Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 100

Game summary for September 10, 2024, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Claude Dill Budshire (Sokari Sorcerer played by Peyton Harmon), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), Notch Bowman (Human Fighter played by Andrew Renfrow), and Snagyndar Blackthorn (Huldran War Master played by Casey Scruggs). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Art AI Generated.

The party came upon an illuminated portion of the mine, likely once some sort of administrative or housing area. The rocks along the walls glowed with magical flames, probably continual light spells, casting flickering, moving shadows throughout the chamber. Bedrolls, cooking utensils, and other signs of a camp were scattered about. Toward the back of the chamber, a large metal-bound chest rested ominously.

A heavily armored man, wielding a greatsword, stood off to one side. They caught a glimpse of a dwarven pistolero—the same one they’d bumped into back in Bonanza! More lurked in the shadows along with a crossbow-wielding gnome.  A tall, scarred, and ugly man with a metallic lower jaw—Jeb—stood before them, gripping a morningstar in one hand and a pistol in the other. His expression was one of irritation. “You’re in my mine,” he said through his creaking jaw. Then, with a sudden shout, “Reapers, reap!” he bellowed.

Claude cast telekinetic charge and hurled Hekera through the air into the fray!  He grievously injured one of the dwarves with his sword.  The gnome unleashed a volley of screaming bolts at Hekera, and Jeb shot the gatorman with his pistol!  The sword-wielding brute priest cast prayer enhancing all his allies and negatively impacting the entire party.  Khesen and Notch brought the fight to the enemy, and Komorebi overshadowed the prayer with his bardic inspiration and warded himself with mirror image.  The dwarves starting shooting Hekera as well.  Snagy, astride his magical wasp, charged the priest and hurt him.  Helg cast a curative spell on Hekera who then stepped back and consumed a potion of enlarge person

Claude blasted Jeb with maximized shocking spark, hurting him badly.  The gnome kept firing on Hekera while Jeb tried to fight Khesen but missed him.  Khesen beat Jeb down with his martial arts.  Meanwhile, the brute priest stepped back and cast ring of blades.  Notch started dropping dwarves with his arrows and Komorebi quickly dispelled the priest’s ring of blades.  Snagy was then able to close in and hit the priest with more lance attacks.  Helg cured Hekera more while the gatorman began engaged with his enormous blade. 

Claude cast shrillfire and killed the brute priest.  Notch dropped the last of the dwarves and Komorebi cast ear-piercing shriek which defeated the gnome!

The team then looted the room and used Jeb’s key to unlock the chest.  It contained several magical weapons the team decided they could use!  They then decided to make the battlefield look like a cave-in killed all the outlaws.  They found their way to another exit, made came, and then traveled back to Bonanza. 

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