Classic Quest — Game Session — 067

Game summary for December 14, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The party headed out of the village and came across an ornate arch.  They investigated and found a pair of mountain lions!  The lions attacked the party but one was driven off and the other slain.  After the skirmish, the team headed further into the valley.

They came upon a bridge and looked under it for trolls.  They began to cross and heard buzzing.  Half a dozen stirges rose up and attacked!  In moments, the parasites had attached themselves to multiple party members and were plumping up with drained blood!  Blood sprayed everywhere as the party began slaying stirges.  The blood-slicked bridge was a hazardous mess by the time the fight was finished.

The team spent the night in a small hovel, and Valor spotted some more Hutaakan undead, zombies and skeletons, in the night but decided not to follow.  The next day they came upon another village and searched it finding much the same as the first.  They also discovered lots of lizard footprints and tracked them to a shrine.  They discovered the shrine had been desecrated and found footprints and evidence of living humans! 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 066

Game summary for December 7, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group followed the undead to a farmhouse and found more zombie Hutaakans farming (ineffectively).  The team stayed the night in the house, and Koehan watched the undead stop farming early in the morning and head off into the night.  In the morning, the group went back to the road and continued traveling.

They came upon a shrine and found it had been desecrated.  A while later they came upon an old village and began exploring.  They found the remains of a zombie that was badly burned and partially devoured.  Around it they found gory canine footprints.  Throughout the village they found long dead bodies from some skirmish between what they assume to be Hutaakans and humans.  They are starting to develop a theory that either the two races had a falling out or a faction of one or the other turned on the rest. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 065

Game summary for November 30, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Arminious took a sling and drove off the lizard.  He then used the ropes and crossed the rockslide.  Then, Katarina had the idea of using the wand of polymorph again.  They debated a while and decided for her to shift into a pegasus form.  She then scouted ahead and found the road crossed a fallen bridge up to some impressive gates.  Katarina returned to the party and shifted back to human form.  They decided to use the wand again and ferry everyone to the gates rather than continue trying to ascend along the treacherous roadway.

It took a couple hours to fly everyone back and forth, but eventually Katarina ferried everyone to the other side of the gates.  They went and examined the hieroglyphics all over the gates and discovered they told a story.  They deduced the Hutaakans fled to this valley along with a group of bald humans.  Best they could tell, they had been chased here by gnolls! 

The team set out along the road in search of a place to camp for the night.  Koehan found clawed humanoid tracks crossing their path and tracked back the way they came.  He could see a group of Hutaakans farming in the dark.  He came back and reported to the party before tracking the other direction.  He found another group of Hutaakans drawing water from a well.  Koehan came back to the party, and they decided to wait on the road for the well Hutaakans to come back to the farm so they could try and talk to them.

After a while, the Hutaakans appeared over a hill carrying sloshing buckets of water.  Oddly, some of the buckets were in terrible shape and leaking water everywhere.  Then, the smell hit them.  The party was horrified to discover these Hutaakans were undead!  The shambling dead completely ignored the team and shuffled past.

Classic Quest — Game Session — 064

Game summary for November 23, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The griffon tore into Arminious and Garadal!  The team hit it with several attacks including a thrown dagger and a magic missile.  However, it was Koehan who proved lethal when he bound it with a web spell mid-air!  Arminious then went about tending to the wounded.

They came upon another much wider rockslide.  They tied off Garadal and sent him across.  He got the rope detached and anchored to a dagger driven into the ground.  From behind, he heard a rattling.  He spun about just in time to block a rattlesnake bite!  He took the hammer he used to drive in the dagger and bashed the snake to death.  The team then went about debating how to anchor the rope on their side.  After a while, a giant tuatara lizard came up the side of the mountain and attacked Garadal!  He tried to scurry back across the rockslide and ended up dislodging half of it!  He was hit by several falling rocks but made it to the other side just before a huge section plunged toward the valley floor. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 063

Game summary for November 16, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group began the treacherous ascent up the mountain roadway.  They found themselves along a sheer mountainside moving across a narrow path.  High up they came across a rockslide.  They tied off Garadal and sent him scampering across.  He used a warhammer and drove a dagger into a crack in the wall.  He used that as an anchor point for a rope.  Slowly the rest of the team was able to make it across. 

Later they found a place where the road had collapsed and a waterfall cascaded down across their path!  The rushing water roared in their ears as they considered options.  Garadal was able to work his way under the waterfall to the other side.  Using his incredible strength, Valor was able to get through as well although he nearly got knocked free.  The two of them secured the rope on an outcropping as the rest of the team did the same on their side.  Koehan tied a safety rope and attempted a rope traverse high in the air beside a rushing waterfall!  He nearly made it too.

Koehan fell off the rope, but his safety held!  He pulled himself back up to the main rope and made it across.  Stephan and Kalana were able to cross uneventfully.  Arminious, however, fell like Koehan!  Much weaker than the elf, he struggled to right himself.  He was able to get across, but it was very tense!  Katarina used their new wand of polymorphing and turned into an eagle!  She flew across with ease.  Selwyn took up the rear and was bringing the ropes across when he slipped!  He fell into the waterfall and was bashed repeatedly against the rocks.  By the time they hauled him up, he had perished in the accident. 

The group had a few words of mourning for their fallen guide.  They wrapped the body, and Valor agreed to carry him out.  As they continued on, a screech ripped the air and a griffon swooped in to the attack!

Thanksgaming Day III – Dread Roleplaying Game – Magpie

Game summary for November 13, 2021, Magpie campaign, Dread Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Ash Cooper (High School Student played by Kaliegh Belda), David Jones (High School Student played by Preston Harmon), Noah Collins (High School Student played by Parker Harmon), Olly (High School Student played by Casey Scruggs), Reginald Engelberger (High School Student played by Peyton Harmon), and Skeeter (High School Student played by Todd Hughes). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

A high school group headed out on a field trip in the Australian outback to go camping.  The bus pulled up and dropped them off at a trailhead that split into four paths.  The students divided up and headed down separate trails while the bus went to the pick-up point.  A 4WD had already gone ahead with all their gear.  The party went along with Mr. Madison, a dorky teacher known for his terrible “dad jokes.”

A way down the path, Mr. Madison had to use the restroom and stepped off into the bush.  A few minutes later, they heard a scream and went to investigate.  Ash scrambled down a ravine to try and rescue Mr. Madison and discovered he was dead and his eyes were missing!  Ash took his water bottle and walkie-talkie.  Skeeter climbed up a tree and tried to raise someone on the radio with no effect.  So, they pressed on.

Awhile later they discovered a tattered backpack on the ground with a magpie perched upon it.  Ash approached and was viciously attacked!  Skeeter and David had knives and were able to drive the bird away.  The group searched the pack and found a textbook, snack bars, and a compass.  Using a notebook and rubber bands, they bound Ash’s wounds. 

Moving along, they found a dirt road crossing the trail.  Off down the road, they could see smoke and went to investigate.  They found the 4WD on its side smoking with a single magpie sitting upon it.  They distracted the magpie with a snack bar.  Inside the jeep, they found Mr. Lewinski and dragged him out.  His eyes had also been plucked out!  The group flipped the 4WD off its side back onto its wheels.  Skeeter turned around, and Mr. Lewinski’s corpse had stood up and was standing face-to-face with him!  The monster attacked, and the team scrambled into the jeep but were unable to start it.  Reggie jumped out and lifted the hood trying to fix it.  He realized it was about to explode, and the team scrambled out while grabbing an area map from the glove compartment.  As they ran, Mr. Lewinski dropped to all fours like a dog and charged after them.  The explosion of the jeep violently hurled him into a tree.  The impaled corpse hung on a limb for a moment twitching.  Then, the limb broke.  The shattered corpse shambled to its feet and resumed a slow pursuit. 

The students ran back to the trail and could see the body of Mr. Madison coming up the way!  They hid in the bush, and unable to see them, it walked by.  There was a second explosion at the jeep, and it bound away toward the noise.  Taking advantage of the distraction, they ran on down the trail.  After a while, they came upon Ms. Pulli!  She was injured and panicked.  She told them her group had been swarmed by magpies and killed.  She fled to the camp, didn’t find the 4WD, and was coming down the trail looking for help.

The team bandaged up Ms. Pulli and pressed on.  They came upon a rise and could see the campground ahead.  Between them and the camp was a bloody mess and twelve dead bodies.  The students ran for the camp.  The took the picnic tables and barricaded themselves inside a bathroom and sharpened plunger handles into spears.  They could hear their reanimated school mates walking around outside.  During the night, they made contact on the walkie-talkie with a fellow student named Johan who begged to be rescued.  He said his leg was broken and sticking through the skin.  He pleaded with them to come for him, but they told him they couldn’t make it in the dark and they would come for him in the morning. 

At dawn, they came out and found the area was clear.  They went off and found Johan badly injured.  They made a litter and dragged him back to the campsite.  They barricaded him and Ms. Pulli inside for safety and set out toward the bus rendezvous point.  Along the way they came across a bridge and had to distract one of the zombie creatures.  They used one of the radios to generate noise to distract it.  Moving through the bush, the came across a pile of items the magpies had collected and heaped up.  A few magpies flittered around and began pursuing the group through the woods.  They came running out and found the bus!

Running up they could see Mr. Frank in the driver’s seat.  Calling out to him, his eyeless corpse spun around and ran into the door of the bus!  It tried to batter its way out.  Inside a dozen magpies fluttered around!  They could see the key in the ignition.  They opened the storage on the bus and found road flares and a fire extinguisher.  The group opened the back of the bus, and one of them ran in and bashed Mr. Frank’s corpse with the extinguisher.  They then drove the magpies out by spraying them with it.  They closed the windows and doors and tried to start the bus; however, they discovered Mr. Frank had died with it running and it was out of gas! 

They grabbed the radio and called for help, reaching a ranger at a nearby station.  He told them people had gone crazy, and they tried to explain what they thought was happening.  He said he was coming with gas.  Meanwhile, the magpies gathered en masse and apparently called out to the zombies!  Soon dozens surrounded the bus and beat on it trying to get in. 

The students could see a jeep approaching, and numerous magpies went flying toward it.  The ranger over corrected and got the jeep stuck!  He jumped out with a rifle and a 5-gallon gas can and began running for the bus!  They could tell as he tired he was not going to make it.  Bravely, David and Skeeter jumped out of the bus and ran to help him.  He handed David the rifle, and he and Skeeter shared the weight of the can.  The students distracted the zombies with the horn on the bus.  Ash started one of fire with a flare from out of the bus window.  Soon, several were on fire and climbing all over the bus! 

The group returned to the bus and began filling it with gas.  David tried to shoot one of the flaming zombies off the roof as it jumped down upon him!  It ripped his throat out and knocked the ranger to the ground!  Gas went everyone near the flaming monster.  Skeeter used a tire iron to beat it to death, and Ash used the fire extinguisher on it.  They refilled the bus and climbed in the back door.  Skeeter fired up the engine and backed it out of the mob!  The group took off down the road.  They got on the radio and told Ms. Pulli they would send help.  As they approached the edge of the park, a single magpie sat on the sign.  The ranger leaned out and shot it off the sign!  It died on the ground as the sped to safety. 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 062

Game summary for November 9, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), Levi Ackerman (Thief played by Andrew Renfrow), and Valor Eagleclaw (Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Koehan stepped into the room and was charged by both statues.  He was able to slow them down with a web spell, but they were quickly ripping free.  The team moved around the room and tried the rear door.  It opened easily, and so much of the party exited.  However, on the way out, Levi noticed some potentially valuable items sitting on the ground.  The statues took up pursuit, and the team decided they would try and maneuver them off the bridge. 

Garadal hit one of the statues with an arrow, and it just stuck to its head.  Meanwhile, Levi used some acrobatics, leverage, and his gauntlets to unbalance one of the statues and plunge it into the river!  Valor hit the other statue with his two-handed sword, and it stuck fast!  Moments later, the metal of the arrow and the sword were absorbed into the statue.  The team worked together to trip up the last statue and plunge it into the river as well. 

The party went back into the tower and retrieved a magical wand and a scroll with numerous powerful spells!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 061

Game summary for November 2, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Face-to-face with Mythranthraxus, the team began to negotiate.  The dragon listened and then calmly made the statement it could have all their valuables and dinner.  So, what could they offer that the dragon couldn’t simply take? 

After some discussion, they realized the dragon could truly take any physical possession they had.  In fact, it already considered all of it its own anyway.  Also, they didn’t possess information of value to the dragon.  However, perhaps they could provide some kind of service?  The dragon very much liked this idea.  It agreed to take them across the valley and give the information it knew about the Hutaakans in exchange for 1 year of service from each of them. 

The dragon told them about Hutaakan culture and that it had actually seen one within the last century!  It then flew off for a few minutes and returned with two wagons it carried by ropes.  The party climbed into the wagons, and the great wyrm flew them across the valley to the base of the waterfall and the ruins of the old road.  The group ascended to the bridge over the waterfall and found a trio of gnoll skeletons.  They examined the bodies and their weapons and found that the axe heads and spear tips were missing.  Koehan then examined the door leading into the guard tower.  The door had a pattern of needles and thread.  He opened the door and revealed a somewhat ruined interior occupied by two metallic statues.

NERDS Candy Adventures — Game Session — 001

Game summary for October 31, 2021, NERDS Candy Adventures campaign, Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, for Expeditions-R-Us. Session included: Green (D&D NERDS Bard played by Elyse Scruggs), Orange (D&D NERDS Fighter played by Casey Scruggs), Pink (D&D NERDS Rogue played by Sarah Jane Scruggs), Purple (D&D NERDS Wizard played by Andrew Renfrow), and Yellow (D&D NERDS Cleric played by Evelyn Renfrow). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team were led by the amulet of harmony to a pair of old doors in the mountainside.  Pink was able to pick the lock, and the team moved in after lightning candles and torches.  Green walked into a room filled with poison!  She was able to assess the situation and figure out how to shut down the gas by pulling a lever.  They then found some footprints and hoofprints and followed them down the hallway.

In the next room, they found a bunch of boneheads standing around holding farming implements!  Pink used a sneak attack to get rid of one while Purple cast mage armor.  Yellow came in and used turn undead to drive them all away!

The group moved into another room and found a swinging rope bridge spanning a deep chasm.  Purple cast fly on Green who then flew to the other side.  She noticed a bunch of cookie monsters climbing the walls!  The monsters came up on both sides of the bridge and attacked.  The team took several shots but were able to clobber all the cookie monsters.

Behind another door they found a bugbear and four orc goons menacing a bunch of flumphs!  The flumphs begged for help!  Purple hurled a fireball and burned some allies!  Green was nearly killed in the in the battle, but a healing potion headed off disaster.  The group broke out arrows and blades and were able to save all the flumphs!

The flumphs thanked them and told them about a secret door leading the missing rainbow alicorns!  They opened the door and moved in where they found Mr. Greystone berating Mr. Emo and blaming him for the party finding them.  A battle ensued, and soon Mr. Greystone was clobbered.  At that, Mr. Emo stopped draining alicorn colors and began to cry.  He explained he was bullied by Mr. Greystone and didn’t want to do any of this.  The team forgave him and helped him become an honorary flumph.  The team extracted the alicorns from the pit and set them free.  They became the heroes of Harmony for their heroic actions!

Classic Quest — Game Session — 060

Game summary for October 26, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), Levi Ackerman (Thief played by Andrew Renfrow), and Valor Eagleclaw (Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team found a cave to hide in through the night and nurse their wounds.  The next morning they set out trying to find a way out of the mountains and pack into the valley while avoiding the gnolls.  Not long into their trip, a helmet fell down through the canopy and bounced along the ground.  They looked up just in time to see a manticore fly by clutching a gnoll!  They moved quickly to try and put some distance between them and came across something scurrying in the bushes.

After a cautious approach, they found a trail of blood leading into the thicket.  Koehan called out in gnoll and discovered an injured gnoll with three manticore spikes lodged in his chest.  Arminious healed him, and they began a conversation.  The gnoll, Snarque, eventually agreed to take them to the gnoll shaman, Krasgat, to negotiate safe passage through gnoll territory.  They traveled to the site of the revered dead.

The team found themselves back at the place that had been obscured in fog when they first encountered the ghouls.  The revered dead, they discovered, were ever-widening concentric rings of pikes holding up the decaying gnoll corpses.  Buzzards and ravens circled overhead and some picked away at the bodies.  Snarque called out for Krasgat, and she emerged from her hut and several gnoll warriors followed close behind her.  She approached and cried out calling the party the “defilers!”  Koehan translated between them for a while before she revealed she could speak Common!  She claimed the party had killed her baby, which was quite a shocking announcement to the team, especially when she held up a sack!  She reached in and pulled out a severed human head dripping with maggots.  A long tongue lolled out of the mouth and they could see sharp teeth.  They realized it was one of the ghouls!  After some time, they were able to negotiate with her after offering her two handfuls of gems. 

They talked to her a bit more and it came out they wanted to get to the north end of the valley as quickly as possible at any cost.  This piqued her interest.  She said again, “At any cost?”  They debated a minute and decided wealth would do them no good at the moment so yeah.  She told them someone owed her a favor…

First, she mixed a concoction of reeking ingredients into which she urinated and then smeared it as markings all over the party.  They then traveled a day’s journey across the value to the other mountains.  Once there they found a platform with two posts adorned with skulls, feathers, and markings.  Chained manacles hung from the posts, and disembodied decaying arms hung loosely in them.  Krasgat informed them they needed a sacrifice… they looked around and were debating…  Krasgat told them a goat would do just fine.  Somewhat relieved (embarrassed) they found a goat and chained it to the posts.  The shaman then began crying out and then sat down to wait.

After a while, the sun was eclipsed, and an enormous red dragon landed!  It ate the goat!  Krasgat told the dragon the party was willing to pay for its assistance.  So, she introduced them to mighty Mythranthraxus, terror of the north!  It leaned down and told them it was listening.