Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 073

Game summary for February 13, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered a blue-tiled stone chamber with a huge lava pit in the middle lined on either side by a narrow ledge with brick blocks scattered about making it difficult to traverse.  Four large green Warp Pipes stood near the back of the room along with a bright yellow mystery question block.  Two seemingly bottomless pits lay between the Warp Pipes, and suspended over them were the red-and-blue clad Mario and pink-clad Princess Peach in swaying steel cages!  Near the entrance waddled two bob-ombs.  An undead koopa, a dry bones, began approaching the party.  A green and red piranha plant popped up out of one of the pipes.  By the cages stood the bulky, spike-shelled king of the koopas, King Bowser! 

Bowser approached the edge of the lava pit, on the side far from the party.  From there he unleashed two barrages of magic hammers at Khesen!  Claude blasted a bob-omb with three electrical blasts from a shocking spark spell which he empowered with his magical rod.  The bob-omb could not withstand the sheer magnitude of Claude’s spell and exploded!  The blast washed over the party, dealing damage to them all.  Komorebi burst into song to inspire the team while Edonna cast blessing of fervor upon them all.  The other bob-omb sauntered up to the team and unleashed a blast upon them all.  The piranha plant launched a fiery energy ball that scorched Claude.  Hekera dropped his hammer, drew his bow, and fired upon the plant.  Meanwhile, Helg channeled positive energy which healed and bolstered the entire party.  Khesen then attacked the bob-omb.

Bowser then hit Claude with many magic hammers, killing him beneath the onslaught.  Komorebi began casting blur on numerous allies.  Edonna broke free of the pack and began edging around the side while the team finished off the other bob-omb.  She then leaped across the entire room using her magical boots.  Bowser came charging forward and stepped right out into the lava pit!  Instead of plunging in, a bridge appeared beneath his feet allowing him to walk into the middle of the flaming pit!  From there he breathed a horrific blast of fire across almost everyone.  Komorebi used his magical cloak to fake his death in the conflagration and turn invisible.  Hekera’s bow spelled death for the piranha plant.  Meanwhile, Edonna triggered the question block and revealed a POW block that she quickly slammed into the ground!  It damaged the dry bones and Bowser with its blast. 

Helg had cast spiritual weapon, and it continued to tear into Bowser, much to the koopa king’s annoyance.  The team tried to bull rush the dry bones into the lava but failed to push it far enough.  Khesen then grappled the creature, slammed it to the ground, and pinned it!  Bowser moved further across the bridge and begin ripping into Helg.  In the meantime, Edonna went to Mario’s cage and removed his gag.  He yelled “Pull the lever!”  Edonna looked around and spotted a lever near the question block.  She rushed back and threw it, which caused the bridge to retract!  As Bowser toppled, Helg hit him with his sword!  The injured koopa king hit the lava and died in the flames!  His death caused the dry bones to become inanimate.  The team rescued Mario and Peach and searched the room.  They found several valuable items and learned they needed to flee before Bowser’s daughter, Bowsette, returned home!  The group ran through the koopa kingdom, guided by Mario and Peach, and returned to the entrance Warp Pipe.  They went through and gated back to the asteroid pirate city, Bral! 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 072

Game summary for February 6, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group rested and nursed their wounds from the horrific previous battle and bound their prisoner, the magikoopa.  He told them all this hubbub is over a wedding!  Bowser’s daughter, Bowsette, was engaged to a man named Mario.  However, Mario secretly fell in love with a woman named Princess Peach and left Bowsette at the altar.  Bowser has kidnapped Mario and plans a crossbow wedding to his daughter.  The fact that he now also has Peach and can “annul” the wedding by killing her is just icing on the wedding cake.  The group was able to bind the magikoopa and left him stashed out of the way to buy them time to get to Bowser and try and rescue the couple. 

The group came across a blue-tiled low-ceiling chamber with a very large pool of water.  A pair of green Warp Pipes stood on either side of the entrance, and a snarling, growling chain chomp sat atop a pile of bricks nearby.  On the far side of the room a long fire bar spun about.  Khesen tried to climb sideways along the wall, lost his grip and plunged into the water.  A bright red cheep cheep swam up and bit him!  Its fishy razor teeth removed a sizeable hunk of flesh, inflicted a nasty bleeding wound!  Hekera, far better suited for aquatic battle, swam into the pool!  The crocodile man attempted to fight the cheep cheep!  A white squid-like blooper rose up out of the depths behind him and attacked.  Just as things looked bad, it got worse!  A bright red and green piranha plant rose up from a Warp Pipe and started blasting energy balls at the team. 

Komorebi and Edonna stacked several enhancing spells upon the team to improve their odds of success.  Claude cast shocking spark and devastated the piranha plant, but not before unleashed a final blast to burn Khesen to death! 

Claude destroyed the piranha plant and caught the cheep cheep in magical constricting coils.  Edonna and Komorebi hurled around healing spells, which is really all that kept the team on their feet.  Claude was able to blast the blooper into oblivion, and Hekera waded back into the pool and defeated the pinned cheep cheep.

The team looted the room, recovered Khesen’s body, and allowed Hekera to swim each of them over one at a time.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 071

Game summary for January 30, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered a large blue-tiled chamber illuminated by glow lava pits and a bright yellow mystery question block.  Four green Warp Pipes were scattered around the chamber.  A small bob-omb waddled to the right, and a green-shelled koopa troopa stalked about on the left.  Up from one of the Warp Pipes emerged a green and red piranha plant that was spitting orbs of freezing cold energy.  The most fearsome foe, however, was a bipedal magikoopa wearing flowing blue robes, a pointed blue wizard hat, black and silver goggles, and carrying a metallic staff tipped by a glowing red orb. 

To start the engagement, the unicorn-like spellcaster, Claude, stepped up (still protected by his mage armor spell) and cast shrillfire at the magikoopa.  The line of fiery sonic energy blasted from his fingertips toward the enemy spellcaster, but the magikoopa nimbly evaded the attack, much to their surprise.  It countered by casting contagious fog which created a thick green mist that obscured the team’s vision and inflicted a horrible disease, the shakes, upon Edonna, Komorebi, and Khesen.  The magikoopa then hurled one of its allies, the koopa troopa, across the room with telekinetic charge allowing it to bite Claude as it landed!  Now amongst the party, the koopa troopa waded into battle biting left and right!  The piranha plant blast orbs of cold amongst the party, causing terrible frostbite and chilling damage. 

Helg was able to channel positive energy and mitigate some of the damage.  Komorebi began a bardic performance and inspired courage among his allies, just in time!  Edonna likewise spelled up the team by casting prayer, which also negatively impacted the koopa troopa, which would pay off greatly later in the fight.  The hulking crocodile-man, Hekera, moved up to attack the koopa troopa, but with the partial obscurement from the fog was far less effective than normal.  Meanwhile, the bob-omb methodically walked near the team and exploded!  Even though the koopa troopa was also in range of the blast, the turtle was able to evade.  Khesen moved up and attacked the bob-omb, and the fog also impacted his effectiveness by making him miss some of his attacks. 

The battle had started ferociously, and it only escalated from there!  Powerful spells were hurled back and forth.  A flame strike from the magikoopa combined with more blasts from the bob-omb devastated the team.  Edonna enhanced the group further with haste.  Khesen jumped one of the lava pits using his uncanny leaping ability and engaged the magikoopa.  Claude attempted to cast his own telekinetic charge to hurl Hekera at the magikoopa, but he did so while next to the koopa, and it disrupted his spell with a horrific bite!  Claude fell back and tried again, sending Hekera at the magikoopa!  The two warriors were effective against the spellcasting koopa forcing it to reposition with a quickened dimension door

With the frontline fighters halfway across the chamber, the party’s spellcasters were left vulnerable.  The koopa troopa ripped into Claude.  The bob-omb released an explosive blast.  The magikoopa cast another flame strike.  Edonna and Helg did everything they could with healing magic to try and undo the damage, but Claude was unable to withstand and died a quick death.  Komorebi’s cloak of fiery vanishing triggered making him turn invisible while making an illusion of his ashen remains fall to the ground. 

Horribly wounded, the team fanned out trying to keep the bob-omb from hitting so many over and again.  Edonna jumped down a Warp Pipe and came up beside the magikoopa and suffered a smack for it before jumping back through the pipe!  Helg cast cherub’s burning blade, but the magikoopa’s spell resistance rendered it ineffective.  Komorebi tried to intimidate the magikoopa without effect.  Hekera was able to badly injure the magikoopa, so it warded itself with a kinetic reverberation, so the crocodile man swapped to his bow. 

The battle continued back and forth, and Komorebi fell beneath the combined might of the foes.  However, the rest of the team suddenly started defeating the other enemies.  First, the koopa troopa fell, then the piranha plant, and finally the bob-omb.  With few spells remaining, the magikoopa was driven back to a high point as the group circled in.  Edonna offered it the chance to surrender, and much to their surprise it did! 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 070

Game summary for January 23, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

AI Generated via GPT4.

After waking up from their rest, the team recovered spells and healed their remaining wounds.  Edonna cast scrying and had a vision of the Pink Lady in a hanging suspended cage dangling over a seemingly bottomless pit.  Beside her swung another cage occupied by a short, bearded man wearing red and blue clothing and a red cap.  Lava glowed in the background, and in Edonna’s vision, she could see shadows on the walls hinting at koopas guarding the prisoners along with a much larger spike-shelled koopa!

After Edonna’s scrying spell, they then advanced into a blue-tiled room with several lava pits, large green Warp Pipes, and a bright yellow question block.  Three enemies occupied the room:  a glossy black bob-omb moving about on mechanical legs, a green-shelled hammer brother koopa, and a red-shelled spike top koopa. 

Khesen moved forward and peeked out to see a large hole in the nearby wall and suspected a Bullet Bill would fire out of it!  So, he acrobatically tumbled past the opening into a safe area.  The bob-omb waddled up beside Khesen and exploded, its fiery blast tearing into the team.  Claude advanced and blasted the bob-omb with three successful shocking spark rays.  Edonna augmented the team with a blessing of fervor spell, and then she jumped out into a safe space.  Helg used the speed option from blessing of fervor to jump way out into the room and run up a pile of bricks to activate the bright glowing yellow mystery box!  It revealed a glossy red and black POW block! 

The enemy hammer brother advanced and hurled a barrage of hammers at Edonna, wounding her greatly.  Khesen grabbed hold of the bob-omb and bravely dragged it further from his allies.  Hekera jumped out into the fray and charged the approaching red spike top koopa!  His mighty sword struck its shiny red shell and bounced off with very little effect! 

Claude cast his crushing coils spell to entangle the red spike top, and Hekera swapped to his earth breaker hammer and began smashing away.  His hammer proved far more effective against the spike top, and he scored a critical hit against it!  Hekera smashed its shell and inflicted  a horrifying about of damage.  He hit it yet again and obliterated the foe. 

Meanwhile, Helg snatched up the shiny POW block and dashed it into the ground, which activated a POW effected on enemies!  The blast of the POW ripped through the bob-omb causing it to unleash its explosive death throes!  The blast damaged the party even more.  The same POW blast also tore into the hammer brother koopa, and it knocked him right out of his green shell which ricocheted all around the room, damaging several of the party!

With their foes vanquished, the team looted the room and healed themselves.  The team then crept down the hallway and found another room.  As they came in, a blue-robed koopa with goggles stared at them, and the staff it held began to glow! 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 069

Game summary for January 9, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

AI Generated via GPT4.

The team continued their travels through the blue-tiled dungeon world.  The next chamber had numerous seemingly bottomless pits with narrow ledges traversing them.  On the far side of the room were a couple of green Warp Pipes, and at least two bright yellow mystery question blocks were also present. 

A large green and red piranha plant rose up out of a Warp Pipe and began launching glowing orbs of energy, cold, acid, and electricity, at various members of the party.  A brown mushroom-like goomba lumbered about waiting for someone to get near it so it could bull rush them off the ledge.  Meanwhile, a four-legged buzzy beetle koopa with a shiny black shell positioned on a ledge and readied an action to charge anyone coming within range.  A green-shelled hammer brother koopa took cover behind a question block and launched volley after volley of twirling throwing hammers at the team. 

Komorebi and Edonna augmented the team with their spells while Helg began healing some of their lingering injuries from the previous encounter.  Claude stepped up and cast a shrillfire spell and discovered at least some of the foes were able to evade his magic.  Hekera moved forward and got hit by a vicious fast-moving Bullet Bill!  The bullet-shaped black entity went blasting through in a straight line and damaging everything it hit. 

Khesen went rushing toward a question block, and when he activated it, it spawned banana peels all around the room!  Several of the team slipped on them, and Edonna plunged over the edge of a pit!  She fell screaming into the abyss only to mystically respawn, at half her health total, back at the entrance of the room!  The hammer brother continued bombarding the team with hurled hammers, and the piranha plant’s energy orbs proved devastating.  Claude was able to blast the goomba and eliminate it, but Hekera found himself grievously injured.  But for Edonna’s quick close wounds spell, he could have been slain.  Helg continued spontaneously casting healing spells while Khesen and the rest of the team moved toward the center of the room.  Someone triggered the Bullet Bill again, and it came blasting through the room striking several people. 

Komorebi moved up and demoralized the hammer brother and buzzy beetle, one of which he set on fire with his blistering invective spell!  Claude cast a Bogg’s cinderball spell, and the fiery concussive blast washed over the room but was only of limited benefit.  He was far more successful moments later with a shocking spark spell that electrified the buzzy beetle.  The team started landing some blows and realized many of their opponents were lackeys, fodder packing a heavy punch but no staying power. 

In spite of suffering several extremely heavy blows, the team was able to defeat all the enemies and also avoid further blasts of the Bullet Bill.  The team searched the room and found a few magical arrows and some valuables.  They then setup camp and set a rotating watch shift.  Throughout the night they heard some patrols, but they were a long way out.  The team got up the next morning refreshed and with spell power recovered. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 068

Game summary for January 2, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team entered a blue-titled dungeon room with two rows of three Warp Pipes each dividing the room.  Stacked brick blocks were topped by bright yellow mystery question blocks.  A brightly colored red and green piranha plant rose up from one Warp Pipe and began launching fiery orbs.  Out of the dust arose two skeletal animated dry bones, boney anthropomorphic turtles with grey shells, blue gloves on their hands, and glowing lights in their empty eye sockets. 

Notch unleashed a devastating volley into piranha plant before suffering severe burns for his attack.  Claude ran out and started activating question blocks to reveal their contents (a bright red super mushroom and a glossy black POW block).  Helg cast cherub’s burning blade to conjure a fiery angel blade to his hands.  Hekera and Khesen moved out into the room and engaged the dreadful shambling dry bones.  The skeletal turtles radiated a palpable aura of fear that shook those around them to their cores.  Their bites were tainted with a wasting disease.  Several blows were landed on the gray-shelled shambling turtles, but they exhibited a regenerative power beyond anything the team had ever seen.  Helg reached deep into his knowledge of the undead and studied them to determine they were immune to cold, resistant to channeling, spell resistant, and possessed damage reduction only overcome by weapons both bludgeoning and good-aligned. 

The team failed a number of spells against the dry bones’ spell resistance and although they dealt several powerful blows to them, the skeletal turtles kept recovering from the attacks.  Only after Notch defeated the piranha plant, Khesen quaffed a haste potion, Hekera received a bane weapon from Helg, and Claude hit them all with the power of the POW block did things start to go in the party’s direction.  The team was finally able to beat the dry bones into a pile of broken bone fragments, but they continued to slowly regenerate.  Unable to determine what damage type would negate their regeneration, the team decided to loot the room and flee further into the labyrinth, hoping to put enough distance between them and the dry bones to not be followed.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 067

Game summary for December 28, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), and Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

After the previous encounter, the team was low on spells and badly injured.  They used their last healing spells, and Claude created several web shelters for them to set up camp.  Meanwhile, Edonna scried the real Pink Lady and saw she was bound and in a camp guarded by koopas, including a new variation with a black they had not yet encountered, and goombas.  They set rotating shifts, and through the night enemy patrols came nearby but did not stumble upon them.  Khesen spotted a skeletal koopa marching with a patrol, and its allies seemed to give it a wide berth. 

The group moved into a large room, again comprised entirely of blue square stone tiles.  Two bright yellow mystery blocks sat upon tiers of blue bricks, and a single green Warp Pipe stood in a corner.  Five bob-ombs roamed around the room.  They were small round bomb-shaped black creatures with bright yellow feet, a burning fuse, bright white eyes, and a bright yellow wind-up key in their backs. 

Claude cast a Bogg’s cinderball and hit several of the bob-ombs.  The team tried to move in and discovered thwomps, massive spikey square stone blocks with scowling faces, guarding the door smashing down on everything passing through!  When the team got near the bob-ombs, the clockwork constructs released powerful explosive blasts!  The team sustained lots of damage from the overlapping bob-omb blasts.  Even worse, when they did defeat a bob-omb, it exploded in one final greater explosion! 

Khesen made his way up to one mystery block and discovered a fire flower.  Activating it allowed him to launch fiery blasts at the bob-ombs.  Edonna used her magical boots to leap over to the other mystery block and discover a POW block.  She hesitated to use it and instead magically healed Hekera who had collapsed unconscious from the bob-omb blasts.  Helg endured a thwomping to come out and heal his team.  Bolstered by their cleric, Edonna then activated the POW block.  It blasted the remaining bob-ombs to the ground, which killed one!  It exploded in its death throes, which then caused a chain reaction killing the other bob-ombs which caused them to explode as well! 

In the aftermath of the explosions the team picked themselves up and healed their wounds.  They searched the room and found several magical items and treasures and prepared to continue their quest.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 066

Game summary for December 19, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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Tonight’s RPG session was a thrilling affair with the group facing two challenging encounters that put their survival instincts and tactical prowess to the test. The adventure commenced deep within the labyrinthine confines of the blue stone maze, where the party had to deftly navigate through a series of hazards. Their coordination was paramount as they combined their stealth, perception, and acrobatics skills to evade the menacing chain chomp and firebar traps.

Upon successfully navigating the maze, the group found themselves in a vast chamber adorned with blue square stones. The ambient warmth and orange luminescence of nearby lava pits welcomed them, raising the stakes of their quest. A narrow bridge led to a precarious stone platform where a fire bar spun with dangerous intent. The room was dotted with four green warp pipes and stacks of blue bricks, each surmounted by luminous yellow question blocks.

The dramatic highlight unfolded when they confronted a cadre of koopa troopas, anthropomorphic turtle adversaries of varied shell hues, commanded by a hammer-wielding koopa with a red shell. A striking woman in opulent pink attire was in their clutches, and in a surprising twist, she declared her identity, accusing her doppelgänger of allegiance to the nefarious Bowser before being whisked away.

As battle ensued, the Pink Lady deftly maneuvered through a Warp Pipe to launch fiery spells at the heroes. The group swiftly rallied, employing their tried-and-true tactics. Edonna invoked the blessing of fervor, while Helg emanated waves of positive energy, healing and invigorating their allies. Komorebi initiated his bardic performance, amplifying the group’s abilities, even as the hammer brother unleashed a barrage of spinning hammers amidst the whirling fire bar’s threat.

The encounter saw Hekera, despite earlier wounds, gain a miraculous boost from a 1-up mushroom, while Helg’s daring use of a Warp Pipe led to a formidable yet fatal confrontation with the koopa troopas. Khesen’s endeavor to trigger another question block resulted in a comedic yet hazardous outbreak of banana peels, causing chaos among friend and foe alike.

The climax featured a maelstrom of spells and close calls, with Notch’s near-fatal slip and Hereka’s gargantuan transformation followed by a comical slip on a banana peel. The team’s ingenuity shone as they navigated the battlefield, employing spells like grease to hinder foes and ear-piercing scream to dispatch them. Their combined might eventually prevailed, with Notch’s archery and Edonna’s voidmote contributing to the foes’ defeat.

In the aftermath, the team resurrected the fallen Helg and salvaged a trove of valuables, marking the end of a session replete with suspense, strategy, and a touch of whimsy.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 065

Game summary for December 12, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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In this session, our intrepid adventurers found themselves navigating a mysterious blue-stone labyrinth. As they cautiously made their way deeper, they entered a spacious chamber filled with treacherous hazards and menacing foes.

The chamber was fraught with peril, featuring deep chasms scattered throughout. Near the entrance, mechanical chain chomps menacingly swung back and forth, ready to snap at anyone who ventured too close. Large green pipes towered in the room’s corners, and atop stacked brick blocks sat two bright yellow question blocks, their contents shrouded in mystery. The party’s path was blocked by lumbering goombas and a green koopa troopa, and in the distance, a formidable blue koopa hammer brother relentlessly hurled a barrage of hammers at our heroes!

Claude, with his sorcerer powers, bravely led the charge but was immediately chomped by the menacing chain chomps and struck by the hammer brother’s relentless assault. With determination, he cast a shocking spark, sending a jolt of electricity zapping through one of the goombas. Khesen and Hekera, fortified by the beneficial boosts from Edonna and Komorebi, joined the fray and began battling the goombas and the koopa troopa. Unfortunately, the koopa troopa bit Hekera, impairing his dexterity, while another goomba charged in. Helg, the aasimar cleric, entered the room and provided much-needed healing spells. However, the chain chomp swung back into action and struck Helg, posing a significant threat. The hammer brother continued to rain down hammers on the beleaguered party.

Despite the overwhelming odds, our heroes pressed on and managed to defeat the koopa troopa and goombas. However, the hammer brother remained across the room, relentlessly hurling hammers at them. The team’s fortunes began to turn when they activated the mysterious question blocks, revealing a super mushroom and a POW block. Claude unleashed a shrillfire spell, but the agile hammer brother managed to evade it. Komorebi, in an act of desperation, unleashed an ear-piercing shriek, attempting to disrupt their foe’s focus. Edonna cast recitation, then activated the super mushroom, growing in size and strength.

Hekera and Khesen, finally closing in on the hammer brother, launched their assault. Just as hope seemed to wane, Helg activated the POW block, creating a powerful shockwave that knocked the hammer brother to the ground, severely injuring him. Khesen, with a decisive kick, triggered the hammer brother’s blue shell death throes, causing the shell to bounce unpredictably, damaging many members of the party and rendering Hekera unconscious. With the enemies vanquished and danger averted, the team took a moment to stabilize and heal Hekera. They also discovered a small cache of treasure and assisted the Pink Lady in safely navigating past the menacing chain chomps.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 064

Game summary for November 28, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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 The team emerged into a dark blue-stoned catacomb with large green pipes.  Brightly-colored piranha plants rose up from some of the pipes and belched for glowing energy balls of cold, fire, or electricity.  The deadly attacks ripped into the party.  Dwarf-life short brown mushroom people, Goombas, came charging in.  They rammed party members and tossed them about like ragdolls.  Notch unleashed a volley of arrows while Komorebi began a bardic performance and Edonna enhanced the team with spells.  Soon the team was powerfully enchanted with supplemental magic.

 Claude cast Bogg’s cinderball, which unleashed a powerful blast.  Throughout the fight he contributed other spells such as energy dart.  The team learned the Goombas seemed resistant to slashing and piercing attacks along with sonic energy.  The team took a solid thumping from several of the foes before they turned the tide.  The enemies were brought down with a flurry of attacks and spells. 

 Hekera activated a yellow mystery box and discovered a temporary mushroom effect that caused him to increase in size.  The team searched the room and found some single-use magic items they could carry with them and use later including some magical mushrooms.