Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 106

Game summary for October 22, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Hwrulf (Human Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

AI generated image.

A fight broke out in the Crimson Lantern, and the team saw a man get killed in a knife fight.  The bartender, Scarred Jon, had his enforcers dump the body in the sewers while the staff spread more straw and sawdust to soak up the blood.  The team decided they really had no reason not to immediately begin their quest in search of the thieves’ guild outpost.  They went down into the Tarvin sewers and began following the map provided by Zarak.

Not far into the depths, rodents of unusual size and a monstrous carrion crawler attacked!  The crawler hit with its tentacles but failed to paralyze anyone.  The group ripped into the monster, but the rodents proved to be more dangerous than expected.  The crawler was slain by Hwrulf and his magical sword.  Meanwhile, Khesen wiped out the rodents.  They had seen a shoestring hanging from the crawler’s mouth.  They discovered it had eaten someone and recovered several magical items from its gullet. 

A few minutes later, the group came across an area of horrid sewer gas.  The stench was terrible, and worse, three grey oozes emerged from the sewage!  Khesen attacked one and found his magical gloves dissolving in the acid!  Meanwhile, the team fell ill to the awful fumes.  Helg pulled the team together and warded four of them against acid.  Claude got grabbed by one of the oozes but blasted it with shocking spark.  Unfortunately, the natural sewer gases exploded and burned the entire team.  Claude was then pinned and constricted.  With choking smoke stinging their eyes and blocking vision, the group stumbled about.  They were able to fight the nearby oozes but struggled a bit to move around and find targets.  Komorebi inspired the team and blasted magic missiles.  Helg cast bane weapon on Hekera, and the gator man and Hwrulf waded through the muck to engage!  It was short, violent, and somewhat repulsive, but the team defeated the oozes and found several gemstones in the mire.

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