Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 009

Game summary for June 28, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team entered what appeared to be a dinning hall and debated ascending stairs to the roof or going through one of two doors.  One, leading into the round-walled tower had a large run painted upon it.  It looked like pursed drow lips blowing a kiss surrounded by eight spider legs and was done in black paste flecked with blood-red powdered gems.  To be safe, Crimson hit it with a dispelling bomb.  Hekera beat the door off its hinges and found the room filled with preternatural darkness.  Crimson threw a stink bomb within, and gagging sounds resounded.  Intevar dropped a faerie fire in the room revealing numerous drow.  Jiraiya slipped in and was sliced nearly to ribbons by some unknown force and then was badly wounded by an attacker in the darkness.  He was able to use his acrobatics to exit the wound and go drink a potion. 

Poisoned drow arrows whipped out the door with little effect, and fiendish crab spiders seemed to appear from nowhere and scurry over the tables to attack.  Intevar slipped into the room and found herself face-to-face with a drow priestess armed with a trident and surrounded by a swirling cloud of razors.  She was horrible slashed, and then the priestess plunged that trident deep into Intevar’s chest.  Fortunately, the poison did not take hold.  Intevar retreated and was just barely able to acrobatically dodge out of the room.  Unfortunately for the drow, one of the scouts stumbled into the priestess’ blades in the fog and died horribly. 

The drow scouts and fiendish crab spiders were not much of a threat, but the emerging priestess was a problem.  Her swirling blades and quite shocking melee prowess rocked the team back on their heels.  Intevar fled at all speed away, and Jiraiya fell back to a safer distance.  Crimson raised a shield while Khesen and Hekera went toe-to-toe and found themselves outmatched; not an experience either is used to.  Crimson was able to hurt her with thorn body, but it cost him a hit as well.  The group fell back a bit to take stock of the situation.  Most of the team is injured, some critically so, and the priestess is still coming. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 008

Game summary for June 21, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Ruby Rue (Blink Dog Rogue Cohort played by Dylan Whittinghill as secondary), Scraggy Lodgers (Werebear-Kin Gunslinger / Witch played by Dylan Whittinghill), Sienna Whispermist (Half-Elf Cleric / Illusionist / Rogue played by Todd Hughes), and Zzyym (Zif Esoteric / Academy Sorcerer played by Kaliegh Belda). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group moved back to the ground floor following the pull of the ring.  They went through a door and found a drow patrol and the drider!  The team moved in quickly with Scraggy blasting holes in the ogrillon with his pistol while Jiraiya moved about hitting drow and ripping weapons from hands.  Intevar attacked the drow with his poisoned blade.  The drow poison put the monster to sleep!  After mopping up the other foes, Intevar performed a coup de grace and killed the aberration. 

Next they moved down the hallway and threw open another door into a weapons training room.  Inside were two drow freebooters who opened fire with poisoned crossbow bolts!  Zzyym was able to windy escape out of one attack and did not succumb to the other.  Jiraiya tumbled into the room as Scraggy moved up and Ruby used dimension door to enter.  Intevar swapped weapons while the freebooters closed in for melee.  Several of the group took hits from rapiers and poisoned daggers, but they failed to put anyone down.  Magic missiles flew, bullets blasted, and flails smashed.  After a brutal assault, the party defeated both drow and looted the area. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 007

Game summary for June 14, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Ruby Rue (Blink Dog Rogue Cohort played by Dylan Whittinghill as secondary), Scraggy Lodgers (Werebear-Kin Gunslinger / Witch played by Dylan Whittinghill), and Zzyym (Zif Esoteric / Academy Sorcerer played by Kaliegh Belda). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team surged up through the trapdoor and were bombarded with tanglefoot bags and ballista bolts, but Jiraiya nimbly dodged.  Helg came through and held the ogrillon while Scraggy came in, guns blazing.  Most of the team ended up on top of the tower, and one of the drow limned much of the team in faerie fire.  The drow were brought down while Scraggy killed the ogrillon with a double-barreled pistol blast.  They then disabled the ballista while the other siege weapon emplacements turned weapons on the tower. 

The group went down the hallway and head to the last tower.  They go up through the trapdoor and find the group still trying to aim at the other tower.  Zzyym cast snakeball and poisoned all of the enemies!  The rest of the team came up and started tearing into the enemies while Zzyym blasted away with magic missile.  In no time the team was victorious!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 006

Game summary for June 7, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The group found a door at the back of the lab after collecting all the silver coins.  The door would not open, so Hekera used his earth breaker to bust the lock right off.  The door still wouldn’t open, so they suspected it was magically held closed.  Crimson hit it with a dispelling bomb but it still wouldn’t budge.  Back to the hammer!  Hekera destroyed the door and the group found a hallway and stairway up into the tower!  They could hear drow up above talking about being ready for whomever beat down the door.  Jiraiya threw open the trapdoor and dodged a tanglefoot bag! 

The team swarmed up the steps trying to dodge tanglefoot bags and slashing blades.  Khesen found himself stuck in a burning tangleburn bag!  The drow posed little threat, but the ogrillon proved quite formidable.  Intevar had poisoned her katana and slashed the ogrillon causing it to fall asleep!  The team looted the slain drow and the unconscious ogrillon.  Crimson disabled the ballista while the team dumped the ammunition over the side.  Then, the group threw the poisoned ogrillon off the tower! 

The splattered ogrillon drew attention!  The other ballista and catapult crews quickly shouted and pointed at the tower and began adjusting their weapons to fire upon the party!  The group scrambled back down into the keep. 

They decided to go deal with the drider and headed back to the entrance.  The injured phase spider appeared and bit Crimson before phasing back away, but the tiefling shook off the venom!  Jiraiya took a swing at the spider but seemingly missed.  Up the stairs they found the door to the drider room open and the drider missing!  They beat down another door and found a hallway and another stairwell to the top of the next tower.  They could hear drow up there as well.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 005

Game summary for May 31, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Ruby Rue (Blink Dog Rogue Cohort played by Dylan Whittinghill as secondary), Scraggy Lodgers (Werebear-Kin Gunslinger / Witch played by Dylan Whittinghill), and Zzyym (Zif Esoteric / Academy Sorcerer played by Kaliegh Belda). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team decided to go up in the keep and try and neutralize the towers to aid in their eventual withdrawal.  They went up one flight and found an officers’ quarters and a door locked from their side.  Inside some chests they found Lolth prayer scrolls, coins, and some white mushrooms.  They slid a daylight coin under the door and peeked through the keyhole to find a large but seemingly empty room.  They threw open the door and discovered a drider around the corner!  They shut the door back.  And locked it.  And walked away. 

They went up another flight of steps and found a large table and chairs and a sign warning them to leave the food.  Another door stood before them, and detect magic revealed moderate abjuration.  Helg cast dispel magic and Zzyym could tell the magic was negated.  They opened the door to find a short hallway with two more closed doors.  While examining those doors, a phase spider materialized and bit Crimson repeatedly!  He was poisoned, and the spider lurked in the ethereal plane while the party tried to figure out how to fight it.  Ruby Rue was able to see the spider since he was blinking between the material and ethereal planes and was able to direct the party on the spider’s location.  Zzyym and Intevar tried to lure the spider back into their realm by torching the nest they found behind one of the doors.  Instead, the spider waited patiently as the poison ravaged Crimson’s body.  Scraggy remembered some of his arcane training and stories he had read about such spiders and recalled force magic can harm them.  Zzyym and Helg unleashed magic missiles and spiritual weapon while Ruby continued trying to bite and rend.  The injured spider then fled down through the floor and disappeared! 

The team was able to give Crimson a potion of neutralize poison and stop its horrific progression.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 004

Game summary for May 17, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Sienna Whispermist (Half-Elf Cleric / Illusionist / Rogue played by Todd Hughes). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team had Sienna disguise several of them as drow using her disguise kit and skills.  They then hitched The Perry and cargo barge behind the Elamshin and flew the damselfly back to the fortress.  They then walked into the fortress with Hekera and Jiraiya apparently tied up as prisoners.  They marched right up to the doors, and Sienna talked their way in.  Inside the chamber were several drow and an ogrillon.  They talked for a short time until the raid leader realized there were no female drow aboard the ship, but there stood Sienna disguised as a drow!  They were confused for a minute and the team suddenly struck.  Crimson hit most of the drow with a fiery cone bomb!  Hekera and Khesen unleashed a barrage of attacks while Sienna fired of magic missiles.  Jiraiya displayed some amazing agility and danced among the foes, provoking attacks and counterstriking every miss.  One drow dropped a darkness globe which was promptly countered by Helg’s daylight spell-like ability.  The raid leader cried out to alert the fortress of intruders before being struck down.  The group looted the room and decided they needed to move upward and eliminate all the siege engine crews.

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 003

Game summary for May 10, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Sienna Whispermist (Half-Elf Cleric / Illusionist / Rogue played by Todd Hughes). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The crew of drow dropped a globe of darkness to make the light dim and provide them some cover.  They began firing arrows and boarding The Perry!  The drow scouts struggled in the skirmish, but their ogrillon pugilists proved far more effective.  Intevar cleverly used vanish to get some space and make it over to the enemy ship.  Sienna unleashed arrows and magic missiles, and Khesen and Hekera made judicious use of cleave.  Intevar had provoked the drow by mocking their goddess, so the priestess unleashed spells upon her.  She hit her with his katana before she retaliated with her trident.  Unfortunately, it was poisoned, and Intevar fell to the deck asleep!  Hekera and Khesen cleared their ship of foes and then leapt across to the Elamshin and brought the fight to the drow.  The priestess fought valiantly but eventually fell beneath the party’s attacks.

The group then woke Intevar and gave her numerous potions of cure light wounds.  Somewhat recovered the team then cleared all three decks of the ship and confirmed the entire crew had come out to fight.  The team decided the view of the castle is blocked by an asteroid, so they plan on piling into the captured damselfly ship and flying it back to the castle as if they were just the returning crew!

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 002

Game summary for May 3, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Ruby Rue (Blink Dog Rogue Cohort played by Dylan Whittinghill as secondary), and Scraggy Lodgers (Werebear-Kin Gunslinger / Witch played by Dylan Whittinghill). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Traveling through Pirtelspace, the party found themselves in the midst of a space ice storm!  Several began scraping ice off the vessel.  Several whipped up alchemical anti-freeze while others helped spot ice chunks and pilot the ship.  Others even “swam” around on deck knocking snow free!  Thanks to the party’s quick actions, the ship was able to navigate safely through.

Within a few days, the tug of the magical ring guided them to the edge of Guinmir’s Band.  They spotted some kind of castle or fortress on one of the asteroids!  They watched as several figures scurried to weapon embankments and a damselfly ship rose up and moved between the Perry and the castle.  The team was uncertain what to do.  They tried using semaphore to communicate while training their weapons on the ship and positioning themselves with some asteroids between them and the castle.  The more maneuverable damselfly ship closed in!  As it approached, they could read the golden-lettered name Elamshin.  Those who read Elven pondered for a moment… “the will of Lolth”?  The black-helmeted individuals on the deck are drow and trying to board the Perry

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 001

Game summary for April 26, 2022, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Crimson “Pyro” Deathcloud (Tiefling Alchemist played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Intevar Dagella (Centurian Drow Silent Hunter played by Casey Scruggs), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Ruby Rue (Blink Dog Rogue Cohort played by Dylan Whittinghill as secondary), Scraggy Lodgers (Werebear-Kin Gunslinger / Witch played by Dylan Whittinghill), Sienna Whispermist (Half-Elf Cleric / Illusionist / Rogue played by Todd Hughes), and Zzyym (Zif Esoteric / Academy Sorcerer played by Kaliegh Belda). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The party was killing time in the Black Manta Inn on Skyport orbiting the water world Archin in Pirtelspace.  Before long, they were approached by a gorgeous reigar named Cosette who relayed a tale of passion and theft.  The group discussed terms a while but eventually hired on to seek out her former lover, Alton, and retrieve a necklace he stole.  She provided them with a magical ring that will seek his path and delivered to them the use of a ship, The Perry, and even tossed in a cargo barge thanks to their great haggling.  The group went and purchased some spices and ore and loaded it into the barge so as to make the claim of being merchants. 

The group got familiar with the crew of The Perry:  First Mate Flick and his two tinker gnome assistants, Crick and Vick, Sail Master Tuk (a hadozee), and Gunnery Sergeant Havoka (a giff).  The ship cast off and headed out following Alton trail.  According to Tuk, they were enroute to Guinmir’s Band, an asteroid belt, four days away.  The first night the team struggled to sleep due to the noise on the ship.  Investigating, they found the engine room is a tinker gnome contraption powered by an enormous wheel driven by giant space hamsters!  Finally, the team was able to sleep.

The next morning, as Scraggy, Ruby, and Intevar were eating sandwiches and drinking coffee, Havoka spotted gray scavvers!  The team decided they needed to get rid of the pests because there were sucking down valuable oxygen out of the ship’s atmosphere.

The team fired crossbow bolts and sling stones at the shark-like monsters.  Several of the party casters unleashed magic missiles.  Angered, the scavvers charged in and started biting.  Scraggy unleashed his double-barrel pistol while Jiraiya jumped off the ship to attack a scavver in mid space!  The fight was very short-lived and exciting, but the party easily defeated the pack.

Classic Quest — Game Session — 077

Game summary for April 12, 2022, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Grozzadeth Boulderback (Dwarf played by Kaliegh Belda), Katarina Magdanov (Human Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Valor Eagleclaw (Human Fighter played by Preston Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

The team rushed the bowls to the Hutaakan priestesses to begin the ritual as Valor and Arminious began regaining their sight.  As the ritual began, ropes dropped down from a hole in the ceiling, and the Iron Ring slid down into the temple!  Golthar came flying down with them.  Arrows and sling stones flew.  Valor and Grozzadeth charged into the fray and killed two of the Iron Ring hobgoblins.  Koehan cast a mighty lightning bolt from his scroll, and it rebounded off the wall to hit Golthar twice!  The wizard survived, but barely.  Golthar cast hold person on four of the party, and they all failed their saving throws!  Gactus, one of the Iron Ring reavers, began backstabbing the helpless Valor.  Jolenta, the other reaver, tried to stand against Grozz but broke it off to go and heal the badly injured Golthar.

Grozzadeth charged the wounded wizard and cut him down!  Then, tentacles burst out of the pit and dragged one of the priestesses into the darkness.  The One oozed out of the pit and through the flames.  With the ritual broken, the Hutaakan high priestess countered the hold person spell and fell back into a defensive position.  The One dragged several of the team into its maw!  The acid inside killed Koehan, and the viciousness of the monster and the death of Golthar was too much for the reavers.  They began fleeing up the ropes back toward the ceiling. 

The party bashed and slashed away at The One.  Within, Grozzadeth fumbled about and found dead Koehan’s magical dagger!  With intense ferocity the dwarf slashed and cut and killed The One from within!  The team then shook the ropes and fired arrows to slay the fleeing reavers.  In the carnage, they discovered another magical key within the remains of The One!  They then used a raise dead scroll to restore Koehan.

The group found Golthar’s journal and learned he was seeking The One to get said key and unlock a fabulous treasure, the wealth of the entire Hutaakan civilization.  The team discussed all this with the high priestess who did not know where the treasure may be.  The group needed to rest and recover spells to use the key.  They made camp in the library along with the high priestess while one of the under priestesses was sent to gather assistance for recovering bodies from the pit.  During their rest, the group talked with the high priestess and after quite a discussion, they agreed to take the treasure and round up the Traldar and try and convince them to leave the valley with the party.  The Traldar amazed by the fierce battle prowess of the group and seeing an opportunity to escape the valley agreed. 

The party loaded up dozens of riding lizards with silver, electrum, and gold, and they departed the valley along with the remnant of the Traldar race.  They traveled back down to the gnoll valley and were soon greeted by the great dragon, Mythranthraxus!  The dragon was impressed by their successes.  It struck a deal with them  It granted them lands in another valley it controls to build settlements and found a new nation with the Traldar, one loyal to and allied with the dragon!  The team set off to establish their new lands and build their settlements laden with the gold needed to found a small country!