chief lieutenant, Threzka the Shaper, a half-orc who allegedly brokered the deal between Sylvar and his succubus companion. 

He had a number of guild members with him, including a hippo-head giff.  The man was massive, a towering chunk of solid muscle decked in strong armor and holding an enormous hammer.  They were pretty certain that hammer could pulp just about anything it struck.

The battle started with the two guild sneak priests hurling spells.  One cast prayer to enhance allies and debuff foes.  The other cast curse of petty failing on Helg.  Threzka cast black tentacles which grappled a few of the team and interfered with mobility for the rest.  Notch started firing arrows, and Callum struggled to get some effect spells cast.  The massive giff guild breaker ran up to Helg and started attacking.  In a few moments (and after a devastating critical hit), Helg lay dead.  The guild foxclaws entered bedlam and drifted into the fray.

Hwrulf got out of the tentacles and started trying to close in.  Komorebi inspired his allies while Finch drifted out to the side to engage the enemy perimeter.  Snagy motivated his allies with his battle tactics.  Hekera waded through the tentacles to try and belly up to the giff and begin a great battle for supremacy. 

The combined spell power of the priests and Threzka proved challenging.  They cursed the party with spells while Threzka made three of the enemies grow double in size!  A well-placed silence spell ended several of the team’s buff effects.  Callum blasted Threzka and learned he was well protected from electricity.  Notch had several rounds of feast or famine; he either hit with nearly every arrow and just blasted foes with an entire volley.  Callum ended up unconscious and dying beside a likewise injured Hekera.  Things looked very, very bleak.  Several of the enemies were slain, and Komorebi succeeded in forcing several to flee in fear!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 115

Game summary for January 14, 2025, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Callum Spellhardt (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Finch Bloodrain (Half-Hobgoblin Slayer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group assembled and had Helg cast commune.  He was able to call upon the power of Hextor, the local Valhalla pantheon deity, and received answers to several of their questions.  This led them to develop several ideas for how they may free Kimura Daisuke from Granite Mountain Prison. 

Hwrulf went to see if he could find Zarak and was able to locate his ship at the port before the half-orc departed.  He noticed the assassin kicking a person’s arm back under a tarp.  He got a bit more information from him, including the name of the previous Spellward Marshal Eldran Tallowmere, before the team negotiated an investment opportunity with him. 

They then went to meet with Ikor Killfury to see if he could help them locate Eldran.  He agreed to see if he could figure out where he may be and to return in 24 hours.  The team then worked out an investment deal with him and his new venture.  To pass the time, Hwrulf offered to help strike out at remaining Sylvar loyalists.  Ikor was pleased to take them up on that offer and began plotting where to send them.