Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 095

Game summary for August 6, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The party went to see Sheriff Hayden and found him to be an honorable and brave man.  He was the only deputy who did not immediately quit and flee after the Ironjaw Reapers killed the previous Sheriff, Bosco.  He offered to hire them as deputies for 4 gp per week, but they declined.  He told them a few more rumors and what he could about the Ironjaw Reapers, which was not a great amount. 

The group then went to visit The Planar Emporium, the curio shop run by Jasper Whistlewind, a flamboyant quarterling with an impressive mane of silver hair and a motley outfit of vibrant colors and gaudy jewelry.  He offered to sell them various items, and they let him know they had quite a bit of means, and he eagerly took them to a sealed room where he showed them powerful magical items he claimed were unique to Greela.  Regardless of that claim, the group had never seen items quite like these, magical hats, boots, belts, and shining spurs.  The team decided to liquidate their accumulated magical item surplus and come back to shop later.

The party looked around to see if they could find a tavern or bar a bit rougher than The Dusty Pistol, and it took little searching to find The Tumbling Weed.  In fact, a patron was tossed bodily out the front doors as they watched.  They entered the seedy establishment and realized they were in a much lower-class operation than the Pistol.  They were eyed by the bouncer, a mountain of a half-orc woman.  The team sat down at a couple tables and ordered some of the worst ale they have experienced.  Before long, a dwarven miner came up to bar and ordered some moonshine.  The group bought him another round and one for themselves and struck up conversation.

The miner, Borik Ironbeard, is a working class individual who has mined throughout Greyspace for nearly 70 years.  He seemed to like the new Sheriff and had some gossip on lots of different topics.  They talked for quite a while, and he offered to draw them a map to what he believes to be an abandoned mine occupied by a group of bandits in exchange for one more drink.  The team readily agreed, and he sketched out a map on a napkin using a piece of coal.   

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