Into The Shadows — Game Session — 016

Game summary for February 11, 2020, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team licked their wounds and reloaded, waiting for any further attacks.  Dell’s drones alerted the team to activity across the camp, and the team went to investigate.  A bear-like piasma was charging forward followed by half a dozen neo-tribalists armed with spears, firearms, and Molotov cocktails!  Octane charged into the fray with an amazing leap over several barrels, but the piasma dodged his chainsaw attack.  It then mauled him.  Octane swapped to his knife and engaged a neo-tribalist. 

Hollywood advanced and opened fire on the piasma while dodging hurled Molotov cocktails.  Clutch started mowing down enemies with his roto-drone’s assault rifle.  Ballyhoo began hurling acid at the piasma but found himself dodging bottles of flaming liquid as well.  Octane stabbed one of the men, but he stepped back and flattened a full-auto burst of assault rifle ammunition into Octane’s armor.  The damage was not lethal, but it did knock the elf out.  The piasma spun around and mauled Hollywood nearly to death before being gunned down by Clutch. 

One of the men picked up Octane and started heading for the woods.  Quick-thinking Ballyhoo cast levitate and snatched him to safety!  He fell back and levitated Hollywood as well.  Clutch continued shooting down opponents, covering Ballyhoo’s retreat.  Meanwhile, Bhagat Singh made it into the fray and cut down one of the assailants with his great curved sword.  Suddenly, some of the barrels caught on fire by the Molotov cocktails exploded!  The shrapnel ripped into the last attacker, and Clutch finished him off with his drone. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 015

Game summary for February 4, 2020, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team returned to Kaur’s Farm, and Hollywood used some magic to further heal Donnie Hua.  They reported their findings and were unable to draw a connection between the two sites.  Ballyhoo continued assensing around the area and recognized the spirit pattern from one of the sites in Chaaya.  After some discussion with Hua, examining her aura, and considering his knowledge of magical theory, he conjectured she is some kind of spirit/human hybrid.  How that happened, though, he is unsure. 

He could not sense any hostility in her, and they were unable to determine how she might be involved in the current situation.

The group prepared for the suspected nighttime attack, and late in the evening Dell spotted canines coming in from the north.  Five dogs, two hell hounds, and a barghest came charging in!  A hell hound breathed fire at Ballyhoo but missed.  Hollywood found himself face-to-face with the other hell hound and unable to hit it with his machine pistol in all the excitement.  Octane charged in with his monofilament chainsaw and missed, but Dell landed a solid shot with some APDS ammunition.  Moments later, the hell hound tripped and fell on the chainsaw, decapitating itself. 

Clutch put his drone to good use, firing full-auto bursts from an assault rifle into the fray.  Octane engaged the barghest just in time for it to get gunned down by Clutch.  Ballyhoo continued to sustain his enhancing spells and hurled acid at the foes.  Hollywood finally got a line on his target and landed some shots.  Octane advanced on the last hell hound and cut it down with the chainsaw.  With the last paranormal slain, the other dogs fled back into the woods. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 014

Game summary for January 21, 2020, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Dell and Hollywood worked hard to provide triage and first aid to members of Kaur’s Farm.  Meanwhile, Clutch rallied some of the tech-savvy of the people and began tearing into the generator with aplomb, discovering it would take several hours of work.  The group got more information from Singh and Donnie and decided to go south to investigate a squatter settlement that no one had heard from in a week.  The team drove a rust bucket pick-up truck down there and found a scene of horror.  Dead animals were everywhere, and the camp was filled with dead people. 

The group used a forensics kit provided by Donnie Hua to investigate and spent about three hours gathering information.  They learned the people died from a combination of animal and human/metahuman injuries.  Oddly, only the bodies of males and women over 50 were found among the dead.  Several bodies were obviously missing as well.  Around the camp, they discovered bait stations that would draw in predatory animals close to the settlement.  They also found mountain bike tracks all around.  Hollywood made the horrific discovery that the bodies had been partially eaten by human-like bites, but pains had been taken to cover up this fact by mutilating the bodies. 

They returned to Kaur’s Farm to report their findings.  In the meantime, Clutch had fixed the generator.  Dell was able to discover some bait stations around the farm as well, and they matched those at the settlement. 

The group went north to the microbrewery to investigate the scene where the first body that had drawn Hua out here had been found.  There they discovered several more bodies and pieced together more clues.  Several key pieces of evidence pointed to a Gabriel hound as being the culprit, but some of the facts did not add up.  Ballyhoo was able to sense that some sort of spirit had been involved, and its residual aura did not match the magic he had sensed on the corpses of the dead animals back at the farm.  The group also found that one of the sprawl gangers had unloaded a magazine into “something” that flattened the rounds.  Perplexed, the team got back into their truck to return to the farm. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 013

Game summary for January 14, 2020, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team landed the stolen chopper on the Ares ship and made the exchange, collecting their fee.  They then remotely called in Clutch’s boat and abandoned the helicopter, letting it crash into the sound.  Then they took a two-week vacation to the California Free State to lay low a while. 

After returning to Seattle, they received an early morning call from Fast Freddy who got them in touch with Donnie Hua, a retired Lone Star officer.  He convinced them to accept a run to the Redmond Barrens to investigate some deaths, some strange animal attacks, and to bring in needed medical and mechanical supplies.  However, they had to leave in 3 hours to get generator parts to Kaur’s Farm before nightfall. 

The group gathered their gear and traveled to the infamous Crusher 495 bar to meet up with a Crimson Crush convoy hired to take them to the farm.  They met Arona, a female troll member of Crimson Crush.  The team watched the various riffraff and desperate denizens of the Barrens negotiating passage on the convoy.  The trip was mostly uneventful; the Crush disabled one IED, but otherwise were not harassed. 

Once they arrived at the farm, they found piles of dead animals and lots of tired and wounded people.  The gear was unloaded, and Hollywood went off to help tend to the injured.  Clutch was asked to help with the generator repair.  Octane and Ballyhoo accompanied Donnie and Chaaya into the compound to meet with the patron of the farm, Bhagat Singh.  They discovered him to be a massive troll armed with a sweeping curved sword.  They exchanged some pleasantries for a few minutes while Hollywood and Clutch were doing what they could to help out. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 012

Game summary for January 7, 2020, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team piled into the elevator as both Dell and Clutch tried desperately to hack it.  Finally, they succeeded, and it ascended to the 55th floor.  The group piled out, and Octane used his foam explosives to blow up the stairs in the two stairwells before the guards could make it to the top while the others jammed the elevator doors open with office furniture.  Octane then rigged the elevator to blow in case they needed it to.  The group then went out and hid under the helipad awaiting the chopper.

The helicopter landed, and two armed men emerged obviously having trouble with their comms with building security.  VP Muller was quickly ushered off the roof and into the stairwell.  The team emerged and hijacked the helicopter from the pilot.  They plunged off the roof right as one of the guards returned and opened fire.

The group cheered as they began to speed off into the night.  However, one of the building windows exploded outward as a western dragon burst forth and took up pursuit!  It lashed the chopper with flaming breath, badly damaging the vehicle, but Clutch was able to keep it aloft.  Octane threw open the door, and the team unleashed a barrage of bullets and spells at the dragon.  Some struck true, others bounced off its thick scales.  Ballyhoo hit it with magic as Clutch began to outpace it.  Out of range of its breath, the dragon hurled spells of its own.  It knocked Dell unconscious and rocked the chopper.  Again Clutch’s expert piloting skills kept them airborne and moving.  With some impressive maneuvering, he dodged around buildings and left the dragon far behind!  The group then headed out to sea to rendezvous with the Ares vessel to make the drop. 

Ruins of Undermountain — Game Session — 027

Game summary for January 3, 2020, Ruins of Undermountain campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Harm Incorporated. Session included: Boran Gibbs (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Kalil Bakran (Human Sorcerer played by Parker Harmon), Paddy Brandywine (Halfling Bard played by Preston Harmon), and Rumbald Shieldcracker (Dwarf Ranger played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group came across a gorgon and a ghoul deathspeaker.  The team unleashed a barrage of spells, and badly wounded the gorgon.  The ghoul cast wall of ice to slow the onslaught, which worked to limited extent.  Rumbald chopped through engaged the gorgon.  Paddy moved up on the ghoul to put pressure on him, and he attempted to drive him away with banshee blast without success.  The ghoul protected himself with mirror image and then turned invisible.  Kalil was still able to see and target him, so he dropped an obscuring mist on the area.  The team was slowed just a bit, but they were able to back off and blast away with area of effect spells.  The group then searched the room and moved on further into Undermountain. 

The party came across a shrine being dedicated to Bane.  A pair of baneguard warriors shuffled to block the team’s progress, and a massive banelar slithered up behind them.  The team unleashed a barrage of fireballs and started to approach.  The vicar standing at the altar summoned a fiendish tyrannosaurus and protected himself with shield of faith.  Boran was snatched up into the dinosaur’s jaws after dispatching the baneguards.  The vicar struck Paddy blind, and then he obscured the team with plague storm, which inflicted the shakes upon Kalil. 

The team kept pressure upon the dinosaur and banelar, so the vicar divided the party with a blade barrier while the dinosaur killed and ate Boran.  The vicar used greater forbid action to prevent Rumbald and Paddy from casting spells and then dropped Paddy to the ground with greater command.  Rumbald tried to use arrows through the blade barrier with little success while Kalil was killed and eaten by the tyrannosaurus as well.  The dinosaur died because Kalil was poisoned by the banelar and was poisonous to it!  Paddy was able to get adjacent to the vicar, and he began channeling negative energy while the banelar stung the halfling and weakened him with poison.  Rumbald gave up on the ranged attacks and plunged through the blade barrier to chop down the banelar.  The vicar then used power word blind to blind the two remaining party members.  Rumbald got hold of him and grappled him to the ground where he channeled negative energy again, killing Paddy.  The two wrestled a bit, and finally Rumbald picked up the priest and ran bodily through the blade barrier while crying out for their merchant ally, Ludavic Snerd.  The whirling blades killed both of them!

With the area “safe”, Snerd’s doorway appeared, and the merchant peered out and saw the carnage.  He used magic to raise Paddy, and he was able to acquire the magic required from the merchant to recover his allies. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 011

Game summary for December 17, 2019, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Dodger (Human Veteran played by Preston Harmon), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Lefty (Ork Sprawl Ganger played by Parker Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Dodger and Lefty stepped off the elevator as more Stoddard Security mooks showed up, and more gunfire erupted.  Most of the Stoddard team were armed with Browning Ultra-Power pistols, but one held a Defiance shotgun and began blasting away.  The team opened up with full-auto bursts from Clutch’s drone and Dodger’s AK-97.  Lefty gunned down one of the opposition with his Ruger Super Warhawk. 

Meanwhile, the team tried to prop Dell up and keep him going with magic and stim patches.  He struggled in the Matrix but was finally able to get a mark on the host and start browsing files.  Dodger and Hollywood stood at the ends of the hallway shooting out cameras and blasting suppressive fire toward the security guards coming up the stairs.  Clutch ran into the elevator with Lefty and attempted to hack it but only succeeded in alerting IC.  Ballyhoo and Dell moved toward the elevator as Dodger hurled a grenade down the hallway.  It bounced off some walls and only went about halfway down before exploding.  It knocked out part of the floor, and Dodger tried to throw another.  It exploded prematurely and blasted him down the hallway like a ragdoll.  He careened off the walls and flopped about, finally coming to a battered and unconscious rest near the elevator.  The rest of the team looked on, somewhat stunned, as he rebounded around the hall. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 010

Game summary for December 3, 2019, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team piled into the elevator and headed toward floor 10 as Dell tried to hack the elevator and obscure where they were going.  In the process he triggered some Marker IC, but it suffered a glitch and crashed.  The doors opened, and the team poured out into the hallway looking for the right room.  Around a corner were two Stoddard Security guards who quickly drew firearms. 

Octane charged around the corner swinging a monofilament chainsaw!  The guards opened fire as Ballyhoo rounded the corner and started hurling spells.  Dell started trying to hack his way through the server door security while Clutch sent a drone around to engage the guards.  Ballyhoo blasted one guard to death with his magic, and Clutch sent another running in a bloody retreat after a full-auto burst from his drone’s assault rifle.  Meanwhile, Dell was unable to open the door, but Hollywood was able to by-pass the maglock with a passkey.  Inside stood two more guards.  Hollywood tried to con his way past them, but the fact he was wearing a mask made him a bit suspect.  They tried to taser him.  Dell ran into the room and got blasted with tasers!  Hollywood fired burst after burst of stick-n-shock rounds as the rest of the team converged, and he rendered one unconscious.  Octane moved in and drew his knife.  He and the other guard went toe-to-toe, in a quick and epic exchange.  The knife flashed once.  Twice.  Blood flowed.  The well-trained guard threw hands, but Octane was far more skillful.  He blocked the blows and drove the blade into the man’s temple, ending the fight.  Dell moved to the host and got a mark, preparing to try and get the paydata! 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 009

Game summary for November 26, 2019, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Chase (Troll Tank played by Kaliegh Averdick), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs), and Thay (Elf Street Shaman played by Taylor Averdick). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group gathered on the roof of the Space Needle with their Ares-provided nightwings and launched toward Brackhaven Investments.  They had been told a protest riot had broken out around the building, and they hoped that might provide some cover for their activities.  As they swooped in, Clutch put his nightwing on autopilot and jacked into the Matrix.  Ahead, he saw the fortress representing Brackhaven Investments and its patrol IC marching around.  He hacked on the fly and got a mark!  He was able to issue some commands to the anti-aircraft turret and get the team past it before jacking out of the Matrix.  On the roof the team found several infrared trip lines and some cameras.  Clutch jumped to the BI grid and marked the camera.  He was able to turn it off while Chase stepped over the trip line to swipe a maglock passkey.  She dropped it!  As she bent to pick it up, she tripped the alarm! 

The group swiped the card again and got access.  They charged down the stairs trying to get in before security could properly respond.  At the elevator, two Stoddard Security guards were surprised to see an armed party awaiting.  The team opened up with tasers and stick-n-shock rounds.  One of the guards popped off a single live round that hit Thay squarely in the chest, but it was absorbed by her armor.  The exchange of firepower only took seconds, and the guards were sprawled out unconscious. 

With the alarm tripped and security engaged, the team knew there was no need for stealth!  Now, it would require speed.  They reloaded as they stepped into the elevator. 

Into The Shadows — Game Session — 008

Game summary for November 19, 2019, Into The Shadows campaign, Shadowrun 5th Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ballyhoo (Human Augmenter played by Andrew Renfrow), Clutch (Human Transport Rigger played by Peyton Harmon), Dell (Human Technomancer played by Shane Bradley), Hollywood (Human Combat Medic played by Chris Harmon), and Octane (Elf Razor played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team arrived in the park, and Dell sent up a drone to scout the area.  He noticed another drone and hacked it on the fly to determine it belonged to Ares.  They waited awhile, and three black vans pulled up.  Eight heavily armed Knight Errant employees jumped out to secure the area, and Karen King stepped out.  The team emerged from their van and handed her one of the commlinks.  A dwarf emerged from the van and verified authenticity.  They then handed her the other commlink, and it was also verified.  She handed them 235,000 nuyen worth of credsticks and a generic commlink.  The two parties departed the park, and the team got on Clutch’s Evo Waterking boat and went to Vancouver to lay low awhile.

The next morning, the Ares commlink rang, and Karen King offered to hire them for another run.  She gave some details but wanted to meet in person.  They rode back to Seattle and met her in an airport hangar.  She offered them a run to steal an insurance policy off a secure server inside Brackhaven Investments.  Karen indicated they had an entrance and exit strategy, would pay 80,000 nuyen, and would provide several pieces of loaner and permanent equipment supplies.  The team debated a minute and accepted.  Octane was immediately taken for cyberware implant surgery to receive some alphaware skillwires, and the rest of the team started building a shopping list.