Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 103

Game summary for October 1, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Einar Ormsson (Human Fighter / Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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About three days after leaving the Nebula Weavers halfling tribe behind, the team came across a smoldering battle-damaged eel ship named the Hither Slither.  They could detect nothing living or magical on the ship, so they cautiously boarded.  The ship had the side ripped open from catapult shot and extensive rear damage from ballista fire.  Much of the exterior of the ship was blackened from a recent blaze, but the fire had not spread to the interior.  Upon the top deck was a single stout wooden barrel covered in congealed blood.  The group discerned several people had been executed on the barrel and bodies thrown overboard.  From the bloody tracks, they could tell there were at least a dozen distinct aggressors.  The footprints were a wide range of sizes including small, perhaps halfling size, booted tracks beside wide heavy dwarven tracks.  Larger still, somewhere between the mass of an ogre and an orc, were numerous really big footprints.  They also found a whitish clump of hair or fur that they determined most closely matched that of a bear.  They searched the entire ship and even though they found a secret compartment, there was nothing of value or interest.  Even the helm had been removed.  Perplexed, the group left the wreck behind.

Approximately three days later, they emerged from spelljamming speed to witness a bizarre sight. An asteroid tumbled through space, but what made it strange was that it appeared to have an atmosphere. Humanoids and other, more bizarre creatures moved about its surface, and smoke from burning fires rose into the sky. A shipwreck blazed in the distance—a tradesman vessel had crashed into the rock and broken apart. Crates and other goods were scattered everywhere, some ablaze, others smashed to pieces. On the far side of the asteroid, a departing ship caught their attention. It was enormous, one of the largest spelljamming vessels they had ever seen. With eight long legs spread around its spider-shaped body and web-like sails stretched between them, it vanished in a flash, spelljamming to who-knows-where.

On the asteroid, the party could see perhaps two dozen humans and demi-humans huddled among several large rocky boulders. Some were injured, others bound, and many cowered in fear. Massive insectoid creatures stood among them—bulky and powerful, with enormous sharp claws, multiple eyes, and snapping mandibles that looked capable of biting a horse in two. Smaller creatures scuttled around—spiders, perhaps? They certainly had eight spidery limbs, but from the front of each emerged a long eel-like neck.

As they watched, one of the insectoid creatures burst from the soil of the asteroid in a shower of debris, leaving a large tunnel stretching behind it into the darkness. Glittering bits of crystal or gemstone flew into the air and landed all around the area.

The team very wisely decided to engage from aboard The Perry.  Khesen manned the magical ballista and fired at one of the massive creatures, an umber hulk!  The bolt flew through the air, but at the last moment swerved violently toward one of the boulders!  It blasted through one of the hostages, killing her instantly in a spray of gore as the siege weapon’s ammunition continued on its new path.  The bolt slammed into the boulder and shattered.  The metal head stuck to the rock, and the team realized the boulders were giant magnets!  Fearful of firing again, and with the screaming prisoners in a panic, they landed The Perry and leapt into the fray.

The party had to hang back just a bit due to the pull of the magnets.  The umber hulks and spider-creatures, called neogi, remained among the prisoners.  This made combatting them a bit more challenging.  The team also learned the umber hulks have a confusion gaze which sent Khesen into a melee against his own ally, Claude!  Snagy proved himself invaluable as he swooped across the battlefield astride Sting, his magically summoned wasp, and used his battle tactics to negate confusion!  He also put his trusty lance to deadly work.  Claude unleashed a magical electric onslaught, but the creatures kept coming.  Several umber hulks burrowed into the ground and emerged closer to the team as a third erupted from beneath them as well!  The umber hulks dealt horrific blows, but the team dealt many of their own.  The neogi proved especially dangerous though when one of them dominated Einar and sent him flailing into Hekera!  The two began trading blows with axes and greatswords ringing against each other.  Einar ripped Hekera’s feet out from under him, but the crocodilian man rose up and tried to beat Einar unconscious.  Truly, it was a clash of titans awesome and terrible to behold. 

Meanwhile, Claude was mauled into unconsciousness and nearly killed.  Khesen proved him powerful unarmed combat training was up to even this challenge, and was able to eventually slay two umber hulks!  Helg made excellent use of spiritual weapon and flame strike to deal lots of damage before switching to a more sustaining approach and channeling positive energy into his wounded allies.  Snagy continued flyby attacks with great effect.  The neogi both tried to enslave more of the party without success.  Finally, the dominating neogi was killed, which freed Einar from its grip.  He quickly consumed a healing potion and prepared to engage.  The group rallied behind this sudden shift in momentum, and the team won the day! 

They stood among quite a scene.  Terrified people cowered all around them looking in fright at what the team had wrought upon the monsters as well as the woman they killed with the ballista.  As the people crawled back and away, the team quickly ripped anything of value from the neogi corpses. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 102

Game summary for September 24, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Einar Ormsson (Human Fighter / Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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Stuck in the sargasso, the team got to work trying to break free.  The group started hacking at vines, guiding the ship, and trying to scout a way through.  Komorebi inspired the team with bardic performance while Einar imbibed a potion of fly to get a better vantage.  He was able to guide them around a cloud of spores, but some of the team got grappled by carnivorous plants!  They shook them off with help from their allies.  A few minutes later, the party burst free of the plants and took off further into Greyspace!

About a week later, they came upon an amazing sight.  While passing close to a dazzling and immense nebula, they came across a pod of kindori, massive space whales.  Upon the backs of several were halfling howdahs!  A flag-waiving halfling used semaphore to indicate they were merchants.  Intrigued, the team approached and met with them.  They met trader Jorun Skyweaver, a potion maker named Baela Cloudsong, and the elder shaman, Mystic Yara.  The team shrewdly negotiated for a set of stardust elixirs for each of them and also bought a cloak for Notch.  They then joined the halflings for a feast and got to know them a bit.  The party learned many rumors and useful bits of information to help them in their journey!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 101

Game summary for September 17, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Einar Ormsson (Human Fighter / Unchained Barbarian played by Paul Potter), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Josh Jenkins). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team packed up in Bonanza and headed out into space to continue their journey toward Ginsel.  They went about two days and the party’s ship slowed out of spelljamming speed, and they saw they were surrounded by bright green, leafy plant matter. Plant material was everywhere: ahead, behind, above, and below. It also seemed to be waving or moving within the cosmic winds, temporarily opening paths and closing others. It would have been exceedingly easy to get mired in such flotsam, perhaps permanently! The ship came to a halt, unable at that moment to move freely in any direction. Navigating this hazard was going to be quite the challenge.

The ship had come to rest against a shelf of plant material solid enough to serve as a floor. The adventurers could have jumped right off the ship and walked around if they had so desired.

But that was the least of their concerns. This plantscape was inhabited! Creatures were swarming over the plant and up to the ship. Never had they seen anything like these entities. Their primary feature, an enormous body, appeared to be composed of wrinkled brain matter. These brains seemed to float in mid-air, trailing what looked like ten long rubbery tentacles. A massive beak protruded from the front of the brain, but there were no obvious ears or eyes. The creatures carried short silver rods that occasionally emitted sparks of electricity as they approached. Bizarre alien clicking and squawking emerged from the beaks. After a moment, the party realized they were talking! But what they were saying was beyond their comprehension.

The creatures, which Komorebi identified as colonial grell, moved in quickly.  They blasted the party with lightning lances and a barrage of spells such as slow and flame strike.  Helg cast spiritual weapon, and Hekera climbed out onto the sargasso and advanced on a grell.  Moving slowly, Komorebi began inspiring his allies with his bardic performance and then cast dispel magic on the spell upon him.  Notch, also slow, started drawing forth a potion of haste.  Einar unleashed a volley of arrows into a grell, and Khesen advanced upon the same one and hit it repeatedly. 

Hekera tore into a grell but found it extraordinarily tough.  Despite his martial prowess, the beating he put upon it barely slowed it down.  Khesen was paralyzed by a grell, but Komorebi used a flourish to cancel the effect.  Notch was able to drink his potion and cancel the slow effect, which brought him back into the fight.  Another grell cast spike growth to hamper Hekera, but it had little effect.  In a nasty twist, Khesen was hit by a moonstruck spell and went utterly berserk!  He ripped into Helg and nearly killed him.  Only his celestial heritage which protected him from Khesen’s magical cold and acid effects kept him alive.  The Valhallan priest strategically retreated into the hold of The Perry to heal himself. 

Hekera struck down one grell while Einar killed another with his bow.  Komorebi unleashed an ear-piercing scream and killed the last grell!  The group quickly looted the bodies and then turned their attention to the next problem.  The Perry is firmly mired in the plant! 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 100

Game summary for September 10, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The party came upon an illuminated portion of the mine, likely once some sort of administrative or housing area. The rocks along the walls glowed with magical flames, probably continual light spells, casting flickering, moving shadows throughout the chamber. Bedrolls, cooking utensils, and other signs of a camp were scattered about. Toward the back of the chamber, a large metal-bound chest rested ominously.

A heavily armored man, wielding a greatsword, stood off to one side. They caught a glimpse of a dwarven pistolero—the same one they’d bumped into back in Bonanza! More lurked in the shadows along with a crossbow-wielding gnome.  A tall, scarred, and ugly man with a metallic lower jaw—Jeb—stood before them, gripping a morningstar in one hand and a pistol in the other. His expression was one of irritation. “You’re in my mine,” he said through his creaking jaw. Then, with a sudden shout, “Reapers, reap!” he bellowed.

Claude cast telekinetic charge and hurled Hekera through the air into the fray!  He grievously injured one of the dwarves with his sword.  The gnome unleashed a volley of screaming bolts at Hekera, and Jeb shot the gatorman with his pistol!  The sword-wielding brute priest cast prayer enhancing all his allies and negatively impacting the entire party.  Khesen and Notch brought the fight to the enemy, and Komorebi overshadowed the prayer with his bardic inspiration and warded himself with mirror image.  The dwarves starting shooting Hekera as well.  Snagy, astride his magical wasp, charged the priest and hurt him.  Helg cast a curative spell on Hekera who then stepped back and consumed a potion of enlarge person

Claude blasted Jeb with maximized shocking spark, hurting him badly.  The gnome kept firing on Hekera while Jeb tried to fight Khesen but missed him.  Khesen beat Jeb down with his martial arts.  Meanwhile, the brute priest stepped back and cast ring of blades.  Notch started dropping dwarves with his arrows and Komorebi quickly dispelled the priest’s ring of blades.  Snagy was then able to close in and hit the priest with more lance attacks.  Helg cured Hekera more while the gatorman began engaged with his enormous blade. 

Claude cast shrillfire and killed the brute priest.  Notch dropped the last of the dwarves and Komorebi cast ear-piercing shriek which defeated the gnome!

The team then looted the room and used Jeb’s key to unlock the chest.  It contained several magical weapons the team decided they could use!  They then decided to make the battlefield look like a cave-in killed all the outlaws.  They found their way to another exit, made came, and then traveled back to Bonanza. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 099

Game summary for September 3, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The group realized the chamber was about to collapse, and so they fled down a corridor as debris and dust came crashing down behind them.  They roamed a bit until the came into a natural cavern occupied by three hook horrors!  Notch had initiative and fired three arrows that plinked off chitinous plates to no effect.  Claude cast manyjaws which was moderately effective against one of the brutes.  A raging hook horror grappled Snagy while Hekera consumed a potion of enlarge person.  Another hook horror approached while Helg cast righteous wrath of the faithful and Khesen attacked one of the monstrosities.  The third provoked an attack of opportunity from Hekera and was terribly injured. 

The hook horrors tried to grapple the melee warriors and take them out of the fight while more rocks fell upon the party, but it just wasn’t to be.  Arrows, spells, and melee strikes rained down upon the insectoid hook horrors, and they were unable to withstand against the team.  The group searched the room and found booted footprints leading down another path, and so they followed. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 098

Game summary for August 27, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons (game session 1,000!).

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With Khesen and his illuminated rock leading the way, the team delved deeper into the mines where they came across a massive metal mining hulk golem!  It towered over the team with its stout metallic legs, large gripping arms for moving rock, and an enormous metal drill protruding from its chest.  A dwarven pistolero and orc blunderer stood in the shadows as well.  The team quicky discovered their weapons were very ineffective against the golem and its metal skin.  Several of the team looked over the golem and realized their magic was likewise ineffective. 

The dwarf pistolero tried to fire his pistol, but it misfired.  Notch put an arrow straight through the pistolero causing him to run off down the hallway screaming for help.  Claude electrocuted the orc blunderer with shocking spark, and Snagyndar finished him off with a spike from his spined shield.  Snagy was able to maneuver to see the fleeing dwarf and dropped him with another spike. 

The golem continued hitting any of the team it could reach.  The group decided to try and use weapon blanche to make some arrows adamantine to pierce into the golem.  It took them a bit to light a fire and get into position.  However, eventually, the got them prepared.  Notch effectively use cluster shots to punch through the golem’s defenses, and he and Khesen were able to slow it with acid damage.  Komorebi cleverly cast grease at the golem’s feet causing it to fall down!  The combination of effects hampered the golem’s ability to fight and allowed the team to amass enough damage to destroy the hulk!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 097

Game summary for August 20, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team did not hear anything approaching from within the mine, so they threw in some pebble illuminated by light spells and waited some more.  Still invisible, they crept in and looked around.  The room was filled with old, mostly broken, mining carts, buckets, crates, and so forth.  It was obvious this entrance, at least, is not being used as an active mine.  They picked a route and went forward a while before realizing the tracks showed this is not a heavily used pathway.  They backtracked and followed one showing heavier traffic.

A while later, with some of them now visible because they had to leave the confines of Komorebi’s invisibility sphere, they came upon another chamber.  Khesen carried an illuminated pebble and was able to shine some light on the situation.  Three cavernous bears growled in the dark!  They were lean and mean and approaching hungrily.  Behind them, armed dwarves and orcs (an odd combination) crouched behind barrels and boulders for cover.  The bears attacked while the dwarves fired pistols and orcs fired blunderbusses. 

Claude blasted one of the dwarves into a smoldering heap with a maximized shocking spark spell.  Komorebi inspired his allies and cast mirror image.  Notch unleashed a volley, Snagy advanced like a tank while giving battlefield tactics, and Khesen and Hekera moved up to engage.  One of the bears grabbed and grappled Hekera while Khesen ducked around a barrier to engage an orc blunderer.  Unfortunately, he took the light source with him throwing several of the other foes into shadows and concealment.  Meanwhile, Helg dropped a flame strike right on top of several enemies. 

Arrows flew, spells ripped through the dark, and blunderbuss blasts echoed in the halls.  Komorebi unleashed several ear-piercing screams to great effect.  The enemies landed several blows, but the team was able to keep up the pressure.  Hekera consumed a potion of enlarge person to break the grapple with the bear, and things fell apart for their opponents.  Soon, they were defeated, and the team listened for approaching danger before quickly looting the room.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 096

Game summary for August 13, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The team decided to follow the napkin-drawn map provided by Borik and head out into the wilds in search of the mine allegedly occupied by bandits and outlaws.  Along the way, the came across an area with a couple bubbling geysers.  Two horse-sized scorpions scuttled about the boulders, and much to the party’s horror, they could see each scorpion was swarmed with teeming baby scorpions!  However, even the babies were the size of a dog! 

Claude cast bogg’s cinderball, and the blast ripped into a scorpion.  One of the young leapt off its parent and began scuttling about as well.  The blast shook the geysers, and the team heard ominous sounds coming from them.  The team realized they had some distance between them and the vermin and began casting spells to enhance their capabilities.  The scorpions, surprisingly fast, cut out in wide swaths around the party to close in.  Moments later, the geysers erupted and sprayed the team with scalding water! 

The scorpions closed in and attacked.  Khesen was poisoned by one of the stings.  Every time any of the party damaged a scorpion, another baby scorpion jumped off and joined in the attack!  Soon scorpions were all around!  Snagyndar summoned his giant wasp mount and magical lance and engaged while Hekera consumed a potion of enlarge person and swung about with aplomb.  Komorebi continued to inspire allies while protected with mirror images.  Claude used his recently-purchased spell-lens to augment his wand of magic missiles and launch volleys of utter destruction while Helg called down a roaring pillar of divine flame strike!  Khesen and Hekera were able to engage in melee with the critters alongside Snagy, and the team soon took them all down.

The team stood around afterward a bit too long and were flung into the air from a very violent geyser explosion!  From a bit further off, Helg channeled positive energy and healed them most of their wounds.

The group continued following the map and came across tracks showing booted humanoids regularly travel this area.  They got off the trail and snuck up the side of a valley to look down and saw the entrance to the mine.  After watching for an hour, they could see an armed human walk up to the edge from within and stretch.  He then disappeared within.

The party went back to the trail.  Komorebi cast invisibility sphere, and the group walked up to the mine entrance where they saw a misspelled sign with a skull indicating danger.  They looked in, and Komorebi took Snagy’s signal whistle and blew it as loudly as he could to get a response!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 095

Game summary for August 6, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

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The party went to see Sheriff Hayden and found him to be an honorable and brave man.  He was the only deputy who did not immediately quit and flee after the Ironjaw Reapers killed the previous Sheriff, Bosco.  He offered to hire them as deputies for 4 gp per week, but they declined.  He told them a few more rumors and what he could about the Ironjaw Reapers, which was not a great amount. 

The group then went to visit The Planar Emporium, the curio shop run by Jasper Whistlewind, a flamboyant quarterling with an impressive mane of silver hair and a motley outfit of vibrant colors and gaudy jewelry.  He offered to sell them various items, and they let him know they had quite a bit of means, and he eagerly took them to a sealed room where he showed them powerful magical items he claimed were unique to Greela.  Regardless of that claim, the group had never seen items quite like these, magical hats, boots, belts, and shining spurs.  The team decided to liquidate their accumulated magical item surplus and come back to shop later.

The party looked around to see if they could find a tavern or bar a bit rougher than The Dusty Pistol, and it took little searching to find The Tumbling Weed.  In fact, a patron was tossed bodily out the front doors as they watched.  They entered the seedy establishment and realized they were in a much lower-class operation than the Pistol.  They were eyed by the bouncer, a mountain of a half-orc woman.  The team sat down at a couple tables and ordered some of the worst ale they have experienced.  Before long, a dwarven miner came up to bar and ordered some moonshine.  The group bought him another round and one for themselves and struck up conversation.

The miner, Borik Ironbeard, is a working class individual who has mined throughout Greyspace for nearly 70 years.  He seemed to like the new Sheriff and had some gossip on lots of different topics.  They talked for quite a while, and he offered to draw them a map to what he believes to be an abandoned mine occupied by a group of bandits in exchange for one more drink.  The team readily agreed, and he sketched out a map on a napkin using a piece of coal.   

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 094

Game summary for July 30, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Wild West influenced scene of Bonanza with a docked ship in the background.
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Their perilous journey racing against their air supply had come to a joyful end. The Perry had dropped out of spelljamming speed, and before them lay the beautiful cluster-world planet, Greela. Greela was comprised of thousands of planetoids within a larger atmosphere. Some of the planetoids were fairly close together, while others were separated by many miles. Each planetoid had its own gravity and atmosphere, so some spun, others drifted, and some tumbled end-over-end.

The party flew into the planetary atmosphere, and the immediate refresh of their own air supply was nearly overwhelming! Like a great weight lifted, they no longer had the fear of suffocation and being lost adrift in Wildspace. Wizzlecrank directed them to a region of planetoids known as Frontier. Frontier was a loose confederation of towns, primarily occupied by humans, who had settled to mine the vast mineral wealth found within the planet’s swirling earth bodies. The largest town, and capital so to speak of Frontier, was Bonanza. It was known as a freewheeling community, more than a little wild, like many growing mining towns. People came here seeking to strike it rich or to hide from the wider multiverse. Laws were enforced brutally, but who made the laws and what constituted the law was often debatable.

Wizzlecrank’s alien mind-voice slithered into their brains and informed them that the Hive Mind had revealed to him a tavern in Bonanza where they might get some rest and prepare for the next leg of their journey toward Ginsel. The Dusty Pistol was a quality tavern that boasted the fewest number of fights per week in all of Frontier. It was also allegedly near the dock, so it should have been a short jaunt after they made land.

Bonanza was a bustling town but certainly smaller than most of the ports the party had recently visited. It might have been considered backwater in comparison. A small lake was located outside of town, and the planetoid appeared somewhat arid and rocky. The group could see cacti growing around the outskirts of town, and a tumbleweed blew down the dock as they landed. Only a handful of ships could dock there at any given time. Two appeared to be unloading cargo currently. The dockmaster, a green-scaled dracon (a dragon-like centaur) wearing a poncho, was collecting taxes from the ship captains.

The streets were dry and dusty, and the buildings were sturdy and practical wood constructions. Wares from the ships were loaded onto wooden carts drawn by oxen. Most of the people they saw were human, or at least partially human. They also noticed a number of dwarves among the residents.

The party was moving through the crowd when they accidentally bumped hard against a muscular dwarf. He roared in anger, and several other rough-looking dwarves and humans joined him. His fingers danced around a holstered pistol, and the locals scattered. A fight in the busy street could have caused tremendous collateral damage.

“You ain’t from ’round here, so you don’t know. But you know today. You stand clear of the Ironjaw Reapers.” He spat a wad of chew toward their feet and slowly walked away. His companions laughed as they followed. One even pointed finger guns in their direction and chuckled.

Helg stopped the dwarf and apologized profusely, and the dwarf told him to not let it happen again before walking off.

The team found their way to The Dusty Pistol.  The establishment was a lively, single-story tavern in Bonanza, Frontier. A wide wooden porch, complete with creaky rocking chairs, led to the swinging saloon doors. Inside, the main room was filled with long wooden tables and sturdy benches. The bar, made of polished oak, was adorned with hanging lanterns that cast a warm glow. A large stone fireplace dominated one wall, crackling with a cozy fire. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of a piano, rowdy laughter, and the clink of glasses.

A unique feature of the tavern was its enchanted chandelier made of crystal pistol shapes, each glowing with a different magical hue. Behind the bar, a grizzled half-orc bartender polished glasses and kept a wary eye on the patrons.  A talented gnome pianist, dressed in a fine suit and bowler hat, played while a stunning red-headed half-elven lass sang a line of “Whiskey Goes Good.”  Komorebi struck up a conversation with the gnome, Rufus “Quickdraw” Carter, and joined in with them for a number. 

The party took a seat, and the bartender took their orders.  The singer, Ella, brought the beverages and took their food orders as well.  Quickdraw started playing cards with the group and lost the hand to Komorebi, and the party declined to play further.  Snagy made a few crude passes at Ella who shut him down completely.  Half the team decided it was the night to party and blow off steam, and they spent the entire night drinking and gambling.  All of them ended up earning money in their endeavors. 

The next day they overheard some locals talking about a notorious band of outlaws using an abandoned mine near Bonanza as a secret base.  There was some discussion of going over to check it out before someone reminded them this is a single mining community in a planetary region of mining towns, and they didn’t have any idea which mine this could be.  Snagy remembered he had an old contact in Bonanza, a former adventuring companion.  The man, Verran, was serving as undertaker to the community, which was interesting because Snagy knew him to be a somewhat accomplished necromancer! 

They went to visit Verran, and the two exchanged pleasantries and caught up a bit.  The party showed him the repaired skull of Iskra the watchghost in hopes he could restore her, but it was beyond his capabilities.  He didn’t know anything about any outlaws hiding out of town, but he was able to tell them a bit more about the Ironjaw Reapers.  They send him lots of business!  He did tell them though he’d heard rumors of black market deals and trading with a particular recent interest in weapons, especially magical ones.  They purchased a scroll of speak with dead from him and left.

They drifted through the market looking for magical weapon dealers but found none.  They decided they did not have time for distraction and started heading back to The Perry to resume their trip.  Along the way, they were distracted by observing the Ironjaw Reapers beating up a merchant and leaving him bleeding in the street.  The party made their way over and talked to the man.  They learned the Reapers seem to have run of the town after killing Sheriff Bosco a few weeks ago.  The new sheriff, Hayden, never left the jail and was terrified.  Claude handed the man coins to replace what was stolen by the Reapers.  He told them about the leader of the Reapers, Jeb, who has an actual iron jaw because his was ripped off by an owlbear!