Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 058

Game summary for September 26, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), and Neko (Half-Orc Magus played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

 The team rested and nursed their wounds before continuing on.  They then came across a forest-covered island and an obvious scene of an aarakocra having been slain and eaten.  They debarked the ship and investigated the scene.  An aarakocra had been killed and devoured.  They found tracks from multiple draconic creatures and a leonine creature all heading back into the woods.  They followed and were soon beset upon by a forest drake, a hieracosphinxicore, and two sky blue draco-wyverns!

 Neko cast fireball and hit a tree enroute, causing it to explode early and badly burn two of his fellow party members and also knocked down the tree!  Jiraiya went tumbling through provoking attacks and counterstriking with his flayer flail while croaking.  Edonna cast powerful spell-up spells throughout the fight, such as haste and recitation, much to the team’s delight!  The forest drake spit an acid sphere that formed an obscuring cloud in the middle of the battlefield.  It then used its speed surge ability to dart around the battlefield and put pressure on the back line.  The hieracosphinxicore hurled its tail spikes at Khesen, but he was able to deflect one per round, which helped protect him from the full brunt of the attacks.  The draco-wyverns unleashed their frigid shocking breath weapons to great effect!

 Jiraiya, Khesen, and Hekera used flanking maneuvers to allow Jiraiya to use dirty fighting.  One draco-wyvern grappled Hekera, but the fearsome warrior bit the creature to death with his crocodilian maw!  Khesen went toe-to-toe with the hieracosphinxicore and attempted to knock it out.  He failed to render it unconscious, but finally he just beat it to death. 

 Neko cast a horrifically effective mind thrust on the forest drake causing it to flee in terror for its life.  Edonna protected herself with a blessed mantle, and Jiraiya tried to confuse a foe with his flayer flail.  Having driven off the drake and killed the hieracosphinxicore, the draco-wyverns posed little further threat from the combined focus of attacks and were defeated.

 The team examined the battlefield and found evidence something had been dragged further into the woods by more draconians.  They found a silver piece and a couple of gold coins along the trail as if someone’s pouch had ripped and was spilling out. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 057

Game summary for September 19, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Helg Ingvar (Aasimar Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Jiraiya (Hurwaeti Freebooter played by Andrew Renfrow), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Neko (Half-Orc Magus played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Helg channeled positive energy to heal the team.  A few minutes later, they sailed into a cloudbank, and a flock of foes flew out.  Sky blue half-dragon pteranodons raked the ship overlapping breath weapons.  Freezing arching electricity washed over the team and crew.  Helg’s celestial heritage saved him from the worst of the effects, and Edonna used invisibility to avoid being seen.  She also made clever uses of prayer and bane spells.  Jiraiya ran up to the team’s newly acquired ballista of piercing and used its volley and lance features to blast numerous opponents.  Neko unleashed an impressive scorching ray, and Komorebi demoralized many enemies with blistering invective.  Khesen and Hekera made great use of their still-ongoing fly potions to take the battle to the monsters.  Komorebi used his wand of magic missiles while Helg cast flame strike.  With an outstanding display of teamwork, the group took down all of their assailants. 

Chronoshift: Spelljammer — Game Session — 056

Game summary for September 5, 2023, Chronoshift: Spelljammer campaign, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Edonna Match Wushu Lu Klighke (Dragonborn Oracle played by Casey Scruggs), Hekera Nephera Mawhesk Vyk’sebekenka (Sebek-ka Fighter played by Preston Harmon), Khesen Pavel (Human Brawler played by Parker Harmon), Komorebi (Kitsune Bard played by Josh Jenkins), and Neko (Half-Orc Magus played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons.

Edonna decided to try and cast scrying on the dragon and succeeded!  She saw the dragon consuming an aarakocra and roaring at a nearby chimera.  A few moments later, a half-dragon aarakocra approached and kneeled, calling the dragon “Father.”  It mentioned a nearby ship not well guarded by the lizard men, and the dragon told them to gather the troops and take it.  Edonna also caught a glimpse of a flame drake.  Then, the dragon curled up in its ice cave atop a heaping mound of treasure and went to sleep.

A while later, a pair of dirigible octopi floated out of the clouds along with a manticore.  The octopi tried grappling several of the party.  Their tentacles also proved to be electrified.  Meanwhile, the manticore riddled Edonna with electrified spikes forcing her to consume her whisk away admixture to escape the onslaught.  Komo and Neko hit the creatures with spells while Hekera and Khesen consumed potions to allow them to fly.  Neko got thrown overboard, but due to the gravity field around the ship, he bobbed up and down and blasted scorching ray with abandon. 

Hekera and Khesen, now mobile, tore into the creatures while spells continued to flow.  As quickly as it started, the fight was over.