Classic Quest — Game Session — 038

Game summary for April 27, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Arminious Ironkeep (Human Cleric played by Chris Harmon), Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), and Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

The team continued looking through the caves and discovered a battered priest tied up in a back corner.  This man, Arminious, joined up with the team and began helping them clear the area.  Closer to the entrance, the mother werewolf returned and attacked!  Fortunately, Bathory had a magical blade with which to fight.  Unfortunately, Garadal was standing with him in the dark because the only torch was with the rest of the party deep in the caverns. 

The group swarmed back down the cave as the sounds of battle echoed through the chambers.  Arminious used magic to enhance the party’s capabilities.  Meanwhile, Katarina pulled out her flute and began playing and singing a taunting song about the werewolf and her slain son.  Enraged, the werewolf stopped tearing into Bathory and charged Katarina.  In spite of the vicious attack, Katarina danced around and continued taunting and dodging the werewolf.  Call it divine intervention, divine favor, fae luck, or esoteric mystery, but suddenly everyone’s weapons were able to harm the werewolf!  She was quickly defeated, and the team was able to take proof of the werewolves’ vanquishment back to the moors. 

The group met with Loshad, and he updated their map with the location of Xitaqa! 

Classic Quest — Game Session — 037

Game summary for April 13, 2021, Classic Quest campaign, Dungeons & Dragons BECMI / RC Edition, for Phoenix Gaming Club. Session included: Bathory Battleblade (Dwarf played by Preston Harmon), Garadal Davster (Halfling played by Parker Harmon), Gordi Alebarrell (Dwarf played by Andrew Renfrow), Katarina Magdanov (Magic-User played by Casey Scruggs), Koehan Rumisar (Elf played by Peyton Harmon), and Lodi Shatterhelm (Dwarf-Cleric played by Chris Harmon). Game Master for this session was Charles Plemons. This was a Roll20 session.

Koehan scaled the valley wall to check out the jackel-headed statue.  He reported back down to the team that he could see a trail winding up to the statue, so the team looked around and found the way up.  Gordi then climbed up the statue and pried two amethysts from its eye sockets. 

The group went into the werewolf lair and looked around.  Soon, they found an unlocked chest and were amazed to find a small fortune in coin and jewels within.  While enamored with their find, the werewolves surprised them from behind.  The wolves tore into the group.  The mother werewolf was driven off by a sprig of wolfsbane while Lodi grievously injured the son.  He realized only Lodi could hurt him, so he pounced the poor injured dwarf and ripped his throat out.  Bathory scooped up Lodi’s magical blade and killed the werewolf while the rest of the team finished off the rest of the wolf pack!