Game summary for November 12, 2019, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.
The team drove around for a while as Dell messed with the commlink taken from Dietrich. He is able to get through the encryption and recover part of a file. He then took it and combined it with the original file and make one long document. The team was amazed because it seemed to be proof of Brackhaven’s nefarious dealings. Dell realized he had probably alerted Overwatch in all his prodding around and shut off the device. The group continued to drive erratically all over town.
After a brief discussion, the team decided to sell the commlink(s) to Ares. They had Dell find a number for her, and they called her. Upon learning of two commlinks and some negotiation with Hollywood, she upped her price to 235,000 nuyen. However, she demanded they have both commlinks with them at a meet. The group told her they would have them in 4 hours.
The team realized they had to get back into the zoo, so the scoped it out with a drone and realized contractors were coming in and out to do some damage estimations. They tailed a van back to a warehouse. Three of the four men left, but one stayed behind. Ballyhoo cast Mask upon Octane to make him appear as a human who may work there, and he sneaked in and choked out the man, Joe Reynolds. He left him bound with plastic restraints and gagged with his own underwear. Posing as Joe, Octane drove the contractor van back to the zoo and walked up to the gate. The guards were not paying much attention until the wave scanner alerted on Octane’s cyberware! He was asked to go back through, and the machine must have glitched because it did not go off the second time. Octane was allowed in, and he went to the locker and got the commlink. He then walked right out the front door.
Hollywood called Karen King back, and they agreed to meet in a park north of town in two hours. While driving there, Hollywood noticed they were being tailed by men on motorcycles. A little hacking and research later, and Dell was able to learn these were registered to Mitsuhama Computer Technologies. Dell had earlier figured out the Japanese man to whom they spoke earlier worked for MCT!
Clutch took off through traffic, and the cycles gunned it in pursuit. However, Clutch displayed an amazing ability to weave in and out of traffic, and combined with his deployed thermal smoke, he was able to out maneuver and lose the bikers.